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I Felt in love with this TV series.

Silicon "Fucking" Valley is a six-part guide to Silicon Valley, available until October 23, 2027, one still has time to review it. Luc Julia, co-creator of Siri, shares his insights and experiences after living in the area for over 30 years. The series is somekind of a guide exploring various locations, including Stanford University and the headquarters of major GAFAM tech companies.
Luc Julia also reveals some less glorious aspects of the tech industry in Silicon Valley.

This six parts guide focuses on different aspects of the tech world, such as AI, computer history, and the tech economy:

"La fabrique des cerveaux" (The Brain Factory)
"L'ordi qui a tout changé" (The Computer That Changed Everything)
"La loi du plus fort" (The Law of the Jungle)
"Ce que l'IA doit aux chats" (What AI Owes to Cats)
"L'avenue aux 350 milliards" (The 350 Billion Dollar Avenue)
"À la recherche du rêve américain" (In Search of the American Dream)

This series is a "must see" for all tech enthusiats, especially those who have known the golden years of the silicon valley (80's and 90's). Noticeably, the series is also very insightful on the stone age of the Silicon Valley, the 70's and the Valley's history, and intrinsic mechanisms.…

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