Has anyone ordered these "Firefly Petunias" before? They're by a company called Light Bio, and apparently the flowers glow in the dark.
I love plants and while this would be a cool addition, has anyone ordered one of these and found it to be a waste of money? Is there an ethical dilemma with ordering these?
From Scientific American:
"The firefly petunia glows brightly and doesn’t need special food thanks to a group of genes from the bioluminescent mushroom Neonothopanus nambi. The fungus feeds its light-emitting reaction with the molecule caffeic acid, which terrestrial plants also happen to make. By inserting the mushroom genes into the petunia, researchers made it possible for the plant to produce enzymes that can convert caffeic acid into the light-emitting molecule luciferin and then recycle it back into caffeic acid — enabling sustained bioluminescence."
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