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Given my own interests, I've been saying for ages that I need more cultured, elegant, sophisticated people in my life. I've also said that I want to make more male gay friends, because they usually fall into that category. Now, I'm delighted to say that, ever since I've joined friendica, I've been accomplishing my goal! I'm not saying straight or bisexual men can't be this way. I would love to find them, and even more so , a single , older one (or more) for myself. But in general, searching for them usually consumes far more energy than it's worth, unless I'm fortunate enough to find seniors. I can't comment on women, as I usually get along better with men, so it wouldn't be fair. But outside of the gay community, I tend to get along with those several decades older than I.

#cultured #faghag #friends #gay #gayfriendly