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A long standing monument to peace, unity and friendship between #Canada and #America has now been attacked by America, and shut down. The library that straddles both countries, a show of trust and respect, has banned Canadians from the US side, destroying the trust and friendship between our two countries

"U.S. authorities closing Canadian access to library that straddles Quebec-Vermont border"

#Politics #CdnPoli #Tariffs…

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in reply to Mike. 🩼🇨🇦

Canada should immediately demolish the half of the library that encroaches on our sovereign territory. If the building collapses, so be it. Not our problem. #cdnpoli #USpol
in reply to Chris Moorehead 🇨🇦 🇺🇦

@cjmoorehead While they’re at it, they should frog march every US official involved in airport pre-screening out of Canada.

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in reply to Chris Moorehead 🇨🇦 🇺🇦

No, being constructive would be far more useful. Drag readings of banned books, support all the things they're trying to demolish already.
in reply to Tim Lavoie

@tim_lavoie For that, we’d need to build another entrance, because the main one’s on the US side. However, there might be an emergency exit we could use. Bring on the drag queens!
in reply to Mike. 🩼🇨🇦

JFC who could have imagined the depths to which we would sink? So petty and stupid.
in reply to Gail Parenti

@gparenti By design. Trump is trying to provoke a response. Reciprocate, ban entry to Americans on the Canadian side of the building. Have border patrol secure the line if necessary
in reply to Lazarou Monkey Terror 🚀💙🌈

@Lazarou time to put all the forbidden books on the Canada side, along with "celebrating DEI", "Black Lives Matter" and "Celebrating LGBT+" exhibitions. no. It would radically transform the Photoshop the next time a US politician went there to make a statement. And of course, trying to take down the exhibitions would be an attack on Canadian Sovereignty.
in reply to Steve Loughran

@stevel @Lazarou Mississauga has banned US flag and sarnia, a border city, is considering it. maybe more of that too?
in reply to Mike. 🩼🇨🇦

this is such insane bullshit, and all before I got to visit a place I didn’t even know about. Did the US forget what happened in 1814? Stop fucking with Canada y’all.
in reply to Mike. 🩼🇨🇦

Close the US Entrance, lock the door, brick up the inside & make a new door on the Canadian side
in reply to Mike. 🩼🇨🇦

The level of shear infantile pettiness of the current administration is absolutely immeasurable.

A pox on those that empowered them, and continue to do so.

in reply to Mike. 🩼🇨🇦

I’m not sure a lot Americans really understand how deranged they look, and, how pissed off the ‘Western World’ is with them. #oldfriendsnewenemies
in reply to MelHamnavoe

@MelvilleSpence ya the trope is that Europe hates Americans and it's been that way for decades, so if they haven't gotten it yet they probably won't now...
in reply to Mike. 🩼🇨🇦

it wasn’t really true though, exasperating at times and very often amusing is probably closer.
in reply to MelHamnavoe

@MelvilleSpence but do MAGA nuts know that? Actually do MAGA nuts even know Europe exists?
in reply to MelHamnavoe

@MelvilleSpence oh, we're a fucking embarrassing stain on history, to be sure.

On behalf of the Americans fighting for equality, kindness, and open borders—I'm so sorry for what our country is doing.

And to the Americans who aren't fighting for those things—what the fuck is wrong with you?! Do you want Nazis? Because this is how you get Nazis!


Mike. 🩼🇨🇦 reshared this.

in reply to 🅰🅻🅸🅲🅴 (🌈🦄)

@alice @MelvilleSpence we'll be right there with you to help rebuild when you get the chance. Canadian government is trying to target red states and their manufacturing as much as possible because they're fully aware of where trump nuts are. Hopefully the damage to dem supporters is minimal 😐
in reply to Mike. 🩼🇨🇦

What are they even trying to accomplish here? Seems like a great opportunity for binational mass civil disobedience. To bring attention to it if nothing else. Most Americans, especially MAGAats will never hear about this.
in reply to Mike. 🩼🇨🇦

Because us Americans have been so systematically victimized by… Canadians? MAGA always has been based on grievance politics, but this is so over the top.
in reply to Laura Anna

Civil disobedience generally implies an understanding that you are breaking a law and that you may get arrested or whatever.
in reply to My camera shoots fascists

@My camera shoots fascists @Mike. 🩼🇨🇦 Idk many Canadians who will want to risk petty civil disobedience on the land of the United States of Dictatorship.
But i know some who’d prefer getting snatched over giving the whitehouse another 1814.
in reply to Laura Anna

or vandalizing 80 Teslas like in Hamilton this morning 😁
This entry was edited (2 days ago)
in reply to My camera shoots fascists

@Mikal @happyfamjam to be fair, Hamilton used to be known as "Canada's Detroit" so maybe there was some long pent up anger over electric cars there?? 😁
in reply to Laura Anna

@happyfamjam @Mikal ya they took away the pub culture and replaced it with dance clubs 🤬🤬 or at least they were 20 years ago when I left. I really enjoyed drinking beer in that city!
in reply to Mike. 🩼🇨🇦

This is the same place one of those Republican shitheads stood in a week or two ago, hopping back and forth across the line, giggling "America! 51st state! America! 51st state!".

We should have grabbed her when on our side of the line and booked her for illegally entering the country.

Mike. 🩼🇨🇦 reshared this.

in reply to KChernecky For Democracy

@KChernecky For Democracy @Mike. 🩼🇨🇦 I feel sorry for all US citizens who don’t want this. It’s pretty evident bozo47 is gearing up to lock you guys down in a true dictatorship country, like Russia
in reply to Mike. 🩼🇨🇦

@Mike. 🩼🇨🇦 every day, the USA govt, those who do their bidding, and those who cover their eyes, show us Canadians they’re true Tabernak