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This is my first Friendica post. I'm currently just trying to figure out the basics of the platform (and also trying to determine why on my home page "No contacts" is listed, despite having at least one - anyone have any ideas?)

in reply to Ken B

Maybe it takes a while to update? It looks like the 4 friends I have on here are in my contacts. It looks like you tried to post photos, but they didn't come through...
in reply to Erik Hofmeister

Weird. They're coming through on my end. Here's a screenshot in a different format; maybe this will show.
in reply to Erik Hofmeister

Anyway, it looks like my contacts are now showing up (although it's still jacked up - it says "3 contacts" but shows the profile pics of my four contacts. It looks like the .jpg screencap I took is showing up, but not the originals, which were .pngs. I'm going to try uploading both file types

as part of this post.

in reply to Ken B

As a decentralized platform, near as I can tell there is a lag before changes and updates appear. I’m running my profile from, the rest of you are on Friendica-world. I expect lag between me and the rest of you. I’d think that those of you on the same server would have much quicker updates.

I’m going to stay on my server for a while, but I suspect I’ll switch to the server my friends are using soon.

in reply to John St.Clair

Yeah, this might just be delays. Like I said, I'll give it a while. Now that it's kind of working, the commenting at least seems intuitive and functional.
in reply to Ken B

FFS. Both showed up, but it inserted them into the middle of my text rather than at the end.

So far I'm not real impressed with the platform's functionality, but I'm going to give it a week.

I can't see this every replacing Facebook though. I hate Facebook, but there aren't any notable barriers to entry, and posting at least works. If I'm having this much trouble with Friendica, I can't see anyone who isn't tech savvy ever using it.

I'm going to add another random picture to this reply to see where exactly it shows up.

in reply to Sarah Peck

Ken: This platform kind of sucks. A paper airplane icon? WTF?

Sarah: It was built by nerds for free in their spare time!

Ken: It was *kind of* built by nerds for free in their spare time.

in reply to Ken B

“ It was *kind of* built by nerds for free in their spare time.” 😂
in reply to Ken B

How do you initiate a friend request? I only seem to know how to accept them.
in reply to Eloiwyn

One way is to go to a person's profile and click "Follow."
in reply to Eloiwyn

I think you just go their profile and click "follow."

Then you get "Awaiting connection acknowledgement" until, uh, the connection is "acknowledged" I guess?

Not sure why this couldn't be "add friend" or something else a bit more intuitive.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Ken B

Yeah, can't seem to find a follow button-- have been clicking all over what I can see of Ken and not finding that as an option.
in reply to Eloiwyn

This is what I see when I visit someone's profile:

(In this case the option is "unfollow" since I've already followed you.)

in reply to Ken B

@Ken B - you and I are on the web interface. Kristi is using the android app and it’s different.

I think this has potential but it’s not ready for prime time yet.

in reply to Ken B

Heh, option 2-- complain loudly until person you're trying to follow takes pity and initiates follow from their end.
in reply to Eloiwyn

Ah-ha! On app, you have to do more than just click on someone's name to get that profile view with the follow option. You have to click on their name to get to their feed, then click an inobtrusive arrow at top left to expand the profile view.