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So I've wanted to run this game of mine for years. One of the first, iconic, commitments I made, was making this gm's screen. Part of me wants to try to remake it properly but at the same time there's beauty in the flaws and errors.

If I did this again I would get stencils and maybe even laser cut parts. The materials could all be upgraded.

This is a cardboard box that I've cut down to size, and just used some JB Weld/instant apoxy to bond it to some balsa wood panels. The colors are a mix of spray paint to add a brassy/gold color to the wood. Actual dirt, & shoe polish to add some dark streaks. And markers for the different insignia and graffiti. If I recall there's even bits of coffee used to add somw od the splotches. As well as using peroxide and alcohol (seperatly) to weather sections of this.

I hope to get started later this year and put out vlogs and a podcast of the sessions. It will be my first time actually running a campaign. As well as it being a first for most of my players, taking these kinds of roles. So there will be plenty of learning experiences along the way.

The road lays long ahead of us....
