Happy Birthday Ansel Adams - Father Hennepin Bridge, Minneapolis MN
Ansel Adams was born on this day in 1902, which means, were he still around, he would be an old soul indeed. Fortunately we have all of his magnificent work in black and white photography to admire, so he lives on through his art and through those of us who keep doing pale imitations of it.
In celebration, here is a quick share of one of my all-time favorite B&W Photos in the “Ansel Style”, and one of the few that I have occasionally been compensated for:
This was taken at just about midnight on July 4th of 2013. Evelia and I had spent the day in downtown Minneapolis, checking out our still-under-construction apartment building (which we moved into that fall) enjoying a meal at Kramarczuk's, and observing the fireworks on the Mississippi from the Stone Arch Bridge. I took this pick walking back to our car after most of the fireworks crowd had dispersed.
At the time, my new camera was a Sony RX100, which was a huge leap forward in “prosumer” mirrorless digital cameras. Until I made the transition to full-frame cameras a few years ago, this was my go-to. I still have it to this day, and while it doesn’t get used much, it still takes great picks.
July 4th, 2013 –{Tech in the comments}
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