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What David Lynch Meant To Me

in reply to Benny Boo

I had been a casual fan of Twin Peaks back when I was a kid. I definitely loved the style and his mix of the unusual, dramatic and humorous. I have a hard time staying interested in series, however, even Lynch's.

When Mulholland Drive came out on DVD back in 2002(?), I became obsessed with it, obsessively re-watching and trying to piece its puzzle together. I re-watched it again for the first time in years and I'm in love again. It's a masterwork on the level of Tarkovsky, IMO. I might even wonder how it would play out if it had been a series as was originally planned. But overall, I'm happy that he was able to make it a feature film.

in reply to Benny Boo

Mulholland Drive is so unbelievably good. My favorite Lynch film is Blue Velvet and Lost Highway has some of my favorite individual Lynch moments, but Mullholland is his greatest mystery and his most moving, beautiful, saddest film to watch while also containing some of his funniest (hapless hitman schtick) and scariest (Winky's) moments of his entire career.

I think the TV version would have been something special, you can tell from what they shot that there were a lot of similar elements to what made Twin Peaks good and he even has a couple blink and you miss it Twin Peaks cameos in the Club Silencio scene so maybe he had an idea they tie together somehow.

However, I am absolutely okay with the fact that it became a top 10 all time film for me instead and made genuine movie stars out of a couple of its cast-for-TV actors.