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I’m going to try a cooking experiment now!

Everyone in my household fell madly in love with a type of seed cracker. I know, it doesn’t sound very exciting, but maybe you just haven’t had these crackers? Anyway, they are $7-9 dollars a box, which is highway robbery! So I decided to buy the ingredients to make them myself. The first problem is that the ingredients were, in fact, very expensive! Maybe there’s a reason they charge so much. I shall attempt to make them and report back later.
in reply to Julie

I don’t see where to add alt text. So, this is a photo of a baking sheet covered in white parchment paper and a batter consisting mostly of seeds.
in reply to Julie

I believe you add "a photo of a baking sheet covered in white parchment paper and a batter consisting mostly of seeds.[/img]" at the end of the image url.


in reply to Sunshine

@Sunshine @Julie It's [img=url-to-image]this is a photo of a baking sheet covered in white parchment paper and a batter consisting mostly of seeds[/img]. If you uploaded the image directly to the server, just type your alt before [/img].

Or upload the picture separately and add a description to it in Photos.