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I'm going to use fake labels here, because I want to make a general point. People should be allowed to express their personal opinions, as long as they are not actually threatening others, or encouraging violence. If you say "I don't think Martians should be able to use the same bathrooms as Venusians", "Martians should stay home and watch their children", or "Martians should be sent back to their planet and not allowed to come to Earth without interplanetary passports", those are opinions. But if you write a post defending the rights of Earthlings to attack Martians or defend someone who did, or tell a Martian that he should kill himself, that's entirely different. Those are not just opinions. They can lead to actual crimes.

In reality, while I wouldn't call myself a feminist, I do believe in equal rights for men and women. I firmly support and defend the rights of homosexuals and bisexuals and will not befriend those who actively speak against them. I also believe that those who moderate groups should be able to set the rules and not allow such content. But in general, I don't think that personal opinions should be stifled. I just wouldn't associate with such people, just as I wouldn't with those who hate the blind. It's just common sense. I also think that, many times, people today are offended by the most ridiculous things. There are actually warnings about songs or radio shows made in the past, for example. I've listened to some of them and can't find anything wrong with them. I also realise that it's foolish to judge something from a hundred years ago by the standards of today, which many people seem to have forgotten. And not everything needs to be criticised, analysed, or is because of the upper class, or the patriarchy, or whites, or meat eaters, or whatever group is being blamed this week. I'm sick of everything being politicised on all sides of the spectrum.…