Would you have a drink at lunch and then go back to work?
What would be the acceptability of this in your workplace?
For context, which country and industry are you in?
I guess I'm mainly thinking about professional jobs, but interested to hear from. I think in France it would be quite common to have a glass of wine, even at a work canteen or so. But in the UK it seems like people would think that was a problem, and in a lot of cases you'd be in violation of something at work.
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •Sure, if I'm meeting a vendor for lunch it would be normal. If I'm just sitting at my desk working through lunch like I typically do, it would be really strange to have a drink and I'd probably be reprimanded.
USA, IT worker
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •I work in healthcare in the UK. I don't even drink on week nights let alone over lunch. I agree over here drinking at lunch would probably be seen as a problem.
I think a big part of that is the UK binge drink culture. Most people over here drink a lot in one go to get drunk as the goal.
in reply to Berttheduck • • •Berttheduck
in reply to CheeseToastie • • •CheeseToastie
in reply to Berttheduck • • •skankhunt42
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •Canadian IT worker.
I refuse to drink at work parties. Everyone else does and I get some peer pressure to drink but I don't care. Its normal to see people get super drunk and embarrass themselves which is why I don't even start.
Specifically at lunch, if I'm not driving and others are having a beer I will but only one. If I'm driving, it depends on how I'm feeling.
Working from home I've been known to have a beer or two on a Friday afternoon by my self.
When I left my last job we had a meeting at the end of the day with the guys I got along with and anyone they wanted to invite. There was about 15 people from different departments with their cameras on having a drink or smoking (pot) if they didn't drink as a goodbye. Was a nice goodbye. Lol
in reply to skankhunt42 • • •BCsven
in reply to CheeseToastie • • •CheeseToastie
in reply to BCsven • • •Cracks_InTheWalls
in reply to skankhunt42 • • •I've drank, and got drunk, at exactly one work function in my current capacity. The living hell that was a day of serious meetings with 3 hours of sleep and a wicked hangover/still being drunk has made all other functions water and bed by 9:30 affairs.
Luckily everyone in the meetings had either made the same mistake before, or were functioning alcoholics, so the fallout was just being a pile of misery.
If a VP decides to take everyone for drinks at a club after the official function, at absolute most show up to nurse one drink then leave. Do not be the last one out the door.
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •pdqcp
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •NewNewAccount
in reply to pdqcp • • •pdqcp
in reply to NewNewAccount • • •Tolookah
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •Bieren
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •kersploosh
in reply to Bieren • • •Bieren
in reply to kersploosh • • •cone_zombie
in reply to kersploosh • • •kersploosh
in reply to cone_zombie • • •sasquash
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •Switzerland, IT
Depends on the team. It's not that uncommon in some occasions, for example on a friday, to have a beer when eating lunch in a restaurant.
Very common is the "Apero"-culture. Small festivities after work to celebrate something. Snacks, beer and wine are part of it. Sometimes this can also be during the day and people will continue to work after.
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •I worked in 3 different European countries, in both academia and industry,
While not being common, it's not that rare to take a glass of wine or beer when doing a real-restaurant for lunch break at work. At least for people working in office.
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •IT related to ships and geophysical surveys.
For larger projects, as long as the heavy duty work is out of the way, grabbing a beer or two with the meal is pretty common.
Related story:
We were mobilizing for a project, and I had a real headscratcher of a problem. Work day was over, and we all headed back to the hotel for the evening. We all met at dinner, and I called it "a night" early as I excused myself after a few beers to head back ip to my room.
Project manager, who knew of the issues I was having with the system said something along the lines of the issues being serious when it caused me to be the first to leave the bar. "Nah, I'm gonna VPN in and try something I just thought of"
Yup, turns out it was abgood idea: Misconfigured soanning tree was the root cause, and the fix took 5 minutes. It was fun rejoining the others and Announce that the system would be ready the next day after some cleanup, and all that was missing was a few beers. The Ballmer Peak is real.
Ballmer Peak
in reply to neidu3 • • •neidu3
in reply to Suck_on_my_Presence • • •qwestjest78
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •fuckwit_mcbumcrumble
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •P00ptart
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •RoadieRich
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •I'm currently in a production support role in the US, and I'd never consider it: I work too closely with production operatives that they'd smell it on me. My last couple of role involved programming automated forklifts, so it was strictly forbidden.
Ten years ago I was doing an internship an engineering firm in the UK, and a few times we went out for a beer with lunch. It wasn't exactly common, but it did happen.
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •some_guy
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •Kalon
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •tetris11
in reply to Kalon • • •djsaskdja
in reply to tetris11 • • •tetris11
in reply to djsaskdja • • •ceenote
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •US/Engineer
At my first job, a fairly large firm with a few hundred people, I remember the furtive glances around the table as everyone didn't want to be the first one to order a beer. Once a single person ordered one, several others would too. The boss was fine with it, but nobody did it in front of the boss's boss. We never had more than one, though.
At my second job, a small, new company with 12ish people, it was pretty common. Sometimes someone would bring a six pack to share into the office on a Friday afternoon. Usually, the owners would join in.
At my current job in the public sector, the culture just isn't there. Nobody drinks at all during work hours. I don't drink as much anymore, anyway.
Che Banana
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •Chef/owner & I've stayed away from the 'glass of wine when you cook' because I have grown attached to my fingers. I like to relax when I drink, so it's either when I'm off or after we shut down.
Currently in Spain, probably going to end my career here and drinking is very different from where I grew up.
Lunch is at 9am, and it's common to see people having a beer (followed by coffee)
People tend to nurse drinks, it's a more social thing, and if they get buzzed it's usually low key and don't get too sloppy- however I've seen holiday parties for businesses get everyone wasted....and fiestas all bets are off, lol.
I love it here.
in reply to Che Banana • • •Che Banana
in reply to BCsven • • •tostada and coffee at 730-8
lunch 9-11
comida (brunch) 14h
marinda (sp?) 17-18h (coffee, sweet cake or pastry)
dinner 21-23h
summertime we have reservations up until 23h for dinner
most nights in the summer are English/n. Europeans 19h-21h, then the Spanish hit us.
good times....it's an American BBQ joint so it will be interesting to see how the boycotts suss out....
seriously fuck trump
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •US, audit & tax
Once in a blue moon, on a really nice day, we would get a patio table and have a margarita with lunch. Only if it was a slow work day, like with nothing but webinars scheduled for the afternoon (as attendees, not presenters).
It was not uncommon to see beer in the office fridge during tax season because those folks would be pulling 15+ hour days for pretty much 3 months straight.
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •Sometimes the colleagues crack open a cold one near the end on a Friday or we chill in an office corner as a sort of after-work "party"
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •I worked at one place where boss bought beer and pizza for the whole company for doing well that week. I think shop guys had 1 beer restrictions, for "safety". Us office guys could have more. 2 beer and pizza makes it hard to stay awake at the computer though.
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •I personally don't drink, but my team is all WFH, so I don't doubt at all that there are some that have a beer or two with lunch. Or a glass of wine.
When we have in person events, there's a pretty strict no drinking culture, but once the event is over, usually people will shuffle off to the nearest pub or bar or we've done a board game cafe with booze before.
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •In my previous job I had to travel very often to customer's sites or or other offices
The ones in Germany drank regularly during lunch time. I never felt comfortable to do it since my job was very technical. In one office they even had a fridge full of beers and wines that you could grab freely. I never saw anybody drinking at the office tho
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •Depends on what the boss does, but if I'm the most senior person, and especially if it's a conference or lunch meeting with someone I know well, and the itemized bill isn't required for reimbursement, sure thing. Have many times.
Some older companies have policies in place that define appropriate circumstances under which staff can have 1 drink during duty hours and it not be an actionable offense.
Tiefling IRL
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •kersploosh
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •Product designer/engineer in the US
If the team is going out to lunch to celebrate a special occasion, then a single drink has always been fine in the teams I worked with. I don't partake anymore because it makes me really sleepy in the afternoon.
I worked at one company that hosted a weekly happy hour. I was one of the employees who took turns setting up the kegs in the common room, and pouring drinks during the event. That was a fun place. The extra social time really improved some working relationships. And we got a surprising amount of productive work done just by talking for an hour or two while standing around sipping microbrews and wine.
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •Tower
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •ℕ𝕖𝕞𝕠
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •DoubleSpace
in reply to ℕ𝕖𝕞𝕠 • • •ℕ𝕖𝕞𝕠
in reply to DoubleSpace • • •pr06lefs
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •Botzo
in reply to pr06lefs • • •cituskai
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •I see no problem with a single drink at lunch, specially with your team. It helps you relax and build rapport imo.
At my previous job, my manager would take our 5-6 people team out for lunch and a beer for anyone's birthday and at the end of the year. I miss that.
My current job doesn't allow it, so going out for lunch with co workers is a little more stiff, and so is my relationship with my manager.
Last christmas I had to work during the break with only 1 co-worker, we snuck out and had pizza with a berr. It was great.
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •CalipherJones
in reply to Sequentialsilence • • •philluminati
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •Canopyflyer
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •Used to work for a company that started out as a US startup for IT Services, later it was purchased by a large German company.
During its startup days, you did not dare drink alcohol at lunch time.
After being bought by the German company, you did not dare NOT to drink alcohol at lunch time. Especially if someone from Germany was visiting. They viewed it odd that we had an aversion to drinking beer at lunch.
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •Sadbutdru
in reply to Rayquetzalcoatl • • •tetris11
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •UK/Astronaut
We take a fifth of gin everytime our home country whizzes by, so that's a full glass over the entire workday, and it tends to make the job go faster.
in reply to tetris11 • • •tetris11
in reply to Rayquetzalcoatl • • •Hell yeah, spirits only though since no one's yet found a 'medicinal' reason to bring beer along. I like a bit of Hayman slo gin, we've got some Schadlerer schnapps, and plenty of clear bottles.
Being drunk's pretty much the same but it hits you way faster and passes quicker too, hence why you only do a little bit at a time. No one's vommed yet, but got plenty of towels around for other reasons just in case
in reply to tetris11 • • •tetris11
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •Rayquetzalcoatl
in reply to tetris11 • • •tetris11
in reply to Rayquetzalcoatl • • •Rayquetzalcoatl
in reply to tetris11 • • •VirtigoMommy
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •When I worked in kitchens and bars? Regularly
Now, driving a forklift and using a nail gun every day.. I’ll wait till I get home
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •Forbidden by company policy. Zero tolerance for drugs or alcohol. Federally regulated manufacturing in the US.
I have worked in 6 different manufacturing companies in the US and none of them allow it. Must be a safety and liability thing.
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •OhVenus_Baby
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •Firipu
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •psud
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •IT worker in system analysis and design in the public service in Canberra, Australia.
There's no official policy though many of my co workers believe a lunch time drink is not allowed. I have often enjoyed a couple of glasses of wine or a beer at lunch, have never made a secret of it, and have never been told off or warned by anyone above me
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •Sadbutdru
in reply to Darkassassin07 • • •Darkassassin07
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •Ofc, there's always risk when you're going against company policy/your contract.
I'm not saying I recommend smoking/drinking at work; just that it's not uncommon.
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •UltraGiGaGigantic
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •toastal
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •WhatSay
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •Hyphlosion
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •No. My job depends on results. Alcohol affects my production. Therefore, drinking on workdays is a very dumb thing for me to do.
Edit: Downvoted because alcohol gives me terrible brain fog and I want to keep my job? Alrighty then…
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •Software guy. Most productive/distraction free time of the day is mid-afternoon. Drinking at lunch would just take that zone away and push everything to the next day.
Happy to wait till 5pm, or whenever feels like a good time to do a git push.
Pup Biru
in reply to fubarx • • •alternatively, i’ve found the bulmer peak concept to be entirely real: a drink sometimes helps you to just do rather than spending too much time thinking about if what you’re doing is best… it can help with decision paralysis on the micro scale
that said, you can train yourself out of decision paralysis and as someone gets more experienced this is likely to be less and less helpful
in reply to Pup Biru • • •Pup Biru
in reply to Ajen • • •superkret
in reply to fubarx • • •git drunk
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •doubtingtammy
in reply to That_Devil_Girl • • •MTK
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •daniskarma
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •When I go lunch I go home for the day. I only work in the morning.
So, no need of alcohol to cope with overwork.
in reply to daniskarma • • •umbrella
in reply to daniskarma • • •daniskarma
in reply to umbrella • • •I work in europe in sector that have signed that we only have to work 35 hours a week. So I work 8 to 15 and that's it.
The secret sauce is that we have massive unions. So we have achieve a lot of labor rights.
You should see my desk is full of propaganda of 4 different unions, and everyone desk is the same, Unions are very present in my sector.
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •blade_barrier
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •nutsack
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •andrewth09
in reply to nutsack • • •nutsack
in reply to andrewth09 • • •andrewth09
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •1 (2 max) drinks every once in a long while for a work lunch is acceptable. Depends on how comfortable you are with your coworkers and if anyone else seems willing to drink a beer or two.
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •fishy
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •Sadbutdru
in reply to fishy • • •Drinking white cider in the alley on your lunch break, or going to a toilet cubicle with a bottle of vodka, really projects a different image...
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •GreyEyedGhost
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •I've had white collar jobs where champagne breakfast was a thing, and blue collar jobs with heavy equipment where driving with any degree of intoxication had serious consequences but, surprisingly enough, not necessarily dismissal.
Also, decades ago, I worked with skilled laborers who would have a beer over lunch, and with concrete finishers who would drink a case of beer between 2 or 3 people while working. I feel like concrete finishers used to work for a flat dollar rate plus beer. If there was enough beer, they would stay all night long.
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •NigelFrobisher
in reply to Sadbutdru • • •like this
Nathan likes this.
in reply to NigelFrobisher • • •In my experience manual/ trades would try to finish up early on a Friday to go to the pub, but not have a beer at lunch then go back to work. And in offices it would be frowned on.
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