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A significant factor in the effectiveness of Western propaganda against China lies in the psychological tendency for people to accept their circumstances more readily if they believe that the situation everywhere else is worse. Even merely considering the possibility that China might excel in a certain aspect opens the door to questioning the superiority of the Western system.
in reply to Yogthos

And China's propaganda targeting its citizens is based on bastardized CONSUMER CAPITALISM and a bunch of shiny shit that will dilapidate just as quickly as the west's did. But the government officials who are SELLING THAT NOW, will be long dead and not available for lynching by the time that dilapidation occurs. The maintaining of that SHINY NEW infrastructure in the long run will cost INFINITELY MORE than it's creation and tank the Chinese economy fershure.
in reply to Yogthos

I understand perfectly. Psychopaths rose to the top and NATIONALISTIC CHAUVINISM is ALL they REALLY have to offer. @yogthos. 100 years. Maximum. Peak oil from ME is calculated at 2040 by Iran. That's the ONLY INEXPENSIVE TO PROCESS OIL. Natural Gas typically follows 50 years later. 90 years until energy panic. Expect an earth destroying war in the Caspian Basin for it.
in reply to Heretical_i

@heretical_i it's obvious that you have no intention of engaging with reality or actually understanding China, you're basically providing a concrete example of what I'm talking about in my original comment.

You've convinced yourself that China is just as bad as the west, and this helps you cope. It's kind of sad really.

in reply to Yogthos

The REALITY IS the necessary materials to maintain that shiny infrastructure wont be available after a not so long on the evolutionary scale period of time
in reply to Heretical_i

@heretical_i if the civilization persists then we will have an abundance of material available to us in space.
in reply to Yogthos

in reply to yianiris


"Who decides whether the improvement of (material conditions) is secondary to man's exploration of space for the specific reason of bringing materials from space to earth?"

The technocrats decide, no matter the sociopolitical system. We DO NOT NEED TO 'mine asteroids'. We need FOOD SHELTER etc.

Your politicians ALL BE LIKE Arms race peace race space race "At the same time, our people grumbled for more nylons and washing machines"… Fuck COMPETITION

in reply to Heretical_i

in reply to 🇵🇸(🧆🏳️)Popolon🐷ᠫᠣᠫᠣᠯᠣᠨ🐎抱抱龙🐉بوبولون🤖🦧

Oil/gas fed powerplants are at best 30% efficient, aside from the CO2/Microparticulate issues involved. 70% of the energy is wasted. That's why Lectric Cars are an environmental nightmare. Nuclear power approaches 40%, but leaves a radioactive mess at decommissioning, other hazards. During hurricane katrina the spent fuel rods at nuclear plants all along the Gulf coast were stored in glorified swimming pools w tin sheds overhead. Guess what happened to the water @Popolon 1/2

yianiris reshared this.

in reply to Heretical_i

@Popolon A year or so ago I read a new material for solar panels was developed bringing them THEORETICALLY to 40% efficient. Energy expended creating that material, described as an alloy, unknown. That's another issue. True costing the overall energy used to create these technological bandaids for a planet's citizens seemingly addicted to oil and the consumer/commuter societies literal!y ENFORCED on them, by people making money on that enforcement. China IS NOT an exception to the latter.
in reply to Heretical_i

China is an exception on the subject, Europe is a bit late on this area, but China is far modern and developed than any other countries on lot of electric production, transport and usage. If you ever travel in China, you will hear the more quiet huge cities due to large part of electric cars, and see lot of (not electrical) solar head water on roofs, lot of photovoltaic panels, windurbines everywhere. Huuuge photopholtaic farms and windturbine in desert area. But desert tend to shrink due to intense tree planting politics to reduce Gobi desert.
in reply to Heretical_i

9 of 10 most powerful electric generators in world are just dams, including several in China. There is no nuclear plant. China has thousands of dam all around the country, with a lot around Changjiang, where lot of huge rains was a big problem for population with floods every years. Beside dams, China has a lot of very efficient and huge wind turbine farms, photovoltaic farms and a very good and efficient electric network. The Europe do the same. There is not so much gaz/oil powerplants In this two areas. Still lot of coil sadly in Germany and China, but tend to reduce with time. Nuclear plants are near (but not too much at the same time) of large cities that consume lot of energy. Depend fresh enough waters of rivers or sea.
in reply to 🇵🇸(🧆🏳️)Popolon🐷ᠫᠣᠫᠣᠯᠣᠨ🐎抱抱龙🐉بوبولون🤖🦧

@Popolon Someone pointed out that mountaintops covered in solar panels, as seen in China, don't allow the natural absorption of water by the vegetation below and cause flooding as rivers of rain slide down the panels and get dumped en masse at intervals created by gaps in the panel's individual installation sites.
in reply to Heretical_i

Don't know where your information come from. I never seen photovoltaic solar panels at mountaintops, and traveled all around China, they are mainly in desert, and on roof top, beside caloric solar panel (for hot water), as said before. There are lot of little sized photovoltaic panels in top of streetlights/roadlights too, with sometimes a mix of wind-turbine+photovoltaic panel.

Mountaintops have windturbine instead, as in most Portugal's mountaintops.

As said previously too, main flood of rivers are in south of central China, and it's long time problem. Building lot of dams, reduced floods a lot in this area, and provide huge electric power.

Sadly whole planet in general have more and more floods in moutains valley, but that's not related to any kind of solar panels at all.

in reply to Yogthos

Chavinism bores me.

China has the last vestiges of the industrial revolution because it makes and sells consumer products to consumer societies whose economies will collapse in short order and take IT'S economy with them. End of oil coming soon and NO VIABLE ALTERNATIVE that doesnt destroy the planet too, in any foreseeable future. They'll REALLY REALLY WISH they never diverged from Mao's worldview.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Heretical_i

@heretical_i seems like the problem will solve itself when western economies collapse. For what it's worth, I too wish that China did not become a consumerist society.

I was very happy living in USSR without consumerism, but sadly many people were not and that system got overturned because people wanted to have shiny things westerners had.

China would've followed the same path as USSR had it not made compromises.

in reply to Yogthos

I was going to say Russia seems to have a saner economic model ... Slower growth and I can tell you when the affluent Chinese (albeit most likely taiwanese) kids show up at the local UC they act very much like the spoiled booshie american kids there. I haven't seen that behavior in the Russian emigres I meet.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Heretical_i

@heretical_i Taiwan's not really representative of the rest of China. Also worth noting that China has been moving away from relying on consumerism as the backbone for the economy. The role of private sector continues to decline.…

in reply to Yogthos

Apropos. Just showed up on my fb tl. China IS stakeholder capitalism with the citizens as ostensible stakeholders
in reply to Heretical_i

@heretical_i China is not stakeholder capitalism. Why do people find it so difficult to actually learn about China. It's not like information is difficult to find. There's this trend of aggressive ignorance within western left where people insist on mischaracterizing China as some form of capitalism and refuse to actually look at the evidence in front of them.
in reply to Yogthos

"The WORLD is a business, Mr. Beale!" You think the chinese economists don't get out their minmax calculators and figure... Seriously. China is IN business, and doing quite well at it too.
in reply to Heretical_i

@heretical_i I get the impression that people in the west can't imagine that anything could be structurally different
in reply to Yogthos

My whole life is as structurally different from the average western industrial human as is possible. I havent owned a tin box with wheels for almost 30 years, by choice. Went from Class A tractor-trailer license to NO class voluntarily. Sick of it. Cars are a SOCIAL DISEASE ISOLATING US FROM EACH OTHER. I live outdoors 365 days a year (the climate here allows it, rarely going to freezing, but I'm well equipped). They call it Homelessness, but THAT is a State of Mind. @yogthos

You were saying?

in reply to Heretical_i

@heretical_i that's just individual action and it's no more meaningful than using paper straws. Individual action cannot solve our problems. What I'm talking about is imagining society being structured in a different way.
in reply to Yogthos

You LIVE Revolution, with an analysis, or you have empty words, hypocrisy, and a cult following a 'leader'. What some MARXIST said in the 1960s about having to be an 'absolute heretic' to have any effect. You WALK AWAY from the dominant society and build your own better one... "singly or in groups" @yogthos The guns and insurrection thingie is IN DEFENSE of that Revolution created. That was the part the Hippies forgot

In Roszak's Making of a counterculture. Too busy to get the pullquote atm.

in reply to Heretical_i

@heretical_i seems like you're talking about yourself there. Anarchists have lots of empty words and vitrol with nothing to show for it. Meanwhile, China continues to improve lives of billions and build socialism.
in reply to Yogthos

Im living the dream @yogthos in the belly of the beast. My whole life has been dedicated to volunteering and mutual aid and I'm sorry your dogma got run over so you resorted to ad homs and denigration.

Ps. "Borders" are the problem, b/c in today's world theyre literally artificial creations. It's ez 2C what happens when they 'undo'. EX-Yugoslavia/EthnicCleansing as people return to land that was birthright and other people have been placed there by economic and other socially engineeed factors.

in reply to Heretical_i

@heretical_i seems like it's your dogma that got run over given that you're the one who started getting abrasive and shitting on what an actual existing socialist state is accomplishing.

Anarchists dedicate their whole lives to finding ways to cope within the horrific capitalist system, but continue to fight with people who suggest meaningful ways of achieving systemic change.

Using purity tests to attack existing socialist projects is one prominent example of that.

yianiris doesn't like this.

in reply to Yogthos

in reply to Yogthos

Here's some REALISM. The world is a business. That's current reality @yogthos
in reply to Heretical_i

@heretical_i the reality that China holds US bonds which allows them to do stuff like this?…
in reply to Yogthos

Collaboration with capitalists🤣 Trade embaros and other bullshit are just red meat for both side's slaves to be indoctrinated with in their me-dee-unhs and affect otherwise possible social relationships with citizenry on both continents.

Speaking of slaves, when WILL Chinese companies be held accountable, like american companies should be, for offshoring their shitwork for the west to sweatshops in other nations @yogthos ?

in reply to Heretical_i

@heretical_i the defining aspect of being an anarchist is shitting on people who are making tangible material improvements in the lives of the global majority while achieving absolutely nothing themselves. Absolute clown shit.

Heretical_i reshared this.

in reply to Yogthos

Any comments from the peanut gallery to @yogthos's denigration of people who are ostensibly #communists, if they actually practice #Anarchism in their daily lives? #Anarchists

Heretical_i reshared this.

in reply to Heretical_i

@heretical_i practising something on individual level is just being a liberal. Communism is fundamentally about collective action. Something an actual communist would understand.
in reply to Yogthos

Sure. Liberal. 🤣 I'm the liberal who gets in cops faces calls them nazis then explains exactly why they are publicly while exhorting folks to do the same when they're harassed. Sure. You misuse the term Liberal discussing my analysis and actions. I'm SETTING AN EXAMPLE FOR MY COMRADES, Dude. Leading, WITH A SOCIALIST ANALYSIS, AND WAY OF LIFE.

So what do YOU do besides code and pontificate about geopolitics @yogthos ?

in reply to Heretical_i

@heretical_i what systemic change have your actions contributed to? Getting in cops faces might be satisfying for you on a personal level, and make you feel like you're doing something, but it doesn't change the direction of travel of the society as a whole.

Meanwhile, I'm not the one sealioning into your threads to pontificate.

in reply to Yogthos

That's not all Ive done guy. You need a laundry list back to when I waz a 14 year old? Really? It also depends on what you mean by 'systemic changes' because that System IS working AS DESIGNED, and CANNOT BE changed. It will COLLAPSE ... Self-Destruct at the hands of the powers that rule , rather than allow change. That global system is CAPITALIST atm, and you're speaking for changing it, not OVERTHROWING it. It is what it is. Destructive. No matter the 'national boundaries'.
in reply to Yogthos

I didn't accuse you of sealioning but you're making a lot of assumptions about the direction my analysis leads, without any historical cites. I'll let Uncle Ho speak for me here. Theory IS NOT the driving force... Patriotism... You know, to community first, then outward, is.

Ho Chi Minh with East German sailors in 1957, Stralsund Harbor Germany.

in reply to Heretical_i

@heretical_i I don't think we have any disagreement on that. Nowhere have I argued against organizing communities and building grassroots power.

What I'm saying is that solidarity with existing socialist states is also important. Even if they don't pass your purity tests. Whatever you may think of China, it provides direct support for socialist projects around the globe. China is the primary reason Latin America is currently shaking off US influence.

in reply to Yogthos

I agree with this entirely, and I know you can't just stop the trajectory of industrial societies, but I do ponder on that riddle, "If we evolved from apes, why are there still apes?". I posit at some point some cohort said GO BACK! THIS WON'T WORK!.

I'm with them😎

in reply to Heretical_i

@heretical_i I appreciate the sentiment, unfortunately capitalist ideology actively seeks to eradicate anything that's incompatible with it. As long is it remains the dominant force in the world, no alternative ways of development will be tolerated.

The only thing I find notable about BRICS is that it's not ideologically driven. If BRICS can succeed then there may be potential for different types of civilizations to emerge going forward.

in reply to Heretical_i

In archeology, industry means a typical production industry in a specific society. We can speak about industrial revolution with coil powered steam machines, but most societies have an industry.


in reply to 🇵🇸(🧆🏳️)Popolon🐷ᠫᠣᠫᠣᠯᠣᠨ🐎抱抱龙🐉بوبولون🤖🦧

FOR a specific society, and usually in it @Popolon. There's a difference regarding who decides what industry in play there. One that helps the society prosper, or one that lets some individuals in it prosper by enforcing industries that furtbet that goal on the society. Car Culture comes to mind immediately, and all the environmental AND SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL mayhem it causes. @yogthos
in reply to Yogthos

@heretical_i western left could learn a lot from movements in Latin America to see how effective organizing at scale works
in reply to Yogthos

This speaks to an industrial society issue. Namely that homogenous societies are the best candidates for Revolutionary social change. Identity and personality politics in industrial society's media prevents their citizens from finding common ground. That's why it's important to find common ground with your neighbors, then build networks of like minded people ...

An example just came to me from my FB feed. Welcome to the first Brit Rainbow Gathering 😎…

in reply to Heretical_i

@heretical_i sure it's what Marx and Engels talk about as well when they say that capitalist mode of production ends up forging the proletariat that ultimately takes up arms against capitalists.

Unfortunately, it turns out that people will accept incredible amounts of abuse before deciding that their conditions are unacceptable.

in reply to Heretical_i

Stonehenge, as most monumental pre-celtic stones things we still keep from French Britain and Britannic islands are generally made for today, winter solstice, to celebrate death. There is often one or as in Stonehenge, a lot of, tumulus, around. There are a lot if Iberic peninsula too.

They are the oldest building we still have on earth, with at least one in Turkey older, and probably some in Syria/Libanon/Palestine currently bombed by fascist and racist Israelis). A


in reply to Yogthos

Venezuela is one of the largest oil producers in the world, being outside the absolute control of US oil trading, gives more states the freedom to break dependence with US.
The problem with economies being dependent on exports to a market under US/UK/FR control, or part of their economy being foreign multinationals extracting/manufacturing/transporting, while depending on debt markets to borrow for "development" .. any move towards independence brings immediate bankruptcy and poverty.
@yogthos @Heretical_i
in reply to Heretical_i

Do you mean that paying taxes are like holding state capital? This is a bit strange point of view to compare things that are only to get financial income, and developing schools, hospitals, gardens, electrical network, transportation and other essential services.


in reply to 🇵🇸(🧆🏳️)Popolon🐷ᠫᠣᠫᠣᠯᠣᠨ🐎抱抱龙🐉بوبولون🤖🦧

@Popolon Taxes ARE 'state capital' afaict. Whether the citizens have a REAL SAY in how that capital gets used is relevant here, but stakeholder capitalism would assume they do. The gist is that for someone somewhere else that kind of capitalism STILL rapes their extractive resources etc. Iow there's no such thing as kinder gentler capitalism
in reply to Heretical_i

state capital is shared capital, private capital at the same amount, is just something that disappear from everyone money system, and rarely come back (because billionnaires just keep money to keep money, and use only a little part)


in reply to Yogthos

But what if the owners in a society with state owned industries still desire things other people elsewhere are raped of to create @yogthos? INTERNATIONALIST socialists would frown on that. Russia and China give Lip Service to internationalist socialism. China, at least, is busying itself with selling its often unwilling citizens a consumerist 'western' lifestyle and it DOES have a cost on smaller nations. Aamof I just saw a piece about Chinese sweatshops making products for Shein... @Popolon
in reply to Yogthos

@yogthos. 'socialism' SHOULD NOT REQUIRE mimicry of other nation's miscarriages. I think its antithetical to socialism to feel one is in a Race... Because it's really a race to the bottom. China and Russia see themselves in COMPETITION with western capitalists, and when you play in that mud, you get dirty too. There is no reason they couldnt simply stop dealing with the US EXCEPT FOR THE FACT it would affect their CAPITAL interest in THEIR economy. It wouldn't collapse you know
in reply to Heretical_i

@heretical_i @Popolon I think you're just doing a lot of projection and yelling at me here, thing is that this argument is pointless because you're convinced of what you believe and based on the information you consume, and it's completely opposite of what I see. There is no way we can convince each other of anything. However, reality will assert itself eventually and we'll see whose beliefs were more closely aligned with it.
in reply to Yogthos

I believe in equality of wealth across all 'borders' that should not exist and have outlived any usefulness to HUMANITY that arrangement MIGHT have had. Thats NOT a strawman argument and is NOT BASED on 'information I consume'. A consumerist Chinese or Russian society is the antithesis of socialist ethics. Russia is not even as much an offender as China. Mao rolls over in his grave. There's still hope for Russia. @yogthos @Popolon
in reply to Heretical_i

@heretical_i @Popolon what you continue to ignore is that you can't just snap your fingers and create a completely different society from the one we have now.

And if you invested even a bit of effort to actually understand China, then you'd see that it's nothing like the caricature you keep painting. Of course, you have no interest in doing that, and you just want to be angry. So enjoy being angry.

in reply to Yogthos

To the first, not only Yes You Can, but it's IMPERATIVE. Problem is... getting the individual to actually DO SOMETHING that EVEN REMOTELY resembles CHANGE in a direction that doesnt fit their narcissistic 'needs'. You HAVE TO SET AN EXAMPLE, or you have NOTHING but #emptywords. Afa 'knowing something about China' I KNOW Mao is rolling in his grave rotflmfao and wondering why he wasted his time just so the Chinese people can have what the Imperialists have. Ie. Consumer crap


in reply to Heretical_i

@heretical_i @Popolon you very obviously cannot because people are products of their culture, environment, and material conditions. This is the part anarchists continue to ignore and why your ideas are incoherent as a result.

You're stuck thinking at individualist level just like liberals are. The reality is that you have to zoom out and think about society itself as an organism.

Using caps to yell at me doesn't make your point any more valid either by the way.

in reply to Yogthos

Blah blah. 'People are what people are.'

The corrosion of the belief that 'things have to be and people have to be as they are, because they are', is literally garbage philosophy and counter-revolutionary. Circular logic @yogthos Anachists do the things Marxist write theory about later, after a lifetime of doing nothing for the most part, or worse, sabotaging movements because 'it isn't the way it's theorized'. 🤣 That was western marxist of the vietnam era. Counterrevolutionaries. Still are.

in reply to Heretical_i

@heretical_i I see reading comprehension is not your forte. 😆

What I actually said is that changing society as a whole is a process, and it takes time for people to internalize new ideas. It's thermodynamics at work buddy.

It's quite telling that anarchism as an ideology exists pretty much exclusively in western imperial core, while actual revolutions have been accomplished by MLs.

Kind of gives the game away of who the real counterrevolutionaries are.

in reply to Yogthos

as an ideology exists pretty much exclusively in western imperial core, while actual revolutions have been accomplished by MLs."

Aren't you embarrassed about having to write completely fabricated crap like that to support your lost position?

in reply to Heretical_i

@heretical_i I'm not embarrassed to state basic facts of the situation. Show me any major anarchist movements outside western countries.
in reply to Yogthos

"major" is a loaded word. What I provide for and think is THE REVOLUTION are FUNCTIONAL COMMUNITIES. Here's one. When the police came after years of community building people came from all over europe in support of them and BURNED THE MOTHERFUCKING POLICE STATION DOWN. That community is STILL thriving. Nothing individualist there.

Just keep waiting for your 'perfect revolutionary 'environment'. Its all good. Just relax in your armchair and stay out of the way.…

in reply to Yogthos

Reiterating Fidel:
"Whoever hesitates while waiting for ideas to triumph among the masses before initiating revolutionary action will never be a revolutionary.

Humanity will, of course, change; human society will, of course, continue to develop--in spite of men and the errors of men. But that is not a revolutionary attitude."

in reply to Heretical_i

@heretical_i nobody is talking about hesitating bud, you're just doing your straw manning as you always do instead of honestly engaging with what's being said
in reply to Yogthos

I'm really sort of busy doing something right now. Advising the local Housing-deprived how to survive and being "camp counselor" to a rotating and varied group of 'social misfits', druggies, alcoholics, psychotics, camping on a local church's property along with myself.

So. What is it that you do that's socially useful, or for that matter in any way revolutionary? Shiting on people who actually DO things doesn't qualify as either... aamof it's easily defined as counter-revolutionary.

in reply to Heretical_i

@heretical_i this is precisely the scope of what anarchists do, coping with the existence within the overarching capitalist hellscape. That's the height of ambition.

Meanwhile, you are the one who consistently slides into my thread to talk shit, but then start throwing a hissy fit when getting called out on your nonsense. A real class act there bud. I don't need to prove anything to you.

in reply to Yogthos

@heretical_i oh and you don't have to take it from me, here's Lenin on the subject…
in reply to Yogthos

Lenin is rolling in his tomb. They're dead words echoing from the 19th century that are no longer useful. Go back to studying the grundisse. Marx was the man. All else were people of their time and nothing more, no matter their accomplishments. Lenin COULD NEVER ORGANIZE modern western workers. Some of your assjack 'marxists' tried that in US factories in the 60s, when they weren't disrupting and SNITCHING ON the antiwar movement, and got the shit beat out of them by the workers.🤣
in reply to Heretical_i

@heretical_i ah yes the analysis from people who actually effected actual social change is not useful, instead we should gobble up drivel from people who never accomplished anything tangible.

Your American exceptionalism is really showing there bud. Love how your think y'all so fucking special there. 😂

in reply to Heretical_i

@heretical_i not being a lib, I understand that social change isn't gonna be done by any single individual. It's a product of social conditions and the working masses developing class consciousness. Another thing actual communists understand.
in reply to Yogthos

@heretical_i @Popolon it's equal parts amusing and depressing how anarchists end up internalizing capitalist realism just the same way liberals do, but it ends up being expressed in a different way.
in reply to Heretical_i

@heretical_i @Popolon nah, I'm not projecting anything. I just realize that social change is a process and it doesn't happen instantly. I realize this is a difficult concept for some people to wrap their heads around.
in reply to Yogthos

Right. Im involved in the PROCESS of LIVING a revolutionary life. Not waiting around for someone else... A CHARISMATIC 'Leader' to tell me what I already know needs done to do that.
@yogthos @Popolon
in reply to Heretical_i

As on all countries there are consumerist and non-consumerists people, that's not a matter of country. At least China push to use collective transportation and infrastructure, and develop it a lot. People still need to eat and so consume food everydays too. I'm not sure about which aspect of China you qualify more consumerist than mean of other countries?


in reply to Heretical_i

This is really a stupid point of View, you project on Chinese society what you see around you, without never had been in China. You already said there was solar panels on top of mountains and this cause problems like flood. Never seen any solar panels in top of mountains, just in flat desert and small ones in top of light poles or buildings. All sort of things you said come from far right news paper, think tanks or from nowhere. I really lost my time with you...


in reply to chilly branzino ☭ (final notice)

The whole Prisoner series is on YouTube for free if I recall correctly. The overarching theme was you cant trust anyone. Patrick Mc gouhan must have sensed something about the brit secret service he DID NOT LIKE while doing Danger Man/Secret Agent. The studio refused to produce it so he did it with his own money ... It was a small weather balloon that chased you down if you tried to escape @Nimbius666 @Popolon @yogthos
in reply to Heretical_i

Warning, there is a US remake of "The Prisoner", but it lost all interesting aspects of the original one, and is just totally stupid and uninteresting, couldn't look at it for more than 10 minutes. Looked several time the British series.


in reply to Heretical_i

in reply to yianiris

Africa too rely on hand agriculture, and probably lot of other countries. Large indusrial agriculture fields start to fail a bit in Europe, but still have some years to work. They just miss some water, dry rivers and help to make huge floods 1 to 2 times a years, as non-living soil doesn't drain water as living one.


in reply to Yogthos

Would Taiwan be under control of the invading Chinese if it wasn't for the US passing it on to the emperor in 45 then supporting this pseudo country against the will of the natives?

Taiwan is purely a product of US imperialism and anti-communism. The native revolutionaries were aiming for a democratic government and redistributing land equally among the natives. Instead, what they got was a racist military regime, treating the indigenous Taiwanese as slaves, that lasted for decades while all resources were sucked by a few families in the proximity of the exiled emperor. Before Japan's surrender in 1945, Taiwan was under a Japanese occupation.

"A developed country"

@Heretical_i @Yogthos
#taiwan #china #japan #ww2
#European Imperialism

in reply to Yogthos

Remember the story I wrote that got me banned from the environazi mastodon server?
Where you run an electric generator with fossil fuel, roll 400mi of wire round trip to a plant 200mi away, charge a battery and then go drive/ride you e-vehicle, and this is perceived as efficient and "clean" since the pollution is 200mi away? That is how much sense e-vehicles make, as in most parts of the world 85% of electricity is made from fossil/organic fuel/burning.

Some marketing idiots sell the lie of how efficient electric plant steam generators are, because unlike your car or small generator they can contain heat and make the most out of mechanical energy. Partially true, but mechanical to electrical still lags, then you have tremendous losses of power during the transport, resistance, transformers, (all producing heat/noise) ...

If you have been in a forest with very high powered lines going through you know that is the only thing you hear, not birds or roaring water.

in reply to yianiris

@yianiris outsourcing pollution away from where people can see it, has basically been the main action in Europe. There's no holistic understanding of the problem, it's just shuffling deck chairs on the Titanic.
in reply to yianiris

in reply to 🇵🇸(🧆🏳️)Popolon🐷ᠫᠣᠫᠣᠯᠣᠨ🐎抱抱龙🐉بوبولون🤖🦧

There is little to compare in environmental destruction after huge dams and industrial agriculture. Open-pit mining comes as a distant third.

In the world's largest natural habitat of salmon the US has built 5? nuclear powerplants (Columbia river) but they say radioactivity is well below "safe levels"

Only Iceland is more volcanically active than this area.

But US oil/auto industries will have you believe that electric vehicles are the solution.

@Popolon @yogthos

in reply to Yogthos

in reply to yianiris

Palm oil, in Indonesia, disparition of the hominidae the nearest from human, the orangutan. All biofuel use palm oil, and in smaller part a great part of food industry.

As China and Vietnam, rejected all 'recycling' plastic bottles of Europe (mainly Danone and Nestlé groups for their water, than local people can not drink from river anymore in France), and Coca/Pepsi in USA, with same problems in several countries. A large part goes to Indonesia too, or some African countries, or 5th (6th?) continent in pacific.