You are just being offensive here to avoid rational arguments and the debate in total. Communism by the way is not the private property of Marxist Leninist vanguards, nor did the proletariat ask them to be the guard dogs of communist orthodoxy.
In many ways both Leninism and Maoism are reform capitalism, exchanging one ruling class for a managerial/political party elite, while keeping the structure as capitalist as any. That would make libertarian communists the only true "communists" since they denounce exchange and propose the replacement of all forms of exchange with collective relations. The true revolution that leads to communism.
Producing Lada's and Jastava to export and exchange for French perfume, or toys for the elite of the party is not that far from what US capitalists do. And they were doing so by suppressing human rights of the workers, while keeping the potential standards of living low. Pol Pot may had been right about one thing. 99% of communist party elites, especially those of European or N.American origin, would have been shot right between the eyes. Because they truly became the blood suckers of the workers they were misleading. And look at them now!
How can those people ever read Marx & Engels and get it so wrong? How can you avert from reconstructing capitalism when you replicate bit by bit every social structure capitalism ever developed. The university, or education system in general, 100% capitalist, the health system/hospital industrial model, the centralization of administration of all "public" affairs? Even police and armies were organized as carbon copies of capitalist ones. Industry? You can replicate a Ford plant but leave Ford out and that is anti-capitalism. WRONG! You replicate the plant you created capitalism. Who ever controls and manages the plant is THE CAPITALIST!
The only reason Ford created the plant was to produce profit. Why did the Soviets produce Lada Volga and Stolichnaya? Why not have each commune district dictate what they need manufactured and organize their own manufacturing to address their own needs? Because those decisions are made and controlled centrally, at air conditioned offices like those in NY, London, Paris. I know DC is the capital officially, but the true Kapital is NY!
@heretical_i practising something on individual level is just being a liberal. Communism is fundamentally about collective action. Something an actual communist would understand.
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