Demand that leaders Cooperate for Canada
Sign this Citizens’ Letter to Political Parties urging progressive political leaders to cooperate during the next federal election.
“Specifically, we urge the [Liberals, Greens, NDP, and Bloc] to identify ridings where the Conservatives are likely to win but not guaranteed – and only run one candidate in opposition.”
Dairy Farmers of Canada
🇨🇦n companies already featuring the Dairy Farmers of 🇨🇦 logo:
#LaVacheĂ Maillotte
100% Canadian Dairy Brands
Brand•100% #Canadianmilk •location
* #CanadianOwned *
#NutriLait #QC
#StoneyBrookCreamery #MB
#CentralDairies #NL
#Baxter #NB
#Birchwood BC
#Blackwell BC
#FoxhillFresh NS
#RockRidge #AB
#SunnySideFarm #Yukon
#RollyMeadow ON
#MaisonRiviera QB
#Northumberland #NB
#GayLea #MB #ON
#GrassRootDairy #BC
#HansDairy ON
#KawarthaDairy ON
#KnoydartFarm #NS
#MillersDairy ON
#Natrel BC
#Ran-CherAcres #NS
#ReidsDairy ON
#SheldonCreekDairy ON
#SlateRiverDairy ON
#TheFarmHouse BC
#Vitala BC
#Scotsburn #NS
#IslandFarms #BC
#OrganicMeadow ON
#Neilson #ON
#Natrel BC
#Hewitts ON
#DDutchmenDairy BC
#Dairyland BC
#HeritageMilk BC
#GoldenGuernsey ON
#LaFromageriePolyethnique (sold as) #LeBĂ©douin #Cedar & #Phoenicia #QB
#Beatrice, #Lactantia, #Olympic •production sites across 🇨🇦