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A big part of this false lesson is the fantasized history that serves as its foundation; the stories we've been told and the assumptions we've been conditioned with.

To introduce us to "A new understanding of human history and the roots of inequality" here is the TED talk by archaeologist David Wengrow (link includes transcript):…


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To explore this new understanding further here is a more detailed look at the stories we've been told and who has been telling them:

"How to change the course of human history (at least, the part that’s already happened)"
by anthropologist David Graeber and David Wengrow:…


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Understanding the state of things requires us to understand The State. Here's a crash course:

The State, Our Ancient Enemy…

edited 29 September 2024 to add this helpful thread from @HeavenlyPossum:

What Is The State?…

edited 2 June 2023 to add info about another aspect of state, and another example of accepted narratives that need to be questioned in light of actual evidence. It turns out we can probably thank state for #patriarchy:

How did patriarchy actually begin?…


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Here are two short threads from @HeavenlyPossum on the Labor Theory of Property and John Locke:……


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Let's spend some time looking at Enclosure both historically and as a continuing reality. We'll start with a quick look at one small example of how people organized life on their own just before having it turned upside down by Enclosure:

@HeavenlyPossum on the Irish rundale system of common property:…


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With all the above context in mind let us examine the process of Enclosure.

Here is an introduction to "The Tragedy of the Commons" from @HeavenlyPossum:…


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Here is an insightful, extensive and detailed look at the history of Enclosure in Britain and the so-called "Tragedy of the Commons":…


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@HeavenlyPossum on the enclosure of our roads and car dependency as capitalist rent:…

(for more horrifying details of car culture see this article which fleshes out the statistics very well though it falls short by only dealing with superficial causes and solutions:… )


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on art as an enclosed commons:…


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- An investigation into money, credit, and the social role of landlords:…


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The result of all this has been to force us into a "market society".

@HeavenlyPossum on the imposition of markets and the demolition of society:…


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Here is @AdrianRiskin on the role of state violence in market society:

State Violence, The Diamond/Water Paradox, and an Invisible Axiom of Classical Economics…


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Ok, so capitalism can be a tad harsh 🙄 , but we are told it's worth it because capitalism has "lifted billions out of poverty!" and that even the poor of today are wealthier than kings of old. Let's unpack these claims and take a close look at the concepts of "wealth" and "poverty".

@HeavenlyPossum on Wealth…


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on Poverty…


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on Hunger…


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Let's continue to look at the real results of capitalism, colonialism, state, and the religious rituals of "economics" - environmental destruction, violent coercion and exploitation of humans:

How Colonialism Spawned and Continues to Exacerbate the Climate Crisis…


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Here is @KevinCarson1 on the Victims of Capitalism (note this was published in May 2020, if written now it would also include millions more deaths due to capitalism's failure to prioritize human safety and well-being, throwing us under the bus of the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic in favor of an imaginary entity "the economy"):


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To go off on a tangent for just a moment: we should be clear that we are not going to be rescued by converting our cars to electricity or by switching our current insane energy "needs" to "renewable" sources. Technology will not save us. We are not going to be able to have our cake and eat it too:

The Rising Chorus of Renewable Energy Skeptics
The green techno-dream is so vastly destructive, they say, ‘we have to come up with a different plan.’…

Do I report what I’ve learned about solar PVs - or live with it, privately?…


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Enclosure continues, in the name of "green capitalism":

"‘They Will Die’: Tesla-Linked Mining Project Is Devastating One of the World’s Uncontacted Peoples"…

edited 4 Oct 2024 to add this new essay:
"Green Jobs or Greenwashing?"
Unequal exchange, extractivism, and colonialism in the new energy economy…


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How is it that we are not all rising up against all these horrors? How are so many fooled for so long, scammed into supporting a system that treats us as a resource to be consumed? This is a huge subject worthy of it's own project. Investigate the term "capitalist realism" and Gramsci's concept of "cultural hegemony":

Capitalist Realism (Wikipedia)…

Cultural Hegemony (Wikipedia)…

Ideology: Coercion's Spin Doctor…


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Think about the stories and characters we are presented with in popular fiction, the endless supply of cop shows on TV, the rags to riches stories; examine the many assumptions built-into every aspect of our lives, planted there by institutions both of control and recreation (interesting word that: our engaging in recreation can *re-create* the capitalist program).

For now we'll just touch on this with some thought-provoking examples.

From @AdrianRiskin - Why Are Children Forced To Study Mathematics At Gunpoint?…


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So, if capitalism, state, and other hierarchical power structures are existential threats to humanity and to the biosphere and therefore must be removed, what does that leave us with?



From @AdrianRiskin - "Anarchism isn’t a fantasy and it’s not a political theory — it’s a collective name for whatever forms of society can exist without murder as a political tool"…


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Appendix 2: Prefiguring Degrowth
Confronting Power, Accumulation, and Ecocide

I found this essay to be an excellent overview bringing together many of the same themes presented in this thread, explaining the necessity of an anarchist approach to #degrowth and clearly describing the continuum of hierarchical power structures, #state, #colonialism, #capitalism, #ClimateCrisis and #ecocide. Features solid basic info on #anarchism and #democracy…

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Appendix 2b:
The Climate Movement is Making a Huge Mistake

"Judged by their actions rather than their words, many environmental organizations put more emphasis on sustaining a modern western lifestyle than on sustaining the planet.

They’ve become more focused on what is politically feasible than what is ecologically necessary."

I wish this link wasn't on substack, but I thought it important info and perspective to share!…

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Appendix 4: One attempt to tell a new story

An area in northeast Syria that’s populated by around five million people and is roughly the size of Belgium, Rojava (Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria) is a vision of hope and a daily struggle full of paradoxes. We have much to learn from this experiment and it's history.

Rojava Revolution: Women’s Liberation, Democracy and Ecology in North-East Syria…

Hope and Contradictions: My Year in Rojava…

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"Americans are afraid of many threats to their lives – serial killers, crazed gunmen, gang bangers, and above all terrorists – but these threats are surprisingly unlikely. Approximately three-quarters of all homicide victims in America are killed by someone they know. And the real threat from strangers is quite different from what most fear: one-third of all Americans killed by strangers are killed by police."

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Reformist reforms vs.
abolitionist steps in policing

An informative chart (pdf) breaking down the difference between reformist reforms which continue or expand the reach of
policing, and abolitionist steps that work to chip away and reduce its overall impact. As we struggle to decrease the power of policing there are also positive
and pro-active investments we can make in community health and well-being.…

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Sooooo long ago

read Locke (in depth)

and said:

"this is just bullshit"

but it makes the assholes happy
so you are a suck up asshole pos

@blair_fix @SallyStrange