Senator Ted Cruz is trying to block Wi-Fi hotspots for schoolchildren
Cruz: Hotspot lending could “censor kids’ exposure to conservative viewpoints.”
Senator Ted Cruz is trying to block Wi-Fi hotspots for schoolchildren
Cruz: Hotspot lending could “censor kids’ exposure to conservative viewpoints.”…Jon Brodkin (Ars Technica)
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in reply to BrikoX • •As much as I'm not generally a LTT supporter... he did a pretty good video on this.…
I would love an alternative, more condensed video with a less pretentious nature to it... I have people that believe this shit and apparently I can't come off nice about it. I really try... but I'm surrounded by a lot of non-science crap and it's a trigger for me.
United States | News & Politics reshared this.
in reply to BrikoX • • •Fuckwad trying to water down what the meaning of censorship is. More access to information is not censorship. Not allowing your child to hear any viewpoints beside your own or to learn any information that may be inconvenient to your rhetoric is censorship. Even if his argument is that the school can block stuff like conservative political websites and news outlets, sure, they could. Doubtful they would without good cause, but sure they could. They could also block progressive sites too. But the premise of the program is that these kids already do not have access to the internet at all outside of school currently, meaning they already can't access those sites. Giving them more access does not censor anything.
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