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Friendica seriously needs to do something about their accessibility. I was able to edit one post directly on the site, but it was apparently a lucky click. I keep trying, but though there is an "edit" option,, when I hit it, it never sends me to an edit page. There is some kind of dialogue and I can never get into it. Even the homepage doesn't have normal links. It's some kind of menu bar, and if I go to profile, for example, it reads as a link, but I had to tab through everything else to get out of it. Why can't people just make normal links! This is why I use TweeseCake.

#accessibility #blind #blindness #friendica #html #menus #NVDA #technology #TweeseCake #websites

in reply to Georgiana Brummell

The main issue is that Friendica, as Italian instance maintainer @informapirata told me, has just one developer working on it. And there should be a "call for developers" to try finding someone in the community to MAKE FRIENDICA GREAT AGAIN... Too bad if it loses maintenance. I complained the same with Italian instance's owner, trouble editing messages in there due to inaccessible controls.

Robert Kingett reshared this.

in reply to Elena Brescacin

@Elena Brescacin @informapirata ⁂ :privacypride: Wow. That is truly sad. It's a wonderful platform, overall. I'm sure many people would be willing to help with development! Perhaps, we can start a friendica development tag.
in reply to Georgiana Brummell

@informapirata I would like to help Friendica dev community to grow but I have no contacts with original devs/creator, I have no code skill, and I would like Friendica to improve (accessibility included) but I have no idea on how to concretely start such an initiative. Even saying "look for devs helping Friendica" whom should they contact? Me, after I know nothing about its maintenance at all? We must be realistic and take appropriate steps.
in reply to Elena Brescacin

@Elena Brescacin @informapirata ⁂ :privacypride: Perhaps, that's where we need to start. We should find the original developers. I've already started the tag to help us find developers. Such a wonderful site should be promoted and also improved if possible. I've met some amazing people after joining.