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One day later' disappointment kicks in with a vengeance.

Mark reshared this.

in reply to teufen

167.7 km is tremendous, congratulations! I am jealous in a good way.

Mark reshared this.

in reply to teufen

... disappointment and vengeance that hit you hard only prove how much it meant to you!

It's easy to say this a mere spectator who has often been inspired by your incredible adventures: but just don't be too hard on yourself.

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

teufen reshared this.

in reply to teufen

You know you made the right call to stop. I understand the disappointment, though. It will pass.
in reply to teufen

I followed your dot. I found what you did astonishing.

Often the thing that takes the most courage is stopping when one should. It is always a difficult decision when made and later. But having regrets doesn't mean it was the wrong decision.

teufen reshared this.