It's #BlackHistoryMonth, and in 2024 I'm reflecting on the fact that although I've known about Walter Rodney and his seminal work "How Europe Underdeveloped Africa" for years, it wasn't until I started reading it last year that I found out that Rodney was assassinated by his own Guyanese government in a car bombing. He was 38.
I'm obligated to point out to fellow white people, in case you missed it, the trend of white people lionizing a heroic Black person in a show of solidarity while studiously ignoring the vicious violence enacted against that person by the powers that be.
Also, Rodney was banned from Jamaica and from his teaching position at the University of the West Indies in Mona, Jamaica. This caused protests that escalated to riots in Kingston in 1968. Part of the wave of protests that swept the world from that year to the next.
Anyway, please read Rodney.
And/or about Rodney.…
#books #history #histodons #WalterRodney #Guyana #CaribbeanHistory #PanAfrican #Marxism @histodons
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Leonard Peltier granted clemency…
#leonardpeltier #prison #clemency #biden #nativeamerican #indigenous #humanrights #fbi #racism #woundedknee #aim
Indigenous activist Leonard Peltier granted clemency by President Biden
The outgoing administration has released Leonard Peltier from prison. Numerous activists and tribal officials have requested the release of Peltier, whom they believe to be innocent of killing two FBI agents in 1975.Allison Herrera (MPR News)
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Noncooperation Statement
A draft of this statement was first adopted by the Firestorm Collective on 1/20/25. It is widely known that Firestorm advocates for a world without prisons or policing, and does not look to those institutions to resolve conflicts or create
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## Fediverse the ultimate neoliberal social engineering experiment…
#Fediverse #mastodon #marxism #anarchism #libertarian #Communism #neoliberalism #fascism #censorship #diaspora #friendica
diaspora* - Sign in
diaspora* is the online social world where you are in control.diaspora* social network
Fediverse the ultimate neoliberal social engineering experiment
Fediverse the ultimate neoliberal social engineering experiment Where private ownership provides absolute freedom and lack there of is a sentence to #slavery and submission to masters Before you execute the messenger just consider a scenario then be …diaspora* social network
yes it's fixed, and here's my opinion:
I've experienced once the deletion of a post which was about vaccines a long time ago, it was from a claiming from a user of another instance I'm on. I get the point that in all servers there are rules by owners, some more permissive than others, the respect is the only and common one. also I've observed that many users here have leftist points of view in many topics, when was the US elections, mastodon was insoportable, but I know it's impossible all people have my way of thinking. even though I don't think it is a complete social engineering experiment because we have the choice of being an owner running our instance or changing to another one with the minimum premise of respect. I've not tried diaspora yet, but certainly I've considered other spaces like the social media "minds" which is also federated where I post even more sensitive things than here in mastodon.
If people can and there are no consequences because of their action they will, not everyday and everytime they disagree but they will. It is also quicker and easier to just delete content and authors than have to reason and debate about a disagreement. And I am not talking about clear violations of the few stated rules, I am talking about unimagineable source of disagreement.
Then if some make noise about it there is coersion and blackmail to other servers, "remove that user and his content or we will drop you from out federation club" .. to which pressure the smaller younger server aspiring to be part of the "majority" caves in to that pressure instead of supporting a user. In many cases this happens without even examining the content of where the 'strike/violation/offense' took place.
This is a broad problem, many just get silenced, disappointing, and return to corporate land where they enjoy 'more freedom" than this malicious dictatorship. Some learn to be more obedient and passive, more polite about it.
Freedom under private ownership of others is tyranny
You must have heard the saying, "I agree with what you are saying but I will die fighting for your right to say it"
Here we live like in a Chilean democracy, where they might agree with what you are saying but they can make you vanish anyway because they can.
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correction ...
"... I disagree with what you are saying .."
I don't see how you take this escape so lightly, "if you don't like it you can become an owner yourself, or find another owner to be a guest at" ...
This is not at all the issue here, that there is no existence beyond private ownership and what it means socially is the issue.
Imagine the streets infront of the capitol/parliament/palace being "private" and you had to pay tolls to protest but if the owner doesn't like your face you don't get to protest ...
Why is this principle so hard to convey ... ooiii...!!
🤔 and what about if the admin or a moderator feels extremely insulted just by a complete opposite post or opinion, (that's a point on the original post from diaspora)... should they deliberately delete or ban accounts just for being the owner of the instance? should everyone and each one be an owner to avoid censorship?
It also happens if a non-US native speaker is not current in the latest PC etiquette, or what the dominant pseudo-environmental protectionist lobby tolerates as scientific facts.
The intolerance of m-l Marxists to denounce and erase any "un-orthodox" views on their holly scripts (lemmies) interpretation is also a source of agony.
Then we have "anarchists" convinced on "label" level theories, communism=lenninism and enforce anti-communism.
Intolerance everywhere
Ownership of a server means that it is much easier and tolerated to delete content and/or the author than debate over a topic. This is why #fediverse appears more intolerant to difference than commercial services who only care about doing a job.
If the model worked we would see more servers and more people, what we see on stats is more servers going off the air than new ones. No attempt to organize and set rules beyond "private ownership".
Vaccines in specific is something I stayed away from, not all vaccines are good/bad and everyone should make an educated choice on one.
You are also making the assumption that servers going down at such high rate is because of experimentation. All I see is a steady decline, when all advocates keep saying get your own server
Nearly exactly, most respond with "get your own server" to solve your individual problem, when the problem is collective it is not an individual one.
Because of what you explain, expression and communication in fediverse is under the boot of "individual ownership" and discretion. Skewed and distorted just as a pseudo democracy is.
HOW can there be a collective body/agreement to end this dictatorial rule of the "majority"
True revolution will never stop, there has to be continuously a revolution within the revolution. The moment you get comfortable with your achievements you become just another reactionary force against change and maintaining a status quo. 1917+0.1s
#Fediverse may be a good step for something better, but discussion for the better should take place in #fediverse, not be banned, for the sake of defending #fediverse
Fediverse the ultimate neoliberal social engineering experiment
Fediverse the ultimate neoliberal social engineering experiment…
#Fediverse #mastodon #marxism #anarchism #libertarian #Communism #neoliberalism #fascism #censorship #diaspora #friendica
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Today in Labor History January 19, 1932: A General Strike turned into an anarchist insurrection in Alt Llobregat, near Barcelona, Spain. Armed miners and textile workers, members of the CNT, declared "Libertarian communism," including the abolition of money and property. The revolt quickly spread to other nearby towns. They cut telephone lines and replaced Republican flags with the red and black CNT flags. By January 27, the authorities had quashed the rebellion. They deported hundreds of rebels to African colonies. The detainees included Buenaventura Durruti, who would later lead the Durruti Column of anarchist soldiers against the fascist armies of Francisco Franco.
#workingclass #LaborHistory #anarchism #spain #civilwar #antifascism #fascim #generalstrike #cnt #durruti #revolt #rebellion #communism #antifa #antifascism #barcelona #miners #rebellion
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As we reflect on the past year, remember the food industry workers who make it possible to have food on our plates, and their struggle against oppression and exploitation.…
#union #wobblies #iww #restaurantworkers #labor #restaurantlife #workers
Food Fight: January Edition
2022, from the IWW Dill Pickle Campaign. Throughout history, working class people have stood up and fought back against oppression and exploitation in the food system. Each month, Food Fight docume…Industrial Worker
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Today in Labor History January 1, 1804: Haitian slaves, led by Jean Jacques Desalines, declared independence from France, making Haiti the first free black republic in the world. The U.S. refused to recognize Haiti for the next 70. France extracted millions in restitution, destroying any hope of ever moving out of deep poverty. The slave revolt against the French began in 1791 with the call by Dutty Boukman, a vodou priest. Toussaint L'Ouverture led the revolution. (For a really great history of the Haitian revolution, please see the “Black Jacobins,” by C. L. R. James)
#workingclass #LaborHistory #haiti #Revolution #ToussaintLOuverture #boukman #slavery #books #author #writer #nonfiction @bookstadon
Today in Labor History January 1, 1994: The Zapatista Army of National Liberation began twelve days of armed conflict in the Mexican state of Chiapas. The Zapatistas are a libertarian socialist political and militant group made up of mostly Indigenous People that now controls a substantial amount of territory in Chiapas. They have been nominally at war with the Mexican state since 1994. However, in recent years, they have focused more on civil than military resistance.
#workingclass #LaborHistory #zapatistas #mexico #revolution #socialism #chiapas #indigenous
OpenAI whistleblower found dead in San Francisco apartment
A former OpenAI researcher who raised concerns about the company is dead at 26.Jakob Rodgers (The Mercury News)
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When people write with their full name and professional identity, express whatever views they are willing to defend as such legal entities.
When they use a nickname they are doing so because "sharing" ideas is more important than defending their ideas as "property".
Unlike google, "f", X, etc, we expect and hope that this practice in fediverse is respected by the server owners.
So pointing fingers on who in real life is every nickname and acct. is either naive or suspect!
ICL-CIT: **CNT strike stops production! Hundreds join the picket lines!**
"Litera Meat is one of the largest meat processing plants in Spain and possibly in Western Europe. It is located in the town of Binefar, in the Northern province of Huesca, and it is one of the main centres of economic activity in the region. The sprawling complex employs a workforce 1800 strong. CNT called […]"
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The end of linux-kernel as free software we trust – war on FOSS revisited
Open discussion on whether linux continues to be free software or a recruited tool in the hands of Nationalists instigating war and imperialist domination
Should the user make a wise and educated choice whether to follow development of this non-Free fork linux has become?
The end of linux-kernel as free software we trust – war on FOSS revisited
#linux #foss #gnu #russia #war #free software
The end of linux-kernel as free software we trust – war on FOSS revisited
Basically the article aims to help some of you decide on your own when and which kernel is the last “safe” kernel to use. In the bottom of this article is relevant release dates of lts…systemd-free linux community
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Sally Strange
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in reply to Sally Strange • •Many decades ago it was enlightening to read this and place US racism under a more theoretical perspective. I had seen him speak once, he transmitted honesty in a world of fakes and pretends.
His book was on a list of textbooks on a Sociology of race and ethnic relations class by Fred Pincus. Although I believed and had a tendency of the ideas in the book and class, the experience empowered me to act on the ideas and not keep them inwards just for personal enrichment.
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