Edmonton Can Swing!
During this Federal Election, vote smart in your area by swinging your vote to the BEST opposing party to the Conservatives!
#edmonton #cdnpoli #cdnelections #canada #Canadian #elections #votesmart #nocons #federalelections #Alberta #cdn2025
#edmonton #cdnpoli #cdnelections #canada #Canadian #elections #votesmart #nocons #federalelections #Alberta #cdn2025
Ending The Vote Split. One Riding At A Time
SmartVoting.ca is a one stop tool voters in Canada can use to see who is the best party to vote for in their riding to prevent a Conservative win.SmartVoting.ca
Demand that leaders Cooperate for Canada
Sign this Citizens’ Letter to Political Parties urging progressive political leaders to cooperate during the next federal election.
“Specifically, we urge the [Liberals, Greens, NDP, and Bloc] to identify ridings where the Conservatives are likely to win but not guaranteed – and only run one candidate in opposition.”