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Ravensrod reshared this.

* "When the Patriot Act was passed, libraries got requests for patrons' borrowing history. We were prohibited from disclosing those requests.

* We deleted and shredded those records and stopped tracking reading history for that reason."

#Libraries #Librarians #Rwsist #Politics #Anarchist

reshared this

in reply to Stryder Notavi

@vruz @elaine1helen Also worth reading -…

Jim Vanderveen reshared this.

in reply to Ravensrod

Not sure that Signal really counts as being part of the Fediverse.

Matrix would be a better fit in those slots IMHO.

Ravensrod reshared this.

It's not politicians who will end oppression. It's the radicals, with the stink in their clothes, rebellion in their brain, hope in their heart and direct action in their fists.
-- David Bowie

⬆ #Wisdom #Quotes #DavidBowie #Change #Injustice #Politics #Revolution #Tyranny

⬇ #Photography #Panorama #Panopainting #Flowers #Junkyard #Minnesota

Counted my legs and both are still there. Checked obituaries and I'm not listed so probably safe to get up.