“The #carbontax has added more than 17 cents per litre to #gasoline in most #provinces, so drivers should see an immediate drop at the pump when the new rate takes effect on April 1.
“Households using #naturalgas or #heatingoil can also expect lower monthly bills. A new report by Desjardins Economics predicts the price of natural gas will fall 12.8 per cent between March and April.”
#canada #cdnpoli #cdn
Here's what will be cheaper after carbon tax cut on April 1
The carbon tax has been blamed for making everything from food to fuel more expensive. Here's what could get cheaper after April 1.Ainsley Krienselokker (National Post)
Demand that leaders Cooperate for Canada
Sign this Citizens’ Letter to Political Parties urging progressive political leaders to cooperate during the next federal election.
“Specifically, we urge the [Liberals, Greens, NDP, and Bloc] to identify ridings where the Conservatives are likely to win but not guaranteed – and only run one candidate in opposition.”