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How is your Saturday evening going?

#retrocomputing #eeepc #msdos

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mastodon - Link to source
HP van Braam
@Lydie ohhhh! Thanks! I will try that!
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mastodon - Link to source
HP van Braam
@Lydie the goal of today is to get Windows 3.1 running in 256 color mode. That's PROBABLY too much to ask.
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mastodon - Link to source
HP van Braam
@Lydie I'll try those! I think the OS/2 museum author made one not too long ago, right?
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mastodon - Link to source
HP van Braam
@Lydie Wow! Thank you so much! ❤ I didn't expect a retro fairy today! Onwards to the final destination, then, I think!
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mastodon - Link to source
HP van Braam
@Lydie the well known LS2000 drive. 😄
in reply to HP van Braam

back then we had a saying: "it's not an upgrade unless it ends up running Linux".