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Demand that leaders Cooperate for Canada

Sign this Citizens’ Letter to Political Parties urging progressive political leaders to cooperate during the next federal election.

“Specifically, we urge the [Liberals, Greens, NDP, and Bloc] to identify ridings where the Conservatives are likely to win but not guaranteed – and only run one candidate in opposition.”

🇺🇸 bénéficient d'un important excédent commercial avec le #Canada, exportant 877.5M $ CA de produits laitiers et important 357.9M $ CA en retour.i Cet accès accru des États-Unis a eu un coût direct pour les producteurs laitiers #canadiens, en réduisant leur part de marché du secteur laitier national🇨🇦”

“🇺🇸 enjoys a dairy trade surplus with #Canada, exporting $877.5 million CAD in dairy products while importing $357.9 million CAD in return.This increased 🇺🇸 = direct cost to #Canadiandairyfarmers, reducing their market share and weakening the stability of Canada’s domestic #dairy sector. “ #DFOC #CAD😡…

Astrid Kendrick, EdD reshared this.