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in reply to Georgiana Brummell

1. Adelina Pattie was complimented by Clara Novello Davies as naturally possessing the traits that she taught. (Pattie claimed this.) So listening to her may help in understanding what Madam Clara was teaching in You Can Sing.
2. Even being new to all of this, I immediately notice messa di voce and portamento, and I cherrish both of them as hallmarks of not only good singing but a great way to stir emotions.
3. With my love of the upper classes, humour, light-hearted stories, romances, fantastical elements, etc. I learned, last night, that I don't really like the subject matter of verismo. Now, it seems, I'm not thrilled with its singing either. But it's still good to know about it as part of my education in opera and high culture. For a more in depth explanation of all of this, here is the Wikipedia portal on opera, which I have yet to read, only having recently discovered it.…