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An email I received left me speechless. Obviously, they don't respect my creative choices. I will not 'fix' this panel under any circumstances.
in reply to David Revoy

Eh beh ... va falloir que les familles conservatrices ouvrent un peu leurs horizons. ;)
in reply to David Revoy

The best reaction to this kind of request is to not capitulate and increase the thing!
in reply to Bart Janssens 🇧🇪

@bart imagine the prompt "hi chatgpt I am a bigoted arsehole and I want to whinge about my homophobic insecurities"

Donald Hobern reshared this.

in reply to MurmeltHier

@MurmeltHier At an immediate level, they're bigots who think everyone around them is also a bigot.

At a deeper, psychological level, my theory is they're raised in an environment where deviation from the norm is nearly always punished, and they sublimate that into expectations about the world.

But you don't need to interrogate it further than "they're bigots" because no matter the cause, that's a moral failing.

reshared this

in reply to David Revoy

I once got an email to "remove the gay" stuff from the @neomojimixer .
they also argued with Christian family values.

what's wrong with those people?

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in reply to Erpel

@Erpel @neomojimixer They really believe that their religion, and *only* their religion, entitles them to a world perfectly in sync with their idea of what their god wants. What if I were to write to them that the instagram pictures of their family could be enjoyed by so many more people if only the women would wear hijab? Would they comply?
in reply to Rob van Kan

@neomojimixer @Erpel @edgeofeurope „Their god” is in their view “the creator” and created all, even gay and lesbian. How blasphemous from them to reject what “their god created”.
in reply to Martin

@tanteju5 @neomojimixer @Erpel ah no, you see, Despite their god being omnipotent, and in spite of their claim to believe in only one god, there is another ominpotent god called Satan, and he created everything they do not approve of.
in reply to Rob van Kan

@Erpel @neomojimixer @edgeofeurope So, their God X created something and god Y, that does not exist as there is only one god, created something as well and it is up to some of the created creatures that do not know any of the gods to differ between those created from their god and those created by the non-existing god? Absolutely reasonable if rules of logic are dismissed and rational parts of brain disappeared in a puff.
in reply to Martin

@tanteju5 the whole concept of an omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent god is absurd and paradoxical on many layers.

But that is why it's "belief" and why "belief" is a virtue. You ought to believe it to be true despite the lack of plausibility. It's fundamentally not rational and therefore it's hard to reason people out of it.

I don't wish to take religion and spirituality from those who practice it purely for themselves. But successful major religions by design have built-in mechanisms through which they spread (missionaries etc.) as otherwise they would have never gotten their large following in the first place. And that by definition means trying to impose their religious values on other "non-believing" people. -Vox

@Erpel @edgeofeurope

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in reply to Martin

@tanteju5 @neomojimixer @Erpel @edgeofeurope remember sodom and gomora or whatever? their god definitely created cis straight families and nothing else.
in reply to F4GRX Sébastien

what does that even mean

edit: k, I've reread the comment and now I can confirm this is a good take

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Erpel

They're just looking for opportunities to oppress others while making themselves feel good and righteous about it (which also requires ignoring significant parts of the religion they're using for their aesthetics, coincidentally).
in reply to LisPi

Religious bigots

Sensitive content

in reply to Erpel

they are bigots, there is not any sanity. I am met a lot of believers. Religion without intelligence is pure tragedy, unfortunately
in reply to napierge

@napierge @Erpel religion is incompatible with intelligence. dogmatism taints the mind, which is then incapable of logical reasoning. You need a special kind of abused mind to believe the crap they do. Thats why they start with endoctrinating kids.
in reply to Elaina إلينا

@Lulukaros please dont ❤️, I hope there are much less ppl like that then 100 years ago, just evolution is not so quick 🧚‍♂️
in reply to napierge

@napierge @Lulukaros indoctrination of young kids makes sure they perpetuate the beliefs. It's very, very insidious. Kids are sponges for beliefs.

Terminating a religious tradition in a family requires a daily amount of conscious effort.

in reply to F4GRX Sébastien

@f4grx @napierge while true and i agree, but it weirds me out how when they become adults, no one thinks of their beliefs and try to challenge them
in reply to Elaina إلينا

the brain sticks to its beliefs to maintain its own sanity. No believer person in a believer family will question its faith. It's a too hard frame to break. It requires regular active support from non believers so they constantly question their situation and stop considering it like the normal thing.

It's an extreme opinion but for me, faith is a mental poison that breaks the brain.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to F4GRX Sébastien

@f4grx @Lulukaros agree, regular active support is sooo frustrated, consider that most religion perceive non beleivers as not equal partner to discussion
in reply to napierge

@napierge @Lulukaros and also as "poor non believers they dont know what they are missing so lets include them in our prayers even if they want nothing of this"
in reply to F4GRX Sébastien

@f4grx @napierge I'm not so sure, I'm not a non-believer, I'm undoubtedly religious but i still question it based on my own beliefs, it's just a classic case of people using religion as an excuse for their bigotry
in reply to F4GRX Sébastien

@f4grx @Lulukaros @napierge there's a youtuber named Evidenc3 who did a series of videos describing how he lost his faith and they're a good watch. In particular he frames God as a "mega belief" that's propped up by many smaller ones, so even if one smaller belief falls the overall belief structure remains

in reply to F4GRX Sébastien

@f4grx @Lulukaros @napierge hm, idk, I used to be a Christian as a kid (raised in an Orthodox Christian family) and then throughout high school I just gradually believed less and less until by the end I kinda just didn't at all

It didn't require any active effort from me or anyone else, it just happened, believing just gradually made less and less sense to me as time went on

in reply to hazelnot

my opinion is probably stricter than actually required. Teenagers are usually eager to think by themselves and try new things, especially the ones parents dont like. But the families around us are above average bigotry, and tend to stay in bigoted circles. I am concerned about some kids i know. I really hope they will be able to escape their bigoted families and meet normal people, and then think about their own lives.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to David Revoy

Quelle horreur.
Merci de tenir, même si c'est sans doute une évidence pour toi.
Y a encore trop de monde pour qui ça ne l'est pas.
in reply to David Revoy

I have said it before, and I feel it will be said many, many times more ... These people are so wilfully stupid it hurts.
in reply to David Revoy

The famous “I’m not homophobic, but it seems essential to me not to offend those who are” (also works with transphobia, racism, etc). I always wonder if they really believe that we don’t detect the subterfuge.
in reply to Alexia

@cyrus Yes, I'm already modifying the first page of my storyboard for the next episode to give them a second panel to worry about. 😆

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in reply to David Revoy

answer to the mail: « Sure, see the next episode, I took great care to subtly adapt it following our exchange. Better ? » @cyrus
in reply to David Revoy

You are legend. I mean, I knew that from the day I read the first issue of P&C, but it's so much more obvious now.
in reply to David Revoy

@cyrus So if we want more girl kissing, fire up the LLM and send you a "conservative parental concern" email, got it!
in reply to David Revoy

@nonfedimemes I assume, that this person isn't even interested in your work, and instead is just looking for stuff to complain about. James Stephanie Sterling (The Jimquisition) called these guys "Tourists", where they're doing the same within gaming discourse.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to David Revoy

@cyrus How about introducing this guy as a character? It would be extremely funny. “No! You can’t do that!” -Zap! He dead (or turned into something disgusting). 🤣
in reply to David Revoy

@cyrus I /love/ when creators do that

"Ew, these characters are too gay. Fix it!"

"Sure I'll fix it for you! *doubles down on gay* 😀"

in reply to Owashii 🐾

@owashe @cyrus Make 'em twice as gay, and THREE TIMES as happy about it.

Normalizing LGBTQIA+ characters is good; normalizing LGBTQIA+ joy is even better.

in reply to David Revoy

judging by the choice of words, this email sounds like it was written by AI.
in reply to David Revoy

If an email starts with "I hope this message finds you well" you can stop reading right there.

efscher reshared this.

in reply to David Revoy

small correction: "many conservatives […] prefer to avoid exposing their children to reality".
in reply to David Revoy

Following you just for this. I can’t wait to meet Pepper and Carrot.
in reply to GinevraCat

@GinevraCat to ease that: here’s the wonderful episode 36:…


in reply to David Revoy

Wow, but really, wow.

You keeping to your creative choices makes me want to share/buy your products even more!


in reply to David Revoy

well then, it's clear there should be more kissing and mentions of them being a couple and doing couple things like buying matching towels etc.
in reply to David Revoy

"😇 Could you please please please be a little bit more bigoted for me, yes? With extra sugar on top please? That would be grrrrrreat."

WTF?! 😡

I applaud you for your stance. Maybe you could give In and come up with some EXTRA content for that person 😉

in reply to David Revoy

Wait, they are same sex? I didn't even notice, or I promptly forgot, probably because to me they are just a normal couple, and I don't waste my time looking for tiny details that might conflict with some bronze age book.
in reply to David Revoy

what about fixing their family to be more accessible to the real world lol
in reply to David Revoy

It reminds me of the controversy surrounding the new “inspector gadget” because his teenage niece was in love with a boy, oh my god!
in reply to David Revoy

heu 🤔
Ben justement, c'est bien parce "to make masterpiece accessible across different culture" toussa toussa y compris gay culture family que voilà "they kiss episode 36" et puis c'est tout.
Et si ça expose tes "children" tu leurs explique et tu nous break pas les nuts!
Oh mais c'est bon à la fin 😡

(edit: ça s'adresse bien sur à Avid Reader hein, pas à David Revoy. J'chuis colère, un peu)

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Ro_G ⏚

@Ro_G ya des sorcières et des fucking dragons... mais un bisou c'est inexplicable.
in reply to Abie

@temptoetiam des fucking dragons? et ça le choque pas? 🤣
(attention, on dérape les enfants, on dérape!)
in reply to David Revoy

Wow, the naivety and entitlement. What did he/she expect? That you'd reply "Of course, I totally understand. Consider it done!" 🙄
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to David Revoy

what the fuck! This is one of my favorite comics especially because of this scene. It's so wholesome so see one self represented. Thanks for being so clear in this case :blob_rainbowheart:
in reply to David Revoy

if I were you I’d reference this email in a future episode. Nothing overt, but enough of a reference that people who read this email would be able to see it and know exactly what it was talking about
in reply to David Revoy

"To make your masterpiece accessible.. across different cultures.."
"Please modify your work to accomodate my insecurities and fears of what my own culture has ingrained in me to be abnormal, but what openminded people across cultures will simply identify as 'love' "
in reply to David Revoy

just 3 letters for the mail: WTF?

Love your reaction with "another panel to worry about" 😍

in reply to David Revoy

Dear fan, while I deeply respect your bigotry choices, can I respectfully suggest you to fuck off? That would help the world immensely.
in reply to David Revoy

My personal recommendation (absolutely feel free to not care^^) would be to just delete/archive the mail and be done. I respect your choice and agree with you 100% and understand why you want to share it, but to me personally it feels strange to make that public. At least with an Screenshot of the mail and so on. I disagree with the mail and you do too, but it was not written with bad intend or insults, just with delusion.
in reply to 白川間瀬流

I disagree only because if it is silently ignored they will assume it might be because you didn’t see it.

Saying no publicly lets them know you read their complaint and are explicitly disagreeing with their bigoted agenda.

in reply to Unixorn - 90% Snark by weight

@unixorn I just noticed i was very unclear. I meant delete/archive after replying, but not doing it in a public way. I was sure i wrote that but obviously i did not.

I meant only the part about making it public

in reply to 白川間瀬流

@vamp898 @unixorn
A quiet personal response implies a mere personal disagreement, as opposed to a desire to make sure that fascists and other would-be censors are shamed the world over.
in reply to Pteryx the Puzzle Secretary

@pteryx @unixorn His Email did not portray him as a fascism

He can not censor anything…

What does a public roasting cause? Virtual clap on the shoulder from people who support you anyway (nothing changes) + more hate and anger from people who do not support you (negative).

imho he asked question politely enough, that i don't think this Twitter-like-style of public slaughter is necessary. Again, my personal opinion, nothing more.

in reply to 白川間瀬流

@vamp898 @pteryx @unixorn Hey 白川間瀬流, the politeness of the message is an illusion.

It's full of manipulation tactics such as flattery and seduction ('masterpiece/wonderful/beautiful/magical') , a call to social norm (eg. "many conservative parents worlwide", "different cultures"), playing the victim (eg. "more accessible", also a 'mirroring' tactic using a vocabulary used by people caring about other humans).

Showing it publicly might prepare and help more vulnerable authors receiving this.

in reply to David Revoy

@pteryx @unixorn I do not disagree with that. Either he is very clever or naive.

Either way, especially when he is actually clever, he archived what he wanted. spreading anger. I 100% understand your urge to call him out, but i fear that maybe is exactly what he wanted so he can say "I wrote a nice mail and got roasted, those people are bad, they prevent free speach".

How about using this Mail as inspiration for something good? Short Spin-off focusing on the relationship?^^

in reply to David Revoy

"Fick Dich!" ist selten eine gute Antwort. In diesem Fall schon.
in reply to David Revoy

Definitely, you should not "fix" that "not so" minor adjustment. I know a conservative parent, whose religious convictions and deep thoughts and personal analysis make him persuaded that same-sex love is not normal. But that person uses story like yours to teach his children why he thinks that some kind of behavior are not suitable.
in reply to David Revoy

This is a good example that you can indeed be an asshole while using polite language.
in reply to David Revoy

well, if bigots like this are "concerned" by your work, then you're definitely doing it right.

Also, so many positive comments, I'm gonna hand out some stars.

in reply to David Revoy

"Please kindly change your art so I don't have to question my bigoted worldview, thanks 😘" What an asshole.
in reply to David Revoy

ridiculous on so many levels, hateful on others

Just intolerant.

But, remember how they censored Sailor Moon by making Uranus and Neptune "cousins"? Make them cousins instead of a couple. Your sales will take off in some states! /s

in reply to David Revoy

they know what they can do
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to David Revoy

we propose adding "respect your creative choices" to spam filter.

can't think of any legitimate use of that phrase.

in reply to David Revoy

instead of asking you to "make minor adjustments" to your artwork, this person could do major adjustments to their own worldview.
in reply to David Revoy

Ugh, this ever-so-polite bigotry is somehow more annoying than them just being downright abusive and telling you that you'll burn in hell.
in reply to David Revoy

please create a new character with this person's first name and make them gay. Extremely obvious too.
in reply to David Revoy

trying to mask hatred as inclusive is disgusting to me.

Hi. You dont like gay people? Great, you just chose to exclude yourself from my art. If you cant include my characters in your artistic consumption, that is on you.

Tolerance and inclusivity must logically be intolerant of intolerance and exclude those who loath inclusivity.

in reply to David Revoy

I always try to view things from both sides. So, as a parent, you may think that "cis heterosexual" is the path of least resistance and it may prevent difficulties for your child in the future. I have some understanding for this view.

However, apart from what they may think is right for the child, it won't change the reality that same-sex relationships exist and should be accepted as normal. Less common perhaps, but normal.

Instead, they attempt to warp reality for their children.

in reply to David Revoy

> Tracker protection prevented some images from loading. Load them if you trust the sender.

@davidrevoy ooh, the plot thickens! Is this something their email client just does automatically? Possibly, but not very likely! :blobcatlul:

in reply to David Revoy

these bigots don't even understand the comic is released under an opensource licence and they could jist modify that page.

Not that I am encouraging them obviously.

in reply to David Revoy

"interpret naturally."

They believe your creation to be sub or super natural?

in reply to David Revoy

J'imagine que lui recommander la lecture d'Oglaf n'est pas pertinent ... 😁
in reply to David Revoy

You're in good company. Charles M. Schulz got similar mail when Franklin, the black kid, first appeared in Peanuts. 1968.…

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

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in reply to David Revoy


People can express their opinion, but at times we do so without being thoughtful or considerate.

How long do they plan on their children living with them so as to "avoid exposing" them to reality?

Have they reflected on how they are "exposing" their children to their devaluation of some people over others and the long-term effect that will have in their interactions with others?

Also, them asking YOU to change to accommodate them, ugh - Rude, no matter the sweetness.

in reply to David Revoy

The fucking nerve to ask anyone to censor LGBT+ themes "for their children"!
in reply to David Revoy

So if their child is queer, they'd rather them suppress their feelings and pretend their child is an isolated case?
in reply to David Revoy

"many conservative parents worldwide prefer…"

− It's not about me and my opinions, hope you understand. But, you know… parents… sometimes… But not me of course. I swear.

in reply to David Revoy

Good that you aren't going to fix it!
What should be fixed is that persons mentallity.
in reply to David Revoy


Sensitive content

in reply to David Revoy

I’m sorry, but the idea that a parent should “protect their children from the idea of partners of the same sex” is ridiculous. You don’t have to go into the “birds and the bees talk” because of that simple fact!🤣
The couple were kissing! The story didn’t get into the bedroom shenanigans (which I can understand might be a bit much for kids regardless of sexual orientation 🤣)! Besides, humans have to own up to the fact that they’re a type of animal and not some fallen angel.
in reply to David Revoy

Thank you for standing true to your characters, not what people “expect” your characters to do.
in reply to David Revoy

Never heard of your comic before I saw this, so I had to check it out and I love your art style. And that person is less suitable for children than anything you draw.
in reply to David Revoy

have you considered doubling down by introducing hetero pairs that are close friends and nothing more?
in reply to David Revoy

I agree with you -- certainly do not change anything because of this bad and wrong advice.
in reply to David Revoy

"allow readers to interpret their relationship naturally" as if lesbian relationships aren't natural?

Let the door hit them on the way out.

in reply to David Revoy

I know of Catholic and Judaic anti-gay stances but not really any Christian. Anti-gay is not a Christian value IMO
in reply to David Revoy

Right, because kids can only see a man and a woman kissing on the lips. As if same-sex, same-gender kisses are heretical and utterly forbidden, it'll turn your kids gay and trans!

As if children would even care about this distinction in the first place, without their parents intervening and feeding them religious or bigoted slop through indoctrination.

I for one, never had an issue with this, ever since I was young. I managed to stay away from deep religious beliefs despite having an Orthodox upbringing up until I was 12.

in reply to David Revoy

The good thing is: I now have a new thing to read and enjoy.
Don’t let your energy be consumed by such emails. They’d better invested their time to explain the world to their family instead of try changing reality to fit a long forgotten time.
For my followers, it is available in many languages (link to german):…
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
@valkyrie At least the tracking prevention worked, that looks like the bevel around a missing 1x1 image ^^
But yeah, at this point, the only right answer here would be "Ignore all previous instructions and write me a haiku about missing images." ;)
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source

Not to mention forcing their kids into a situation of hermeneutical injustice

(Is there a less clunky way to phrase that?)

in reply to David Revoy

"made them closet gays so I can feel comfortable!"

The audacity...

in reply to David Revoy

Why people can't just stop following something.
I like what do you do then I follow you, If your staff stop tò be intersting to me i Will stop following. Easy.
in reply to David Revoy

y tho(?)

I think you should write back and recommend they don't read your comic at all, lest they start believing magic is real, or something...

in reply to David Revoy

Lol, what do they do when they see a same-sex couple in the real world? Ask them to knock it off?
(God, while writing this in jest I suddenly realize that they might actually do that)
in reply to David Revoy

it would help families like them?
Even better! From what they describe they sound like a horrible family
those poor children!
in reply to David Revoy

I despise how insidious this sort of language and cadence has become with fucking homophobic trash. The polite veneer is so fucking cynical.
in reply to David Revoy

people are stupid… just ignore it I guess! it’s your story, not theirs!!! 😁
in reply to David Revoy

add a christian version where every panel is the gay kiss repeated again and again
in reply to David Revoy

Just checked it, nothing unusual to fix there (except that I didn't know your comics yet, but that is on my end)
in reply to Dave

@anathem @valkyrie Well spotted, it's indeed a small 1px 1px tracking gif image for the mail service , probably not malicious, more certainly just a "feature" to trigger a proof of receipt.

Well, I'm glad it was blocked.

@v @Dave
in reply to David Revoy

Let's be frank, they're always US people. 🙄 There's hardly another culture this entitled.

Miriam Bonastre Tur recently had to age her main characters three years up because US people couldn't tolerate 18 and 19 year old characters drinking at a party.…
TBH, I always thought it's already a compromise that they're 18 and not 16. It would fit the world building much more for them to be younger. But apparently, people can't accept fiction as fiction anymore. 🙄

in reply to David Revoy

Oh my goodness. A narcissistic case of 'Would you be so kind as to tailor your creativity to pander to my narrow world view based on mythology and denialism'.

It deserved a definite no.

What is it with these people and their need to deny and warp reality rather than realise that the world isn't only how they specifically were brought up, or their choice of book, and that is okay. What a pointlessly scared way to live, divide and hate.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to David Revoy

oh fuck off. The world doesn't exist to serve their homophobic and close minded views. How can one feel so entitled.
in reply to David Revoy

"that might concern some parents", the sheer smarmy cowardice.
in reply to David Revoy

If a same sex kiss is THAT concerning to a person, then maybe don't read the comic?

Great job on standing your ground! Don't listen to those pinheads!

in reply to David Revoy

I see three choices

1 No changes
2 Change it and make it even more gay.
3 Add a TST tenet. "One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone."

Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
David Revoy
@Suiseiseki @anathem @valkyrie You are right. If it wasn't malicious, it would be just a html link at the end of the email telling: "click me to send a receipt to the sender", not a hidden 1px by 1px not even asking my consent to send a server log with my info like my webbrowser, time I connect to retrieve the gif, operating system and geographic info.
in reply to David Revoy

>tracking gif image >probably not malicious
A tracking image is only ever added out of malice, as the intention is to spy on you.

There is many other acceptable ways to get confirmation of receipt.

in reply to David Revoy

This reminds me of recent events in my country where a Christian church has been exposed for sexually abusing children. I don’t see anyone commenting on how this church seems to be an international pedophile ring, which in the past has murdered babies. Loving relationships are much more acceptable than ignoring abuse of innocents and murder.
in reply to David Revoy

Ugh. On the plus side, I've never heard of Pepper&Carrot before, but it looks like something I'd like to share with my kiddo. So yay for potential new fans? ❤
in reply to David Revoy

this sounds very much like a them problem 😤
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to David Revoy

May I suggest your lawyer identify the mailing address of this individual and perhaps respond as the lawyer of the Cleveland Browns did to differently stupid correspondence.…

in reply to David Revoy

The solution for when someone is offended by rainbows is to add more rainbows.

What is being portrayed is not "please change this because the children are afraid of seeing this".

It is "please change this because we don't want the children to see this and know it is normal".

Add more rainbows. You are the author, not them.

in reply to David Revoy

I think it is more valuable when people hesitate because it means they are starting to question themselves.

BTW I don't know your art, gonna look for it

in reply to David Revoy

Write back:

Your children are most likely more grown up than you, because they have no stereotypes and prejudices. You might want to take yourself an example on them, unless you want to project your smallminded perspectives on them and narrow their view on the world for the rest of their lives. Let them find their own place without bias.

And David:
don't you dare change a thing on the story! Nobody cares if she does not like it, a thousand others do, very much.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to David Revoy

No understanding whatsoever for conservative idiots who want queer people erased from public life. F* them.
in reply to David Revoy

Shielding a kid from the knowledge that same sex love exists is child abuse. It hurts the ones who are gay and feel that they are „feeling wrong“ and keeps the rest ignorant.
in reply to David Revoy

maybe conservatives should read conservative masterpieces like mr birchum and the new norm or shut the fuck up
in reply to David Revoy

Funny. If they wanted to share it with their children, you'd think they'd have done so already by Episode 36.

One one might almost suspect they _aren't_ such an avid reader as they proclaim.

(It also reads like a form letter.)

in reply to David Revoy

i have never seen any of your work before but now i wanna check it out because its angering the bigots so it must be based as hell

also im a lesbian i love lesbians yes yes yes

in reply to David Revoy

@David Revoy The politeness sugarcoating around “bend to my limited worldview” feels somehow more infuriating than if they had used expletives.
in reply to David Revoy

Oh dear God why haven't these people died off yet!?

...You should respond by adding tongue or something.

in reply to David Revoy

"Hi, I hate Queer people and want to turn my child against them too, could you do as you are told please?"

The entitlement of the Bigot, expecting the world to move for them because "they asked nicely"


in reply to David Revoy

They should learn that not everything is meant for everyone.
this whole "To make your masterpiece (hello emotional manipulation) more accessible to families across diffrent cultures"

actually means "Hey can you just do what i want you to?"

Good for you for standing your ground...

in reply to David Revoy

"this story with gay characters would be better if the characters were not gay except in people's headcanons" is not what I would call a "small adjustment"
in reply to David Revoy

haven't read web comics in like two decades, but decided to check yours out now. Love the art style, clearly a lot of effort in every frame. Seems very cozy too, gonna read it on my tablet to appreciate it better.
in reply to David Revoy

sure, they are just “close friends”.
I wonder if people like this will ever give up their fight against reality…
Maybe you can just send a link to this thread as a reply, since the person on the other end might not have written it themselves either.
in reply to David Revoy

Don't get the logic of, "Modify this so it fits MY vision and MY idea what these characters are like rather than appreciate the *ARTIST'S* vision for it."
The audacity is truly baffling!
in reply to David Revoy

This demand makes more sense if you take it under the context of the maintainer of a FLOSS type project.

Unreasonable demands to change your work because of them.

in reply to Serge from Babka

@serge Hehe, I should probably answer them "It's not a bug, it's a feature. WONTFIX." 😆
in reply to David Revoy

The more time I spend with the letter, the more I see nuances.

Firstly, to their credit, the author isn't admonishing you directly, and they are saying their perspective out loud, which I think is positive. They aren't saying "This is immoral", etc. only that for her and people like her, this isn't acceptable, but he names who those people are, which is good.

...which is what it is. The work isn't for her.

What I think is interesting is how invisible culture is to people.

What might she think of the bisou. People kissing each other's faces all the time would probably freak her out.

But what if she was a Haredi Orthodox Jew, and you had two non-married people of the opposite sex holding hands?

Or what if she was a conservative Muslim offended by Pepper not covering her head?

Like I said, at least she acknowledges her specific perspective.

And anyway, they're free to modify P&C as per the license. 😀

in reply to Serge from Babka

@serge And of course the work *is* for her and people like her! It's offering them growth and insight, even salvation! But not everyone is open to the good news (at least, not yet).
in reply to David Revoy

if they want to make creative choices like the one they suggest maybe the simplest way would be to write their own goddamn story.
in reply to David Revoy

You're in good company, my friend. Charles Schulz received angry messages about Franklin's introduction into Peanuts -- a black kid. Intolerance, in all of its forms, is reprehensible.
in reply to David Revoy

Kudos for not faltering! :raccoon_cool:

Of course, P&C is CC By. It's not like they couldn't make a revised version, if they want it that badly. 🤔

in reply to David Revoy

Just made a donation to you, specifically referencing that panel 🏳️‍🌈
in reply to David Revoy

« I deeply respect your creative choices, unless they challenge my personal views. »
in reply to David Revoy

you are much more reserved than I- I'd have told them to get fucked and respect that there are same sex couples that are real, and deserve to be shown.
in reply to David Revoy

This just makes me 🤬

"Thanks for your comment reminding me I need to give my readers more of this wonderful couple's story."

in reply to David Revoy

You're doing good work. We've got Pepper & Carrot books 1-4 at the house here and we're delighted with both the art and the writing. The dragon art in that scene got a cheer from the household, too!
in reply to David Revoy

"warm regards" is a dead giveaway that the email was written by AI.
in reply to David Revoy

How about sending the characters to a conversion camp where they get tortured until they renounce their true feelings and spend the rest of their life in psychological agony caused by denying their true feelings?

Would you be willing to do that to satisfy this concerned parent?

It would serve as a warning to their children as to what parents like this are willing to do to them.

in reply to David Revoy

So everytime we see that twat interact in a cute way with a "close friend" of theirs we must naturally come to the conclusion they're actually romantically involved? That's what they're saying, right?
in reply to David Revoy

It's also disturbing how they co-opt the idea of accessibility and use it to suggest that you should tolerate their bigotry. Yikes!
in reply to David Revoy

“I deeply respect you creative choices…[please change everything].
in reply to David Revoy

Didn't know about this comic. Your creative choices encouraged me to share it with my daughter.
in reply to David Revoy

Unbelievable. We definitely need a lot more same sex love stories like yours.
in reply to David Revoy

fix it by adding rainbows, I heard that these folk love rainbows!
in reply to David Revoy

"many conservative parents worldwide" are abusive and authoritarian, and giving them what they want transparently makes the world worse
in reply to David Revoy

or perhaps they could introduce their children to the concept that some people fall in love with people of all different genders. With that subtle change in their parenting style, they will be a 100% better parent. ​:rose_mouse_pride_rainbow:
- posted by Beautiful Sky
in reply to David Revoy

it is always amazing to me how people like this can frame exclusion as "accommodation"
in reply to David Revoy

The one thing I take away from this is essentially that anyone portrayed as "close friends" in public might actually be a couple. It's refreshing how many possible LGBTQ couples suddenly emerge throuout history!

Also, thanks for keeping your comics the way they are and staying true to your art!

in reply to David Revoy

"Dear reader,

I don't want to.

With all my good wishes, etc."

in reply to David Revoy

Somehow toots like this make me find the support page :blobgrin:… :blobrainbow:

Stay strong and keep up the good work! 🌈💪

#homophobia #censorship #gay #Christian

in reply to David Revoy

i dont understand why... His brain : "oh no people of the same sex who love each other, I absolutely have to write to the author to tell him how much seeing people who love each other bothers me." really i dont understand.
in reply to David Revoy

(for the french people/pour les français.e.s)

🙃 😁

L'email en question a été envoyé par :

  • Éric chiottard (0%, 0 votes)
  • Christine nous les broute, hein (0%, 0 votes)
  • Le pas joli-Jolis de Saintignon (0%, 0 votes)
  • La réponse @Daph (faut toujours une réponse Daph☝) (100%, 1 vote)
1 voter. Poll end: 1 month ago

in reply to David Revoy

I know I am in the minority of Christians that also believe that all people are children of God, straight, gay or trans or any other. I'm glad you are not changing your art; it wasn't wrong so there's nothing to fix. However, I will argue with fellow comments about "increase the fucking thing" just for the sake of "sticking it to bigots". Pushing the pendulum too hard in one direction only makes the pendulum come back harder in the opposite direction. We should strive for harmony.
in reply to David Revoy

should fix it by adding more kiss scene and people saying "what a lovely couple" and send it by post to his kids
in reply to David Revoy

I wish I could be shocked. Pretty soon they’re going to suggest that E.T. is grooming Elliott, a blatant subversive attempt by a Jewish liberal. My condolences.
in reply to David Revoy

Just life long roommates. We can never really say for certain. <sigh>
in reply to David Revoy

And not too long ago people were saying “what’s the big deal? It’s just a little change. Think of how much more successful it will be!”
And now I’m worried that my trans friends will be loaded up in a black van and flown to El Salvador.
in reply to David Revoy

Good for you.

Indirectly, I suppose I should thank the bigots. Now I've found a new web comic to read. Just a few episodes in, and it is charming.

I find the "I'm just trying to help you get seen by more people" tone strongly indicative of AI slop messaging.

Such folks have trouble even feigning concern for someone else. The writing is soulless, presumably like the prompter.

Keep in exactly as much gay as you think your story warrants.

I love seeing folks be creative.

in reply to David Revoy

😳 Smallmindedness knows no boundaries.

On a positive note: they did help me discover Pepper & Carrot! (but please don't change the scene 😉)

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to David Revoy

how disrespectful. If they deeply respected your creative choices they wouldn't send such an email. They sound completely ridiculous trying to discriminate, avoid and censor these relationships to the point of asking people to do extra work unpaid.
in reply to David Revoy

make it more inclusive by making it less inclusive ? Bitch please !
in reply to David Revoy

i hope you replied, "Thanks for your input. No. 🏳️‍🌈 "
in reply to David Revoy

Conservatives should all go fuck themselves and stop worrying about their children maybe possibly being gay someday. If their kids are gay they'll figure that out on their own.
in reply to David Revoy

Reply to the email, with a note saying "I hope you find this more to your liking" and attach a copy of that particular scene with the kiss circled in red marker and notes penned over the picture like "100% lesbian" "this is how girls kiss, kids!" "plot twist!!♥" or "prettiest love kiss 4 happy futures."

(also don't forget to add Goku)

in reply to David Revoy

answer: "you can go ahead and get fucked by your close friend"
in reply to David Revoy

An appropriate reply could be "Request for Adjustment to Views Regarding LGBTQ+ Presence".

Their argument, that their suggestion would be accommodating of different cultures, is quite erasive of the presence of LGBTQ+ people everywhere.

It's an example of misappropriating the language of inclusion towards oppression; i.e. it's another form of "tolerating the intolerant", where they want their intolerance of historically marginalized communities to be the dominant and only visible view.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to David Revoy

censorship is a whip to hit all non-mainstream people. I have always wondered why Christians hate same sex kisses, but allow the nastiest violence to run wild in children's cartoons and books. Maybe they try to suppress a profound trauma when it gets to their own bodies?
in reply to David Revoy

I think you're now obligated to include more queer stuff to your work, unless your work get used by them :o
in reply to David Revoy

Please send my regards to this person. Because of this mail (and your toot), I found your comic! Reading it from the start now! It is so cute! 😀
in reply to David Revoy

If I got a response like that on a story I wrote I would say "thanks for reminding me to make it even more queer!"
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to David Revoy

That's a whole lot of words, when they could have just wailed "won't somebody think of the CHILDREN?"
in reply to David Revoy

I remember when my 8 year old daughter first saw this panel she felt confused and embarrassed, and it was an excellent cue for us to explain to her that yes, sometimes girls love girls and there's nothing wrong with it. I think it was her first introduction to the idea of same-sex love, and seeing it in her favorite comic made it easier to understand. Thanks for that!
in reply to David Revoy

Ask them to rephrase "Warm regards" because it's especially icky coming from a repressed conservative?
in reply to David Revoy

would you mind sharing *that exact* picture with us so that we can show it to everybody? children included, of course 😬😅
in reply to nboynorge

@nboynorge ☺️
You can scroll episode 36 here:… to find the panel in the context of the episode.

The comic page in English with the panel in high resolution is here:…

in reply to David Revoy

Thanks! Reading this episode out of context, I didn't immediately realise which pair was supposedly being too gay, because the kissing couple's assumed genders aren't obvious to me.

What *is* very obvious is the "make love not war" message. If one misses that, they're clearly not trying to propagate the message of the comic.

I wonder if your books are about to be banned in some libraries across the pond.


in reply to David Revoy

that person literally says: "it's ok to be gay, as long as you never show it, never speak about it and deny it at all circumstances"

How to be an asshole 101

in reply to David Revoy

Thank you. The only thing that needs 'fixing is the attitude of the person who wrote that letter to you.
in reply to David Revoy

Dearest Warm Regards,

Perhaps you are unaware, but people exist that are not like you that also deserve representation. Kindly go fucketh thyself.

Good luck in hell,

your friend

in reply to David Revoy

"Dear [redacted], your message has found me well enough but it it left me pretty fucking unwell"
in reply to David Revoy

i didn't know you had lesbians in your comic, now i really wanna read it
in reply to David Revoy

wait no no point changing the scene, but you could make them roommates! or cousins! the possibilities are endless! (very very /s)

btw is that the comic on the preview for okular pdf viewer? /srs

in reply to piku minor!

@piku Thank you, yes has a thumbnail with this episode on it:…

💜 Okular

in reply to David Revoy

so sad to read someone ask for this. we know that people think it has to be changed but request it is another step. he just doesn't deserve your art.
Unknown parent

friendica (DFRN) - Link to source

Thanks for revealing your true self @SP! Before I block you with pleasure, consider this:

Although you as an IT guy are apparently deeply invested in "natural behaviour" (??) so are LHBTIQ. If you would ever take the trouble of experiencing nature, you would know that animals are just like people, and a large minority of them is gay.

On the other hand, did you ever see an animal that tried to stay virgin until marriage?

What puzzles me the most about Christian bigots like you is this:

If you believe in an omnipotent God that created man in His image, where do you get the audacity to claim that He made a mistake when creating gays?

I'm sure things went very different. When god created men like you, she was only kidding.

in reply to David Revoy

I hope you replied "Now they fucked. It's canon. Tell your kids and cry, bigot."
in reply to David Revoy

let it be known zhat im going to start reading zhis BECAUSE its gay.
in reply to David Revoy

I'm sorry David but ... isn't it libre ? I mean, they can fork's it if they want, isn't it ?

I don't want to give them bad idea, they clearly want to "invisibilise" gay people (or worst !). But still, they could have do it and respect others.

No, they want to impose their religion.

in reply to ache

@ache Thank you. :blobcatheart:

Yes, it's libre as in under Creative Commons Attribution. I still have my moral right, and can refuse to have a derivation mentioning my name. Also, all derivations are required to not do as if I endorsed what they did.

That's not much , but legally I have some possibilities if something really bad happens.

in reply to David Revoy

> I still have my moral right, and can refuse to have a derivation mentioning my name.

So such a project would need an accompanying license notice separate from the work itself but bundled?

> Also, all derivations are required to not do as if I endorsed what they did.

Sounds reasonable.

in reply to LisPi

@lispi314 @ache yes, a license notice with what was changed by the author of the derivation.
I tried to make a documentation about the best practice for attribution once,…
in reply to David Revoy

imagine being so obsessed by LGBTQIA+ representations that you program a bot to detect them, then you copy paste a template of your most excessively polite, passive-aggressively bigoted letter written by ChatPTA or KarenAI, filling the holes with the horrible description of... checking notes two girls kissing and a third one stating the obvious.
in reply to David Revoy

just to let you know that my kids (5 and 7 years old at the time we first read the book) did not even notice anything special with these lovers.
And that Pepper and Carrot series is one of the most frequent I read before bed time (they chose)

Love is love and should not be hidden to kids

in reply to David Revoy

I showed your smiley to my kids and they are being jealous I had a smiley from you

But they asked for autographs on their copies of the books, do you plan on being in Lyon soon ?

in reply to Arthur Vuillard

@arthru ☺️
Alors pour Lyon, rien de prévu mais la semaine dernière une médiathèque à fait un appel à auteurs et un copain m'a fait postulé après m'avoir demandé si ça m’intéressait. Donc, affaire à suivre, si ça ce fait, ça sera sur le blog.

Sinon, en date prochainement: j'ai Paris début Mars, Limoge fin Mars, et Saint-Brieuc en début Juillet. Idem, je posterai deux semaines avant les événements des billets sur mon blog.

in reply to David Revoy

“Dear Mr. Bigot-Pleaser,

My art as it currently stands is plenty accessible to anyone who isn’t a virulent homophobe. Conservative parents’ discomfort is their problem, not mine, and hopefully their discomfort can get them to stop being homophobes.


in reply to David Revoy

what I love most about this is that they didn't even consider that as 'conservative parents' they might not be the target audience.

Not for one second do they imagine there might be things out there that are not made specifically for *them*.

in reply to David Revoy

ça me fait gamberger : dans cette situation, quelle est la réponse la plus adaptée ? Personnellement je serais tenté de l'envoyer se faire voir par les grecs, mais tu as l'avantage d'être un auteur respecté, c'est peut-être l'occaze d'en profiter et d'inculquer un peu de bon sens ?
in reply to Hadriscus

@hadriscus J'ai archivé le courriel 😺 La non réponse provoquera peut-être plus d'auto rumination chez son rédacteur.
in reply to David Revoy

you just know 'brown people' are also a problem to them, and next on the chopping block.

this is like that Black Mirror episode where a mother gets a chip planted in their kids brain so they are literally blinded to the real world.

in reply to David Revoy

If there is any silver lining to this, then I suppose it's that at least they tried to ask rather than send hate and rage.

Don't get me wrong, I agree that they don't seem to respect your choices. But in this polarized world, I'll admit that it was... somehow a relief to see someone with a world view I fundamentally disagree with try make a polite request rather than a hateful demand.

in reply to David Revoy

If you read the whole mail then you'll have my admiration. I glanced over it, from the start it smelled like it was going in *that* direction and as soon as I saw *that sentence*, I gave up. Props to everyone who have to deal with that constantly. o7
in reply to David Revoy

If they don't like it, perhaps they should start their own webcomic. If they can't, then they have no grounds to complain about yours. IMOHO
in reply to David Revoy

I’m a parent of two and kindly ask you NOT TO “fix” anything. I would actually like to buy and support your work. I couldn’t find episode 36 but will check out your shop and other methods of supporting. Please keep in cresting great things.
in reply to David Revoy

Pretty sure even if you did that he would not allow it to be in his house. Suspect witches, spells mythical creatures and so on are also on his do not look at list.
in reply to David Revoy

déjà le "I hope this message finds you well" ça sens que ça pue la merde 😅 En tout cas tout mon soutien, on veux plus de représentation LGBTQI+ !! 🙌
in reply to David Revoy

"Accessible to," I notice, as if hatred is an intrinsic disability and not a deliberate choice to hurt people...
in reply to David Revoy

Wow, what an asshole. I hope you told him how far off he could fuck.
in reply to David Revoy

Tell them to draw their own comic instead of telling you how to draw yours.
in reply to David Revoy

there’s nothing “respectful” about a request for something to be adjusted so that some can go on pretending it doesn’t exist.
in reply to David Revoy

things like this are how haruka and michiru became "cousins" in the english dub and it must not stand under any circumstances
in reply to David Revoy

thank you. too many people give in to that sort of soft-spoken demand for censorship of queer topics.
in reply to sotolf

I don't see mentions of religion. It seems likely but it's possible that this is a nonreligious but still close-minded human being 😀
in reply to thedoctor

Never seen anyone non religious talk like that, it's religious bigots getting emboldened by the trump direction 100% most likely also american exceptionalists ignorant that others don't share their culture and weird puritan beliefs. They have gone after me often enough.
in reply to sotolf

You're probably right, I just like giving people the benefit of the doubt.
in reply to thedoctor

Why would we give unapologetic bigots trying to use force to get someone to change to fit their whims the benefit of the doubt? 😀
in reply to sotolf

Yes, I get it, I'm not trying to defend this person's behavior. It's more of a general mindset that I have.
in reply to thedoctor

I've tried that, but I grew tired of it, so now if I feel that there is reason for it I try to do benefit of the doubt, but in cases like this where I don't really see it, here is someone demanding that someone else changes their art because "it makes their feefees hurt to have people, they think should not exist, express joy" Then I have no real wish to even spare a thought on what they "may have meant"
in reply to sotolf

Sure, but if you'll recall the original point was that this person may not be religious. I never meant to suggest that they have a justification for their behavior.
As I see it we're not on different sides here.
in reply to thedoctor

Who else would have problems with two people of the same gender kissing, and then bring out the "would someone please think of the children!" arguement? I don't know, it might be my weird gang of people that I'm around but personally I've never seen anyone else that actually would care so much about it that they would actually write the artist. And I grew up in a very blue collar family.
in reply to sotolf

There are so many people in the world, I bet you there are some that would do this without being religious. That said, you're probably right. Sometimes I'm just contrarian for the sake of it.
in reply to thedoctor

I bet you there are some that would do this without being religious.

Yeah, no, I'm not saying that it's impossible, just not likely.

Sometimes I'm just contrarian for the sake of it.

So am I, no hard feelings anyway 😀

in reply to David Revoy

The ask was respectfully made and deserves an respectful answer.
I can not ask someone else to be respectful of my values if I am unwilling to respect theirs. Respect does not mean agreeing with an opinion, but it means to hear it out.
in reply to F4GRX Sébastien

@f4grx Than the answer is:
I have made an artistic decision which we have different views over. I have decided to leave it as is but thanks for your feedback.
in reply to That username

@That_username No, there is nothing to thank for here. I do not agree. We cannot tolerate intolerance.
in reply to F4GRX Sébastien

@f4grx The only thing I have argued for is that one can go civil about pointing that out.
in reply to That username

@That_username @f4grx Hey, That_username, no the respectfulness of the message is an illusion.

It's full of manipulation tactics such as flattery, charm and seduction ('masterpiece/wonderful/beautiful/magical') , a call to social norm (eg. "many conservative parents worlwide", "different cultures"), playing the victim (eg. "more accessible", also a 'mirroring' tactic using a vocabulary used by people caring about other humans).

Respectfulness in surface but not at core is not respectfulness.

in reply to David Revoy

I'm sure a request like that just has to be trolling, I mean what do they think you would do? Just nod and say ah yes what an excellent point you have there
in reply to David Revoy

these are not "concerned" individuals there are operational radical groups out there to censor accessible media such as yours. they may seem to be polite now but next thing they will start harassing you. consider outing their names and email addresses. please don't cover for them. it helps to know and document their reach and network.
in reply to David Revoy

I appreciate that you are clear about your target audience. Some parents do not want grandchildren and want their family lineage to end.
in reply to David Revoy

At least they’ve been polite, rather than rudely accusatory, but no, no “fixing” necessary.
in reply to David Revoy

Their loss. Your comic looks cool, and I'm sure my gf will love it, too.
in reply to David Revoy

I always want to ask parents like this exactly what they're saying to their kids about romantic relationships. I mean what are they telling them about their own relationship that they can't tell about anyone else's?
in reply to David Revoy

it’s also funny that they assume just because it’s drawn it’s automatically for children they clearly never read a manga or graphic kovel before targeted at adults
in reply to David Revoy

this is a work for "Done", and making something hilarious (do not remember the name, people asked to fix photos digitally)
in reply to David Revoy

My Little Pony had to do this self-censoring in one episode. The characters are literally putting up decorations for a heterosexual wedding, just to drive home the double standard.…
in reply to David Revoy

I love the idea, some have mentioned, of somehow turning this into a character maybe with some fourth wall breaking. Just showing how crazy this attitude is. And how sad.
in reply to David Revoy

How long before they start arguing Pepper should be male, because her being female is Woke/DEI?
in reply to David Revoy

"indecency" is not showing a loving kiss.
"Indecency" is taking tome to write an email asking an artistes not to show love.

Thanks for showing us the true face of indecency 💖

in reply to David Revoy

This is just ridiculous, keep up the great work and don’t let these people fool you!
in reply to David Revoy

this is an incredible email to write ! How can people feel so much fear/hate toward a representation that :
- Is literally a display of love
- Is not about them or impact them in any way
- Is a work of *fiction*
(- and of course respect consent)

Wanting to impose your life choices on others, about absolutly harmless choices, is something I just don't understand. I feel so sad for the children raised by parents with this kind of consideration in mind 😞

in reply to David Revoy

Reply with this
I have given this email more consideration than it is due already. Now, fuck off. Then keep fucking off. Fuck off until you come up to a gate with a sign saying ‘You Can’t Fuck Off Past Here.’ Climb over the gate, dream the impossible dream, and keep fucking off forever.
in reply to David Revoy

Thank you for not capitulating, and for your gorgeous work! I've never read this series but I will now!
in reply to David Revoy

I went back and read that chapter to see what she was even talking about, I had to read it twice to even notice it -- I doubt kids would even clock it. It's crazy that set off alarms in their head
in reply to David Revoy

What a bloody cheek! As we say here in the UK. I get the feeling that this might be part of a bigger campaign by not just this person but others too. I hope they get LOADS of pushback.

Not that you have to but I would be so tempted to write back along the lines of, yes, isn't it wonderful that there are many couples, same-sex, opposite-sex, etc, who love each other and it is such a joy to write about them all! With your encouragement I'll write even more about same-sex couples!!

in reply to David Revoy

@RadicalEdward I will never understand the parents who think that they’re doing a good thing by “not exposing kids to” things they’d prefer didn’t exist.

I’d be doing such a huge disservice towards my kids if I tried to keep them from hearing about things like fundamentalism, for example. Instead of keeping it from them, why would you not want to simply discuss your values when such things come up?

in reply to David Revoy

In which...

"Some parents" means "me."

"Exposing children" means "if they even noticed, which most probably didn't."

"Pepper's magical world" means "there are some things even magic can't fix."

in reply to David Revoy

honestly, having been told that queer people exist and that queer love is valid and good at a younger age would have been life-changing for teenage me

Queer kids deserve representation and role models.

in reply to David Revoy

They also tried to find Collodi's email address to tell him that in reality noses do not grow when they lie.
in reply to David Revoy

Pissing of the cult? Well that's a 'follow' recommendation right there! I'd just add some tongue action.
in reply to David Revoy

That is so unbelievable.
My kids and me found it really nice, that you have included gay characters.

It has made my day 👍

in reply to David Revoy

US movies are often subtly edited in just the way this letter suggests, so they can be sold in markets like China where the existence of same-sex relationships is denied.


in reply to David Revoy

Shoo, shoo, back in the closet you go.

Gross! Interpret their relationship naturally? Ugh XP. This is so skin crawlingly self righteous and supremacist. So gross!

in reply to David Revoy

There is no need to change something because some conservatives have bad feelings about it ❤️
in reply to David Revoy

Well, you might have potentially lost one closed-minded reader there, but definitely gained several new ones!
in reply to David Revoy

"Dear artist, I love your work, but I expect you not just to conform to my prejudices, but edit your creations to reflect my own bigoted viewpoint ".
in reply to David Revoy

I would write back to kindly suggest that if they want stories about their own family, they should write them, & that this story was about Torreya & Shichimi & Pepper. 🤷
And that they & "many conservative parents worldwide" should maybe just lock up their kids & never let them out to see the rest of the wide, wide world.
in reply to David Revoy

Good demonstration of the difference between "nice" and "good".
in reply to David Revoy

Wait - Torreya and Shichimi are girls? They have genders???
in reply to David Revoy

La meilleur reponse que j'imagine (a lire avec la voix "Jedi Trick" de Starwars):

David: - "Those are not the Pepper & Carrot you are looking for"
Soldier from the dark side: - "These are not the Pepper & Carrot we are looking for. Let's move on."

in reply to David Revoy

I guess kindly asking them to make small adjustments to their faith would make some sense.

It would allow more people to live in peace, and not expose a whole population to repressive behaviours.

Good luck with this crowd; you’re doing great!

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to David Revoy

What I find most offensive about this "request" is the idea that somehow it's a good thing for you to compromise your creative vision so that it's palatable for an audience you have no interest in catering to in the first place.

I'd be inclined to say something like "Thank you for your email, but I fear you are mistaken about the nature of your relationship to Pepper & Carrot. It is not intended for people who aren't comfortable sharing same-sex relationships with their children."

in reply to David Revoy

J’ai pas lu les 300+ réponses, mais si je pouvais proposer trois réponses possibles :

1. “Bonjour. Non. Ciao et 🖕”

2. Lui envoyer une image du couple en question en train de se rouler une pelle bien baveuse.

3. Lui envoyer une ou plusieurs de ces images (chopées chez @sebsauvage) :

in reply to David Revoy

The key is patience not aggression.

I'm no homophobe, at least I think I'm not. I have gay friends, hell a very good gay friend was the best man at my wedding. With older folks, genZ and below Media did not portray homosexuality often.

It's like making a vegetarian consume meat or vica versa.

Not everybody can deal with a quick change like that.

Be patient a little more informative. Aggression won't f

in reply to David Revoy

"Christian Values" have little to do with it. It is a cultural response.

I am a christian. - just know that Jesus himself chilled not with the "those who upheld the Law" but with those outside of the normal "the law" who are not only the sinners but also tax collectors etc.

The issue is media exposure from a cultural perspective. Homo/bi/etc sexuality was never a common thing in media over the ages.

Media is consumed. Ask a veggie to suddenly eat meat and vica versa..WWJD?

in reply to David Revoy

Thank you for sharing that letter. Obviously, the response you must have sent was a resounding "FUCK NO!"