37 minutes ago from Protestation •
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2023-06-11 11:27:05
SocialEnglish– @protestation@redspinning.topFrançais– @protestation@soc.redeyes.siteDeutsch– @protestation@friendica.eskimo.comQuotes– @protestation@telleverybody.net
English– @protestation@redspinning.top
Français– @protestation@soc.redeyes.site
Deutsch– @protestation@friendica.eskimo.com
Quotes– @protestation@telleverybody.net
2 hours ago •
stop giving democrats your time, energy, or hope.
anticapitalism is the only way we can survive. the only remaining question is how.
But first, we need millions more people to abandon their support for democrats and all their crimes, genocide chief among them.