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Mar 11
Tue 10:37 PM Here

My big sheep costume
Has a cotton ball glue skin
#Flocculent Fuzzy
Is my Tik Tok nom de plume
Like. 👍🏻 Share. ⤴️ My big baaa baaa boom 🐑

#vss365 #haikufeels #tanka #TankaTuesday #prompt #poetry

Greezy billionaires
Stuff their fingers in the till
Bankrupt a nation

#dailyhaikuprompt-till #haiku #prompt #poetry

Mar 4
Tue 10:51 PM Here

What was once shrouded
Has been illuminated
Rich murder primates
Pierce the #penumbra of law
Revert to brute force and spite

#vss365 #haiku #tanka #TankaTuesday #poetry

a bag of hammers
with a dumb damaging clunk
drops on the world stage

#haikufeels #prompt #haiku

public spewed phooey
in a dense fog of hooey
head swine oinks "Sooey!"

#dailyhaikuprompt - fog

Feb 26
Wed 12:44 AM

What looks like sunrise
Is really Diogenes
Holding his lantern
Over our land searching for
An honest politician

#dailyhaikuprompt - sunrise - lantern #tanka
#haiku #TankaTuesday #prompts #poetry

What looks like sunrise
Is really Diogenes
Holding his lantern
Over our land searching for
An honest politician

#dailyhaikuprompt - sunrise - lantern #tanka
#haiku #TankaTuesday #prompts #poetry

raw emotions are
like raw data and raw books
need to cook them first

#haikufeels #prompt


I seen a needle that winked it's eye

#TankaTuesday #tanka #WordPress…