Hey Friendica users! There is now a Friendica app called Raccoon available in the Google Play store:
➡️ play.google.com/store/apps/det…
It's also available on F-Droid:
➡️ f-droid.org/packages/com.livef…
As well as Friendica, the app is also compatible with Mastodon and Glitch Mastodon.
Friendica is a Fediverse platform so you can follow and interact with Friendica users from Mastodon. If you've never heard of Friendica and want to know more, have a look at fedi.tips/friendica-a-flexible…
Raccoon | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository
Unlimited social: write as much as you want and enrich posts with formattingf-droid.org
Cătă likes this.
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Hei, maailma!
Tämä on ensimmäinen Friendica-julkaisuni ikinä. Kirjoitan sen siksi, että yllättäen ja pyytämättä sain sellaisen seuraajan, joka on joku muu kuin minä.
Rekisteröidyin tänne testaillakseni tämän ominaisuuksia (niin kuin ilmeisesti tämä ensimmäinen seuraajanikin 😉).
Hieman aktiivisempi olen tuolla toisaalla: @Heikki Piirainen
Joanna Oja (viu) likes this.
Haa! Jos leikit ja testailet näiden eri Fediverse-palveluiden yhteyksillä, niin arvostan kommentoitia mikä toimii ja mikä ei. Huomasin, että ihan suoraan ei aina näe mistä on jaertu, joten se kannattaa mainita.
Androidissa Raccoon appi kuulemma osaisi sekä Friendican että Mastodonin, otan kohta tutkittavaksi.
Heikki Piirainen likes this.
Alper Çelik
in reply to Fedi.Tips • • •Fedi.Tips
in reply to Alper Çelik • • •Guessing that might be a result of Google Play's weird rules?
Google Play and Apple App Store have very odd rules regarding federated social networks. Big tech app stores assume all apps will only be designed for centralised networks, and the rules make no sense for decentralised networks. They may require the app maker to take responsibility for content.
(Weirdly these rules don't apply to email, but I guess that is so common already that they don't want to exclude it.)
𝔻𝕚𝕖𝕘𝕠 🦝🧑🏻💻🍕 likes this.
𝔻𝕚𝕖𝕘𝕠 🦝🧑🏻💻🍕
in reply to Fedi.Tips • • •@Alper Çelik
Melissa BearTrix
in reply to Fedi.Tips • • •I just downloaded it ... It's having issues logging into Facebook.space ... It goes to my instance and then says operation successful {?} ... And goes back to the login page
Hugz & xXx
Edit ... Sorted out, I had to remove the app as a connected app, and reconnect ... All good now
𝔻𝕚𝕖𝕘𝕠 🦝🧑🏻💻🍕 likes this.
in reply to Melissa BearTrix • • •@MelissaBearTrix
I think one of the developers is @dieguitux8623 so maybe they can help?
Melissa BearTrix reshared this.
in reply to Fedi.Tips • • •|/|/i!!i@/|/|
in reply to Fedi.Tips • • •Fedi.Tips
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in reply to Fedi.Tips • • •Fedi.Tips
in reply to Fedi.Tips • • •p.s. A couple of questions answered:
1. No, this isn't a dating app! It's just a general social media platform on the Fediverse. It has features somewhat similar to Facebook's.
2. The "18+ Extreme Violence" tag is totally misleading, this isn't an adult app and it doesn't contain any violence. The label is there just because Google Play's rules aren't really suited to apps which let you sign in on a server of your choice. Google effectively forces Fedi app makers to use restricted ratings.
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Stone Bear and טליה (לשון את) 🎗️ reshared this.
in reply to Fedi.Tips • • •Fedi.Tips
in reply to wizzwizz4 • • •And email apps too, yes.
I think it's because the web and email have already established themselves and Google Play's rules would look even more obviously silly if browsers and email were all rated "18+ extreme violence".
Hopefully at some point all federated apps will be exempt.
William B Peckham
in reply to Fedi.Tips • • •Anonomouse13
in reply to Fedi.Tips • • •If I understand you about being "federated", there - could - be a dating server and a server for picture and short movies showing the... scantily clad.
Such a strange concept; "ecological computing networks" of cross connected servers hosting various "niches".
in reply to Fedi.Tips • • •Different topic entirely...
Just found out an edit option exists.
Thank you. 🥰
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in reply to Fedi.Tips • • •thomasstanford80191
in reply to Fedi.Tips • • •. ݁₊ ⊹ Juniper . ݁₊ ⊹
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