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in reply to no_nothing

The sentence really should have been tied to a post in the front row of a Dethklok concert, where his hands are sliced off by the hovering lighting rig laser drones, his gigantic belly ripples against the might of Murderface's bass rig until the skin tidal waves over his face suffocating him, then a portal to hell opens directly in the cavity where his brain should be and sucks his body (inside-out) into a fiery pit of sulphur and flame, promptly ending the Trump reign and starting 1000 years of Dethklok.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to CritFail

I too embrace deathklock as better dictators. I would also accept a dog or a sheep
in reply to theneverfox

One of those drinking bird desk toys would suffice.
in reply to no_nothing

Yup. He can't vote as a felon. But he can be the president. Make it make sense.
in reply to no_nothing

Turns out you can get away with basically anything as long as you have enough power.

I've always thought the US justice system is two-tiered, but never did I think I'd see it so blatantly put on display

in reply to no_nothing

Right, I don't think he'll ever have to pay the half a billion dollars he still owes the state of New York, for example.