This week has been Very Long and very busy. Unfortunately, next week will be even worse.
My day job (a manufacturing plant) is ISO9001 certified. This holds certain expectations, including efforts towards continuous improvement ongoing (I wish), a focus on quality and meeting customer expectations (Production needs to get with the agenda, dammit), and regular internal and external audits.
I'm the lead auditor. This means I set up the audit schedule. I train the auditors. I maintain the files. I do All The Things.
Including being the main contact person when someone comes in to audit us.
There's a rough 3 year cycle where our customers (mostly companies that make medical equipment who are FDA certified) come in and audit us. 2025 is The Year of the Audits, already. It's only gonna get worse.
I had a two-day customer audit this week. One prep day. Two days of Nothing But Audit. Literally. I sit there and answer questions and run around to get files, nine hours each day.
FYI, I'm an introvert. My face literally still hurts from all the Customer Service Smile.
We passed. A couple of minor findings and a few Opportunities for Improvement that we can choose to act upon. Or not. Probably not.
Thurs & Friday have been spent in recovery mode so far.
Next week!
Next week we have our once-in-three-years Certification audit that ensures that we stay ISO certified. That's 4 solid days of auditing, including coming in at 6:00 am one day so that the auditor can talk to graveyard shift.
Today and Mon will be spent in frantic preparation.
And, the reason that I'm Ugh today is that Production, who it will be noted REALLY NEED TO GET WITH THE PROGRAM after twenty-freaking-five years, is casually not paying attention to the quality requirements.
I'm steaming over it. I have no power to DO anything about it, but I'm steaming. It is what it is.
*sigh* I'm so glad its Friday. I'm gonna watch movies and sew seersucker blouses and write smut this weekend.