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Via a follower at Bsky:

I'm all for it, and have been for years. @willbunch has called for this in multiple columns, and yet it got nowhere.

Let's hope this time it takes hold.


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in reply to Laffy

Let’s actually DO THIS!!
Play a game, go for a walk, read a book.
Let’s GOOOooooo!!!
Shit it all down!

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in reply to RiaResists

Ria, did you see T mobile is now part of Musk Starlink. Musk is tracking people's phone calls and personal info, credit cards ect.

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in reply to Laffy

the sooner something like this happens, the better. The two emperors need to receive a clear and thunderous response from the American people. Shut it all down.

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Unknown parent

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@FediWouter We don't need them. This clearly isn't targeting Trump supporters.


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@FediWouter I doubt it, but I hope so. Most would find it too painful to admit they were wrong. @willbunch
in reply to Laffy

even if you can’t do it all, or not all the time, do what you can, as often as you can, for as long as you can.

Death by a thousand cuts is still death.☠️

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in reply to ⠠⠵ avuko

@avuko This is why I'm on a permanent #SpendingStrike in which, as far as possible, I avoid, redirect or postpone any spending that goes to the corporations that are killing us all.

I've also seen a call for a #BuyNothingDay on Feb 28. There's room for all sorts of different plans.

Things like this offer individual side benefits (e.g. delicious homegrown food, or money spent on a beautiful piece of local art instead of on an over-engineered appliance) that exist independently of the core objective.

Lojie reshared this.

in reply to Laffy

AKA The Ides of March. Historically not a great day for presumptive dictators.
I'm in!
in reply to Dr. Joanne Klein


If we learned anything from Greta and the various Eastern Europe protests, it takes sustain and regular protests to keep from being ignored.

A shutdown every two weeks until the #AmericanClownEmperor resigns, or at least behaves normally, could work ...over about a year.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

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in reply to Dr. Joanne Klein

If you haven't heard, there will be an economic blackout Febuary 28th, nationwide. This means don't buy ANYTHING unless it's from a small business: No gas, no fast food, and definitely nothing from places like Target, Walmart, or Amazon. Get the word out!
We want THEM to see that WE have the power. We will start with 1 day, then 3, then specific companies until our message is heard.
Please spread the word!
Thank you!


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in reply to Laffy

i have seen one for 2/28 as well. To avoid confusion, let's all do both
in reply to Laffy

on a Saturday, I’m so in. But I generally do zero on Saturdays anyway 😆
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
@bbelton @MisuseCase @darylgibson
? The logos are different from what I can see. And they left out the THE. I think they were being original and didn't realize there even was a "The People's Voice"
Unknown parent

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@Remittancegirl ONE day won't get someone fired if they call in sick. ONE day. @wjd @willbunch
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Madeleine Morris
You know... if shame is what you're worried about, you're worried about the wrong thing.
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Will Denny (he/they)
@Remittancegirl keep in mind, for a lot of people, not going to work even one day means losing their job and not being able to pay rent or feed their families. Events like this are fine, but shaming people who can't risk everything for it is not helpful.
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
@Remittancegirl Correct. If it's truly impossible, of course they shouldn't. But when the entire democracy and country is at stake, one would think most people would do ANYthing to save their own necks. I don't understand the resistance/reluctance either. @wjd @willbunch
in reply to Laffy

These things make a huge difference and I wish people would use their collective power more often. I hope this happens.
in reply to Carolyn

@CStamp Agree. I can't understand the low interest... I expected more boosts.
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source

@wjd @Remittancegirl Sigh. No. And you failed to read my other replies.

I shamed nobody. But you are right now.


You clearly don't follow me or read my posts.

I followed up by saying, if it's impossible to miss a day, then of course, but most can miss a day. This is our entire existence/democracy we're talking about here. Sadly, we need to take risks we'd never take. & clearly I'm not asking anyone who can't to do f'ing anything. BACK OFF.

Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
@AbiNormal I simply said that people work on Saturdays too. How is that "jumping down" her throat? She's a good pal of mine. @Edelruth
in reply to Madeleine Morris

@Remittancegirl @GottaLaff @willbunch
Geeze, I'm glad I didn't post that it's a Saturday, which I was going to, in case someone got their dates wrong, because obviously a shutdown midweek would have a greater effect. I'm retired, but when I worked it was M-F. Sometimes people (I'm neurodivergent) are just trying to be helpful, not nefarious. Y'all didn't need to jump down their - @Edelruth - throat for making a comment!
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source

@Edelruth I sure hope you didn't think I was doing that! My comment was benign.

@Remittancegirl @willbunch

Unknown parent

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@wjd I didn't mention you. I wasn't even thinking of you.

And that's it. Last straw.

Now I'm blocking you.

@Remittancegirl @willbunch

Unknown parent

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@su_liam Because people can't afford to miss work that long, I'm guessing. It wouldn't be effective. @AbiNormal @Remittancegirl @willbunch
in reply to CuriousDee

@AbiNormal @Remittancegirl It doesn’t have to end on Saturday. Keep it up through Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, as long as you can. How long until the economy tanks? Repeat whenever possible.
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
@bbelton I know. I wish things were more organized, properly. @MisuseCase @darylgibson @willbunch
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source

@stib Americans do not say, "Let's have our election on a Tuesday." Most would rather there be a holiday or a weekend vote.

This was a law passed ages ago for reasons that made sense then. Not now.…

As for Saturday, guessing they thought it would be a safer choice for the first effort at a general strike. Fewer people w/ jobs at risk. I see nothing wrong with that.

Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
@stib Nonono. So more people won't put their jobs at risk. I said that in the reply
in reply to Laffy

This may sound selfish but I’m a teacher (there are a lot of us) and taking a day off is a giant pain. Someone has to work if we call out. Doing this on a Saturday means we can skip spending and participate.
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Toni Aittoniemi

@Remittancegirl @AbiNormal Are you sure it’s not a plant?

It would also get people to think they’ve done enough and not do more?

You should think you’re dealing with nazi trolls behind every corner now, with the techniques of oldtime soviet spies.🤔

in reply to CuriousDee

I think the idea was to try it the first time in a way that wasn't asking most people to risk much.
in reply to Laffy

Sure, why not? But why a weekend? Doesn't sound serious from the get. Why not a week, begining with a Monday?
in reply to RADman11

@RADman11 Because they chose Saturday. you want a Monday? Then be proactive and set up a second general strike. We’ll need more than one.
in reply to Laffy

"because they chose Saturday I want Monday"? No actually I want any week day at all because it will have a much larger economic impact and because common sense would tell anyone that thought about it that Saturday is a lame fucking choice. That would be why. Why all the fucking attitude over such an innocuous comment?
in reply to RADman11

@RADman11 Uh, because of what you said? “Doesn’t sound serious” 🤦🏻‍♀️

I don’t care which weekday you think is right or wrong, this is already underway. We need to support it, not bash it.

NO day is a “lame choice.” EVERY action is a good one.

If you’re not happy with it, like I said, organize another one. We need it. We need a lot more of it.

And speaking of attitude, maybe rethink your own choice of words.

See ya.

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in reply to Laffy

I'm in. For what that's worth. I'll spread the word as much as I can.


in reply to Laffy

question from abroad: do you have goals?
Do you just want D. gone?

Or do you want other stuff?
Like reforming your voting system?

in reply to Steffi the Redhead

@fuchsi It’s not just him. It’s Republicans. Should he leave office, MAGA still exists, his entire Cabinet still exists.

No, we have to fight fascism, not a man. Voting rights are only one of their targets.

in reply to Laffy

so what's the plan? The country is shut down. And then what?
in reply to Steffi the Redhead

@fuchsi ? I don’t understand why you’re asking me this.

If you continue to disable and w/hold, it gives us leverage as a people.

Please look up “general strikes”

in reply to Laffy

I thought there was some agenda I wasn't aware of yet. It sounded fancy.
Yes, a general strike is a good idea.

(Just make sure there is a plan for afterwards. Or if it fails.)

in reply to Laffy

The client here is giving me grief. I saw you mention that you thought both were OK and dropped a note there.
in reply to ohmrun

@ohmrun Yes, I did say both are okay.

I’m confused. Did you have a problem with what I said?

in reply to Laffy

With reports the other day of demonstrations that weren't known about by the locals (and the warnings and all), I wondered, and flagged it up without doing enough reading.
in reply to Toni Aittoniemi

@gimulnautti How is it a plant to call for a general strike on ANY day.

If people want a different day, then organize a second one.

Take the win, people. General strike is a win.

@Remittancegirl @AbiNormal @willbunch

in reply to Laffy

Don't just share it here in Mastodon then. Print it and post it around your community. Send it to your friends. Posting about it on the Mastodon, echo chamber IS NOT ENOUGH.