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Those who know me know I am a serious fan of Ivor Novello and the vocal style of his time. They also know that I am studying from the book You Can Sing by Clara Novello Davies (Ivor's mother). One of Madam Clara's most famous students was Louis Graveure, who made at least forty recordings between 1915 and 1930. I literally just learned, a few minutes ago, that he himself taught singing! He died in 1965 and taught until his death. This raises an intriguing question. Are any of his students still alive? Finding one would give me a direct connection to him and also to Madam Clara's own methodology! And obviously, if anyone who knew Ivor is still alive, I would like to find him as well, but sadly, I doubt it, as he died in 1951.

#ClaraNovelloDavies #history #LouisGraveure #opera #singing #theater #theatre