Ancient and Medieval Coins reshared this.
Can you create posts from Lemmy?
If you can, this will show up.
Ancient and Medieval Coins reshared this.
in reply to EvilCartyen
You actually can - that's pretty neat!
edit: Although this reply doesn't show up on lemmy!
Ancient and Medieval Coins reshared this.
Trying to create a community group...
...and this is supposed to be it. Still figuring out how this stuff works 😀
Carsten Boll likes this.
in reply to Ancient and Medieval Coins
So I guess I succeeded in creating the group - now, the big question, how do I post to the group?
Ancient and Medieval Coins reshared this.
Carsten Boll
in reply to Carsten Boll • •Ancient and Medieval Coins reshared this.
in reply to Carsten Boll • • •EvilCartyen
in reply to Carsten Boll • • •