@spycrab @shipwreckt Signal is a corporation (yes, it doesn't store your data or messages, so it's kind of safe) Matrix is a protocol, no one controls it; Like Activity Pub, people can build applications over it, just like " title=""/> and " title=""/>
@kyleirl @Andres @spycrab @shipwreckt @Mer__edith open source code, but no way of proving that that's the same code that's running on your iPhone. If you installed signal from the apple store or the Google play store there is no way to know it's not sending every message to the NSA or something. You also can't be sure the server is running the published source. The problem I have with signal is that all of these wonderful claims are completely unverifiable, and that smells like honey trap.
@bigfishrunning @kyleirl @Andres @spycrab @shipwreckt @Mer__edith Also, the release .apk app contains not only published open source code, but also proprietary (non-free) binary blobs linked with it, and Signal foundation (or was it just Moxie?) was never OK with people removing those non-free blobs and connecting to their servers (which is why #fdroid FOSS app store could never publish #signal, which is a shame and a reason why many FOSS won't run it. Also, why no #federation ?)
@kyleirl @Andres @spycrab @shipwreckt @Mer__edith While Signal is very promising, and currently very secure, it is not federated services which leaves it vulnerable in case the business model changes, like if the intellectual property of the clients and/or servers would become subject to capitalisation. If so, it would be far from the first time that this happens in the history. As I just shared in another post I highly recommend giving this a peek: securemessagingapps.com/
This site compares secure messaging apps from a security & privacy point of view. These include Facebook Messenger, iMessage, Skype, Signal, Simplex, Google Messenger, Threema, Riot, Wire, Telegram, and Wickr
@dansup@mastodon.social well, @signalapp@mastodon.world too is #proprietary and #centralized and peddles a #Cryptocurrency #Scamcoin named #MobileCoin:
Use #XMPP+#OMEMO (i.e. @monocles@monocles.
@kkarhan @mortn @kyleirl @spycrab @shipwreckt @Mer__edith @signalapp i dont like signal either but its the best we have currently, we dont have anything better, matrix is actual garbage with worse problems than signal imo
Its good stuff when I get my VPS first thing I'm doing is moving my email and web server there, next step xmpp server so me and my friends can be chill
Note: read your stuff I hope your situation gets better
@Andres @brawnybunkbedbuddy Matrix sucks and its a horrible platform with horrible UI and disjointed features between clients, main clients dont even follow the matrix protocol correctly.
@mwguy nah. I am all for it but my wife said “meh”. I joined this month and it’s… fine. But no one I know in real life is on it, there is no mobile app, and the setup can be a little off-putting. The fedi platforms have an incredible opportunity right now to take in a lot of social media refugees, but the ones without apps (friendica, loops, etc) are going to struggle to get traction with a population that is accustomed to convenience.
@VTDARKSIM Dang. I think I could get my wife and her family off facebook (because they're all a little fed up with it right now). But I'd need a solid replacement for facebook groups as they use to to coordinate family stuff.
@mwguy I’ve been pushing the fediverse for a while now, but the big 2’s fascist overtures lately have finally radicalized my wife to consider it. She happily joined #pixelfed and has convinced several friends to join.
I think that’s the key. If you/she can get a group to join together, and then they can convince someone else to do so, it will become a more attractive option. It’s the chicken & egg scenario right now.
@VTDARKSIM This is absolutely a big part of the issue. Additionally it's tough to explain that they need to have an account for Mastadon, Lemmy, Loops, Pixelfed etc... to utilize all the aspects of the fediverse instead of being able to "take you ID with you" across different tools.
@mwguy absolutely, though I will say I joined #mastodon first, then #pixelfed, then #friendica. Only then did I see I can sign in to the mastodon app with all 3 accounts. I don’t think it’s quite as universally seamless yet (for instance, the pixelfed app has the option to sign in with your mastodon account, but it wouldn’t work for me presumably because my instance hasn’t enabled it?), but I think it’s heading there.
It is not fair to put Mastodon, Pixelfed, Friedica, Peertube and Loops as analogous to Signal. Signal is centralized, Signal relies on closed source libraries, Signal is only distributed through PlayStore, Signal is not a federated platform.
If we want to have a messaging platform on that image, it should be XMPP.
@brawnybunkbedbuddy With Friendica you can also communicate with Diaspora users (+ and with Bluesky, Tumblr, ...). With Diaspora you are only in contact with other #Diaspora users and with Friendica and Hubzilla, but not with the rest of the Fediverse. @Daniel Supernault
it would be good if first of all pixelfed don't delay accepting new accounts, losing the momentum it is getting. also there is the usual bug where scrolling the home sometimes it freezes. it would be good to have a smooth pixelfed before of improving loops. but, instead of this, a third app is being developed. wish you all the best tackling things in a triune way.
For people to really make the switch, it would be helpful to give them an article explaining what to do exactly. In German there is one by @blog - do you know of other languages? #GlobalSwitchDay koelle4future.de/?p=35767
For people to really make the switch, it would be helpful to give them an article explaining what to do exactly. In German there is one by @blog - do you know of other languages? #GlobalSwitchDay koelle4future.de/?p=35767
Du kämpfst täglich für Klimagerechtigkeit? Und bist noch auf Plattformen, bei dem Klimaleugnung, Frauenverachtung und die Verfolgung von queeren Menschen offen zum Geschäftsmodel gehört? Das muss nicht sein!
Komm dahin, wo Menschen soziale Medien aktiv und dezentral gestalten. Komm ins Fediverse, hier ist die bessere Party. Mach mit beim global switch day am 1. Februar 2025 und bring Deine Freund*innen mit. Empfohlen u.a. von @janboehm
So einfach geht das – probiere mal eins davon aus:
Finde ein Pendant zum jeweiligen antisozialen Medium
Kurznachrichtendienste mit Zeichenlimit und bis zu vier BildernTwitter (heute: niX mehr) –> Mastodon
Besuche social.cologne, das ist eine Mastodon-Plattform und erstelle Deinen Account. Eine detaillierte bebilderte Anleitung und Deine ersten Schritte haben wir Anfang des Jahres vorbereitet.
Teile ein bis 10 Bilder pro Beitrag und schreib dazu einen Begleittext. Instagram –> Pixelfed
Die Liste ist unvollständig, um Dir den Einstieg zu erleichtern haben wir pro Dienst nur eine von vielen dezentralen Servern angegeben. Weiteres findest Du z.B. im Beitrag Das Fediverse : Unendliche Weiten.
Am 23. Februar 2025 ist Bundestagswahl Klimaschutz ist Menschenschutz Gehe wählen! Wähle demokratisch! Wähle Klimaschutz! Die Termine unserer Kundgebungen (jeweils 11-14 Uhr (*)) 18.01.2025 Breite Straße/Richmodstraße, Altstadt-Nord 25.01.
@P0llyticks We have moderation tho, old twitter was great, theyll flock to one instance the rest will ban, how it goes when those trolls enter the fediverse
I don’t think all those other apps are gonna replace anything (including this app and I don’t think rednote is gonna replace TikTok either) but they might be worth giving them a shot
@dausacker olha que legal essa imagem. (Pessoalmente não gosto tanto da ideia de uma plataforma de vídeos verticais federada... Mas a imagem não deixa de ser legal, não.)
I have started watching videos on peertube, but it is annoying that I have to manually skip sponsors, so it would be good if sponsorblock support some of the peertube website, ex: TILvids, PeerTube...
@caos @Daniel Supernault @ericbuijs1 @anubis2814 @Elena Rossini ⁂ @FOSDEM @Sanne Bjerg I actually spent an entire afternoon myself compiling this comprehensive post about Friendica. It was initially designed to be a megathread with resources, but I decided to also add an FAQ and, as a bonus, the list of all human-readable color names that are supported when formatting your text to be colored (because yes, you can format your text in whichever way you want).
Feel free to Ctrl+F anything in your browser to quickly jump to what you need, check the links as well if I did not cover it, and also ask on the forum (@helpers@forum.friendi.ca) if you still don't find what you need. Or you can ask here. I'm all ears 😀
Hello, everyone! As we know what Zuck's place is going through, I decided to create a post with all the resources I found online all these years I've been on this place, in a bid to help more people board. Here we go:
no less important, The Friendica Wiki also available under the help section of your instance (click on your pic and name on the top-right where you're logged in -> help)
All of these should be more comprehensive than this guide.
Short Q&A with the most common problems
How do I post stuff? Easy, on your profile, click the button in the top right that looks like this:
A pop-up window will open, and you can type anything. Make sure to set the appropriate permissions by clicking the tab at the top. If you want your post to be public then choose public, if you don't, select limited/private and add the exceptions or add who can see it. Make sure you properly select these permissions, because you cannot change them later. If you format your post (see below), you can also check the preview pane to see how your post will look. This also applies for comments.
How to format my text?
Unlike Facebook, Friendica allows you to format your text, just like you'd do in a Word document. It uses BBCodes for text formatting like bold text, italic text, underlined text and many others. You can find more example on the usage of it in the Wiki or under https://your-instance-address/help/bbcode. You don't have to style your text, but you can do some nice stuff with it. You can also get suggestions for formatting by typing [ and selecting an option from the drop-down menu, or typing out your option to narrow your search. But do check the wiki, though. Generally, BBCode looks like [option]your-text-here[/option].
If there is any text where you don't want to add any tags on by accident, slide it between these tags: [noparse][/noparse].
How to upload an image (and how to add alt-text to it) Just drag&drop it into the composing page. Simple. Easy. No frills.
Also, to note is that you can also re-use an image you previously uploaded if you go to the Browser tab in the compose window.
Finally, you can link to any image you find online, without downloading&reuploading it in the 1st place. Right-click an image, click "copy image link", then go to your post and type [img]paste-your image-link-here[/img] (of course, you paste your image link instead, between the img tags). This is generally how images are displayed via BBCode.
I personally use an external site to host my media and link it this way, whenever there is something I want on the internet for as long as possible in order to save some space on my instance. I mostly use postimages.org, but I also used
Meta and now also Reddit like to change the URL string to the media posted on their platforms, so don't rely on these if you want your post to still stay relevant after a few days.
You can also add Alt-Text to your image if, instead, you type [img=your_image_url]Your Alt-Text here[/img]. Alt-Text is generally an image description that is displayed when the image fails to load/before loading, and is useful to visually impaired people using screen reading software which can read this out loud. The latter is the reason why it is highly recommended by many people all across the Fediverse (not just on Friendica).
How to upload a video or other media Just like you do with an image. However, the video will be posted under Browser, and then the "Files" icon:
Select your file, and it will be posted with an tag.
However, there's currently no user facing way to delete these as yet, so feel free to upload them on any other external service and share the direct link to the audio/video if you care about this.
You can use the tags [audio]your-link-to-the-audio[/audio] and [video]your-link-to-the-video[/video] for that.
How do I make a poll/vote at polls Polls are currently supported by a few Fediverse platforms, but not by Friendica fully, right now (you can see them, but you cannot vote on them and create them).
You can again use an external service for creating polls, such as poll-maker or Strawpoll.
Okay, but do I need to add a title?
No, you don't. I didn't add one either here. You can if you want your post to be more fancy and want to turn your profile into a more of a personal blog. Which would be cool, but it's not necessary. You do you!
How to post to a group
Groups on Friendica, as well as any other ActivityPub platform, are generally just some special accounts that automatically boost/reshare whatever post you added while tagging them. Therefore, just create a regular post and tag them with the ! or @ signs (one of these tags should suffice). The former one creates a post that is visible on the group but unlisted wherever else (i.e. in a public feed). The latter takes account of your permission settings. You will see how you can find groups somewhere below.
How to find various people
There are multiple ways; One is to use any of the established lists:
You can also go to Settings>Profile>Miscellaneous and scroll all the way down to add some tags to the profile. Then, you can also go to Contacts and choose "similar interests" in the left pane, get friend suggestions or a random profile.
Finally, you can also follow hashtags to get posts from people that also share your interests directly in your feed, and then follow them from there.
I'm posting stuff here, but how can people discover me?
Just like on Mastodon, you can enhance your posts with #hashtags. Other people who follow the same hashtags can find you and connect with you if they want.
But that's not the only way. You can also add yourself into the aforementioned Friendica Directory or to your server's one by going to Settings>Account>Security and Privacy Settings and check any of these two options:
This way anyone can find you according to your interests.
If, however you would like more privacy, you can check the following box below:
This limits the visibility of your content to only instances that are made aware of it, and people that have access to it based on your privacy settings. Unlogged users will not be allowed to find your content. E.g., open my profile in a new tab to see how this feature works: libranet.de/profile/petrescatr…
How do I find groups?
Same as with regular people. There are multiple lists:
Check out the servers of other Fediverse software like Mbin or Piefed. These are more forum-like platforms, centered around communities. Generally, each of these communities has a Fediverse address. Copy that, paste it in the search bar, and you should be able to find it. If it doesn't work the 1st time, try a few more times. If it still doesn't work, look whether the server is not on the banned list by accessing your-server-address/friendica, and/or contact your admin for clarification.
How do I use the search? Is it any useful beyond just searching for people and groups and other accounts?
Yes there are. From my personal experience, Raccoon for Friendica gave me the best results. Relatica is also a great option, as well as Fedilab (the latter is more of a Mastodon client, but you can disable the display of reply in the feeds and enable BBCode - fiddle out in the settings). There are other apps for various platforms as well. If you don't find any of them fitting, you can just access your Friendica server in your browser (e.g. friendica.world, nerdica.net etc.). It's very responsive and easy to use.
I hope this Q&A covers the most common aspects of using Friendica
Bonus: Text colorsOne aspect that hasn't really been touched on in the wiki is the colors. You can have text in any color if you type the text like this [color=color_name_or_value]your text here[/color]. Hex values are accepted, however there are also some human readable names that can be used (based on this thread): Antiquewhite Aqua Aquamarine Azure Beige Bisque Blanchedalmond Blue Blueviolet Brown Burlywood Cadetblue Chartreuse Chocolate Coral Cornflowerblue Cornsilk Crimson Cyan Darkblue Darkcyan Darkgoldenrod Darkgray Darkgreen Darkkhaki Darkmagenta Darkolivegreen Darkorange Darkorchid Darkred Darksalmon Darkseagreen Darkslateblue Darkslategray Darkturquoise Darkviolet Deeppink Deepskyblue Dimgray Dodgerblue Firebrick Floralwhite Forestgreen Fuchsia Gainsboro Ghostwhite Gold Goldenrod Gray Green Greenyellow Honeydew Hotpink Indianred Indigo Ivory Khaki Lavender Lavenderblush Lawngreen Lemonchiffon Lightblue Lightcoral Lightcyan Lightgoldenrodyellow Lightgreen Lightgrey Lightpink Lightsalmon Lightseagreen Lightskyblue Lightslategray Lightsteelblue Linen Magenta Maroon Mediumaquamarine Mediumblue Mediumorchid Mediumpurple Mediumseagreen Mediumslateblue Mediumspringgreen Mediumturquoise Mediumvioletred Midnightblue Mintcream Mistyrose Moccasin Navajowhite Navy Oldlace Olive Olivedrab Orange Orangered Orchid Palegoldenrod Palegreen Paleturquoise Palevioletred Papayawhip Peachpuff Peru Pink Plum Powderblue Purple Red Rosybrown Royalblue Saddlebrown Salmon Sandybrown Seagreen Seashell Sienna Silver Skyblue Slateblue Slategray Snow Springgreen Steelblue Tan Teal Thistle Tomato Turquoise Violet Wheat White Whitesmoke Yellow Yellowgreen
A webpage that I'm gonna create and link here. While Friendica is quite flexible and allows for text to be customized and formatted in multiple ways, I think a website should also be nice (plus I just discovered Google Sites and I wanna play around) - TBD
Years ago I used to recommend a Fedi platform called Lemmy. However, in 2021 some very disturbing stuff about Lemmy's developers came out which totally changed my mind. Because of this, I did a thread to warn people about Lemmy and then never mentioned them again. Today a mod on this account's old server deleted the 2021 thread, without any explanation but apparently by mistake.
If you're looking for the thread, it's on the Internet Archive:
i really dont want to spoil the fun here. I appreciate the effort.
But although #signal is much more popular than #matrix their relationship is like #mastodon to #bluesky. Both bluesky and signal have a #proprietary backend. although their frontent is #OpenSource they technically have a single point of failure. server/cluster down == service down
Mastodon and matrix are actual fediverse services which are undestroyable since they are many federated, independent servers.
I pulled up YouTube for the first time (I was signed out of google too) on my work computer to watch one funny video at work, and this is what autoplayed immediately afterwards. I’m fully switching to peertube now. It’s turning into a hate platform like meta and Twitter.
Wir sind noch #neuHier auf #Mastodon. Unsere Accounts auf X, Facebook und Instagram haben wir gelöscht.
Wir sind unseres Wissens der erste #AnwaltVerein im #Fediverse, aber bestimmt nicht der letzte.
Wir würden uns freuen, wenn noch mehr #Rechtsanwälte den Weg hierher fänden. Sprecht Euren Lieblings-, Haus-, Familien- und Unternehmensanwalt einfach auf's #Fediversum an. Es gibt ja für jede große kommerzielle Plattform eine freie Alternative, siehe die grafische Übersicht oben.
Dunno how well this is going to go - decentralized kinda misses the point of social networks, one of these requires you to run your own servers, and one is closed to new signups
The Fediverse needs better branding. Don't use 'Tube', it was already outdated when YouTube launched. Pixelfed sounds like it's a federal agency. Friendica? What? And don't get me started on 'Mastodon' which I think would have way more users if it wasn't called 'Mastodon'
I've been slowly converting family and friends over to #Signal for years now. Here's how usually I do that these days. When a conversation gets into some rather intimate topic - say talk on emotions, or psychology, or other highly private details - then I set a boundary, saying "I'd be willing to discuss this topic further, but only in a more private app like Signal." So I leave them an "out": I'm willing to stay on, say, WhatsApp, *but the conversation has to stay more shallow*.
I also run an #XMPP server (Prosody), but I've had very limited success in getting people to join. Frankly, XMPP is *only* for intrepid geeks at this time, who are willing to put up with several papercuts in usability. Apps like WhatsApp and Signal have "raised the bar" *a lot*, and apps like #Conversations and #Gajim have their work cut out for them to try to catch up to peo
... show more
I've been slowly converting family and friends over to #Signal for years now. Here's how usually I do that these days. When a conversation gets into some rather intimate topic - say talk on emotions, or psychology, or other highly private details - then I set a boundary, saying "I'd be willing to discuss this topic further, but only in a more private app like Signal." So I leave them an "out": I'm willing to stay on, say, WhatsApp, *but the conversation has to stay more shallow*.
I also run an #XMPP server (Prosody), but I've had very limited success in getting people to join. Frankly, XMPP is *only* for intrepid geeks at this time, who are willing to put up with several papercuts in usability. Apps like WhatsApp and Signal have "raised the bar" *a lot*, and apps like #Conversations and #Gajim have their work cut out for them to try to catch up to people's sky-high expectations - they've been spoiled.
*A ton more testing and bug-fixing is still needed to iron out quirks that the different XMPP clients have, in talking to each other.* This goes especially for #iOS or #iPadOS offerings for XMPP.
Hi Dansup, first of all, you are a ⭐ thanks for everything you do! I have a quick question... I applied to pixelfed.art a couple of days ago, but no answer yet. Shall I wait more or resend the application? Please let me know if there is anything wrong. My username in the application was "skamu". Thanks!!
Never was on Xitter, but I'm here. Never been on "insta," or What'sApp, or TikTok. Debating leaving FB and not switching to anything. YT with ad blockers and a VPN for now.
Long interesting discussion! Another idea, while we’re at it, might be to buy a Fairphone with /e/os and resist the temptation of installing the ‘wrong apps’. They also sell tablets. Reasonably locked down Linux on your computer and you’re set. Am I the only one who sees the irony of choosing ‘safe’ apps but still using the machines and os’ of the beast? 😀. If you have to use them at work, wait till you get home to socialize online, or take your Fairphone on your pee break.
Mike Macgirvin, the creator of Friendica and Hubzilla, has made a whole tree of at least (...counts...) nine forks after Hubzilla, eight of which were nomadic. Two of them still exist.
One is intentionally nameless, intentionally brandless, intentionally not a project and intentionally released into the public domain. Since the community needed to address to it by something, they took the name of the code repository (which needed a name), put parentheses around it and called it (streams).
It's a fork (2021) of a fork (Roadhouse; 2021) of three forks (Osada, Mistpark 2020 a.k.a. Misty, Redmatrix 2020; 2020) of a fork (Zap; 2018) of maybe another fork (Osada; non-nomadic; 2018; if Zap was forked
Mike Macgirvin, the creator of Friendica and Hubzilla, has made a whole tree of at least (...counts...) nine forks after Hubzilla, eight of which were nomadic. Two of them still exist.
One is intentionally nameless, intentionally brandless, intentionally not a project and intentionally released into the public domain. Since the community needed to address to it by something, they took the name of the code repository (which needed a name), put parentheses around it and called it (streams).
It's a fork (2021) of a fork (Roadhouse; 2021) of three forks (Osada, Mistpark 2020 a.k.a. Misty, Redmatrix 2020; 2020) of a fork (Zap; 2018) of maybe another fork (Osada; non-nomadic; 2018; if Zap was forked from Osada rather than directly from Hubzilla;) of Hubzilla.
(streams) is reduced in features and connectivity in comparison with Hubzilla, but so were the first Osada and Zap. However, in terms of permission control and nomadicity, it's at least up-to-par with Hubzilla. In fact, it isn't quite as difficult to use as Hubzilla because permission handling has been adapted what the Fediverse of the 2020s actually requires as opposed to what a hypothetical Fediverse of the mid-2010s centred around the Red Matrix would require.
I've made a series of tables that compare Mastodon, Friendica, Hubzilla and (streams). You can find them here.
The other still existing fork is Forte from August, 2024. Forte is a direct fork of (streams). It's highly experimental because all support for the Nomad protocol was removed, and it has to rely on ActivityPub for nomadic identity. Thus, it is not officially released yet, it does not have public instances, and it is not recommended as a stable, reliable daily driver yet.
Lemmy is the most usable one and the only I frequent daily out of the whole fediverse, even with the lower numbers in comparison, its consistent with it's growth and way more constructive than reddit
I agree that Lemmy is a great alternative, personally I use my Sharkey instance to interact with Lemmy users and things still but if I could keep with my instance and make it look like Lemmy when I want to use those parts of the Fediverse, I'd love that.
Either way amazing to see more people use the Fediverse
friendica doesn't have a update in many years, on pixelfed.social nothing happens, and Peertube isn't interesting enough so people staying at th big tech crap
I have to say that I just really paid attention to the logos for Loops and Peertube and I think they’re brilliant. I have no idea if you intended for Loops to reference/riff Peertube’s design language, but it’s very good either way (Peertube evoking federation through the “play” triangle pointing in multiple directions while also itself being a “play” triangle; almost the same sized triangle in the negative space with the looping graphics for Loops).
@Daniel Supernault Just to hopefully assist from newbie perspective, I've been trying Friendica for a few days, I've never used FB so can't compare but I've found Fedilab works well though a little battery hungry and am just trying Raccoon which seems as easy to get around, I found the web interface confusing though. Hth
Andres Jalinton
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •argv minus one
in reply to Andres Jalinton • • •XMPP+OMEMO seems preferable. Fully open source and no corporate influence.
in reply to Andres Jalinton • • •Andres Jalinton
in reply to Spycrab • • •@shipwreckt
Signal is a corporation (yes, it doesn't store your data or messages, so it's kind of safe)
Matrix is a protocol, no one controls it; Like Activity Pub, people can build applications over it, just like
Kyle Döring
in reply to Andres Jalinton • • •@Andres @spycrab @shipwreckt
It's not just "kind of safe." It's a legitimate means of safe and private communication owned by a non-profit.
Open source code, vetted by the security industry.
You don't have to do hardly any digging to verify all its accolades.
Give their CEO, @Mer__edith , a follow if you're so inclined.
Woodrow Douglass
in reply to Kyle Döring • • •Matija Nalis
in reply to Woodrow Douglass • • •mortn
in reply to Kyle Döring • • •While Signal is very promising, and currently very secure, it is not federated services which leaves it vulnerable in case the business model changes, like if the intellectual property of the clients and/or servers would become subject to capitalisation. If so, it would be far from the first time that this happens in the history.
As I just shared in another post I highly recommend giving this a peek: securemessagingapps.com/
Secure Messaging Apps Comparison | Privacy Matters
www.securemessagingapps.comslowmart reshared this.
Kevin Karhan
in reply to mortn • • •@mortn @kyleirl @Andres@mastodon.hardcoredevs.com @spycrab @shipwreckt @Mer__edith
#ToldYaSo guys!
#ProTip: Use #XMPP+#OMEMO!
Kevin Karhan :verified: (@kkarhan@infosec.space)
in reply to Kevin Karhan • • •shipwreckt
in reply to v0idness • • •Xmpp is pretty good
in reply to shipwreckt • • •shipwreckt
in reply to v0idness • • •Its good stuff when I get my VPS first thing I'm doing is moving my email and web server there, next step xmpp server so me and my friends can be chill
Note: read your stuff I hope your situation gets better
in reply to shipwreckt • • •v0idness
in reply to Andres Jalinton • • •brawnybunkbedbuddy
in reply to Andres Jalinton • • •@Andres signal would be much easier for less experienced users because it also allows you to find contacts by phone number.
i saw my friends coming to signal while the only contact on matrix is my SO because we decided to give it a try for a while - without a success.
Andres Jalinton
in reply to brawnybunkbedbuddy • • •I have all my family on matrix, they just use it, it's very simple.
in reply to Andres Jalinton • • •Martin Gleadow
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •mwguy
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Chris Geoghooligan
in reply to mwguy • • •mwguy
in reply to Chris Geoghooligan • • •irelephant
in reply to mwguy • • •Chris Geoghooligan
in reply to mwguy • • •@mwguy I’ve been pushing the fediverse for a while now, but the big 2’s fascist overtures lately have finally radicalized my wife to consider it. She happily joined #pixelfed and has convinced several friends to join.
I think that’s the key. If you/she can get a group to join together, and then they can convince someone else to do so, it will become a more attractive option. It’s the chicken & egg scenario right now.
in reply to Chris Geoghooligan • • •Chris Geoghooligan
in reply to mwguy • • •caos
in reply to Chris Geoghooligan • • •@Chris Geoghooligan @mwguy There are already a few mobile apps especially for Friendica: #Raccoon and #Relatica . But I have no experience with them, the best is always the web app because it has all the functions. However, I wouldn't really recommend Friendica to people who only want to use it on their smartphone.
@Daniel Supernault
🌴 Seph 💭 👾
in reply to mwguy • • •mwguy
in reply to 🌴 Seph 💭 👾 • • •🌴 Seph 💭 👾
in reply to mwguy • • •mwguy
in reply to 🌴 Seph 💭 👾 • • •Daniel Supernault
in reply to mwguy • • •@mwguy @vextaur We have Groups, but they need a bit of polish and APIs for the mobile app support.
Stay tuned though, they are just like FB Groups (down to the UI) with support for Private federated groups!
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •DoM!niC
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •RadiantBlack
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Alontra :comunista: 🇵🇸🌱
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •It is not fair to put Mastodon, Pixelfed, Friedica, Peertube and Loops as analogous to Signal. Signal is centralized, Signal relies on closed source libraries, Signal is only distributed through PlayStore, Signal is not a federated platform.
If we want to have a messaging platform on that image, it should be XMPP.
Matěj Cepl 🇪🇺 🇨🇿 🇺🇦
in reply to Alontra :comunista: 🇵🇸🌱 • • •contrapunctus ✊🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️
in reply to Matěj Cepl 🇪🇺 🇨🇿 🇺🇦 • • •@mcepl @alontra #XMPP is alive and well. Maybe check out some clients and servers -
And join some communities - search.jabber.network/tags/
The Quick and Easy Guide to Jabber/XMPP
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •brawnybunkbedbuddy
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •caos
in reply to brawnybunkbedbuddy • • •@Daniel Supernault
Ethical Complainer™
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •bread
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Sérgio Machado
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •thornsinnercircle 🍉🇺🇦
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Malte
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Son Link 🐧
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Florian Schmidt
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •For people to really make the switch, it would be helpful to give them an article explaining what to do exactly.
In German there is one by @blog - do you know of other languages?
Kölle for Future
For people to really make the switch, it would be helpful to give them an article explaining what to do exactly.
In German there is one by @blog - do you know of other languages?
Kölle for Future
2025-01-30 07:00:00
Wolfie Rankin
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •ploum
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Kees 🐧
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Chalk
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •irelephant likes this.
in reply to Chalk • • •Jess ex machina
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Mx Verda
in reply to Jess ex machina • • •Jess ex machina
in reply to Mx Verda • • •@dansup
Daniel Supernault
in reply to Jess ex machina • • •3dmvr
in reply to Jess ex machina • • •Noah Jin
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Noah Jin
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Bestiolina
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •guilherme
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •ch0ccyra1n
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •📄 Mehdi.doc
in reply to ch0ccyra1n • • •📄 Mehdi.doc
in reply to 📄 Mehdi.doc • • •Lack of PeerTube Support · Issue #1938 · ajayyy/SponsorBlock
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Understress81
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Frank Nanninga
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Sanne Bjerg
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •caos
in reply to Sanne Bjerg • • •@Sanne Bjerg Here are some insights into #Friendica :
video series "Friendica tutorial Pt 1 of 6: Explaining Friendica/Facebook comparisons and how to join." by @anubis2814
Blog "The Future of Social is Here: a Show and Tell (part 3: Friendica)" by @Elena Rossini ⁂ @FOSDEM
Blog "When to use Friendica over Mastodon" by @Greenpepper
Or if you have specific questions about Friendica, feel free to ask here...
@Daniel Supernault
in reply to caos • • •@caos @Daniel Supernault @ericbuijs1 @anubis2814 @Elena Rossini ⁂ @FOSDEM @Sanne Bjerg I actually spent an entire afternoon myself compiling this comprehensive post about Friendica. It was initially designed to be a megathread with resources, but I decided to also add an FAQ and, as a bonus, the
... show more@caos @Daniel Supernault @ericbuijs1 @anubis2814 @Elena Rossini ⁂ @FOSDEM @Sanne Bjerg I actually spent an entire afternoon myself compiling this comprehensive post about Friendica. It was initially designed to be a megathread with resources, but I decided to also add an FAQ and, as a bonus, the list of all human-readable color names that are supported when formatting your text to be colored (because yes, you can format your text in whichever way you want).
Feel free to Ctrl+F anything in your browser to quickly jump to what you need, check the links as well if I did not cover it, and also ask on the forum (@helpers@forum.friendi.ca) if you still don't find what you need. Or you can ask here. I'm all ears 😀
2025-01-11 17:50:24
crossgolf_rebel - kostenlose Kwalitätsposts likes this.
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •i really dont want to spoil the fun here. I appreciate the effort.
But although #signal is much more popular than #matrix their relationship is like #mastodon to #bluesky. Both bluesky and signal have a #proprietary backend. although their frontent is #OpenSource they technically have a single point of failure. server/cluster down == service down
Mastodon and matrix are actual fediverse services which are undestroyable since they are many federated, independent servers.
M. Grégoire reshared this.
Char(cuterie board)
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Number1SummerJam
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Sensitive content
Catharina Bethlehem ☑️ Cath
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Adding Alt-Text to the image would be much appreciated: perkins.org/resource/how-write…
How to Write Alt Text and Image Descriptions for the visually impaired – Perkins School for the Blind
Perkins School for the BlindCatharina Bethlehem ☑️ Cath
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Please, do add #AltText to your image perkins.org/resource/how-write…
#Blind #AltText
How to Write Alt Text and Image Descriptions for the visually impaired – Perkins School for the Blind
Perkins School for the Blind2something likes this.
AnwaltVerein Stuttgart e.V.
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Wir sind noch #neuHier auf #Mastodon. Unsere Accounts auf X, Facebook und Instagram haben wir gelöscht.
Wir sind unseres Wissens der erste #AnwaltVerein im #Fediverse, aber bestimmt nicht der letzte.
Wir würden uns freuen, wenn noch mehr #Rechtsanwälte den Weg hierher fänden. Sprecht Euren Lieblings-, Haus-, Familien- und Unternehmensanwalt einfach auf's #Fediversum an. Es gibt ja für jede große kommerzielle Plattform eine freie Alternative, siehe die grafische Übersicht oben.
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Rae (They/them)
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Adrian Sanabria
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Admiral Gingercide
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •adb
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Ember
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •rua|rí
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •ClassyT
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Riccardo Donato
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Apriloq
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Kaiden Fox
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •hmm, I'll try the TikTok one. TikTok is out of control with the censorship now. They kissed the orange ring.
I can't seem to find it. I highly recommend Neptune but it's just starting beta now. You can sign up for beta but you might be placed on a wait list.
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Bhante Subharo
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •I've been slowly converting family and friends over to #Signal for years now. Here's how usually I do that these days. When a conversation gets into some rather intimate topic - say talk on emotions, or psychology, or other highly private details - then I set a boundary, saying "I'd be willing to discuss this topic further, but only in a more private app like Signal." So I leave them an "out": I'm willing to stay on, say, WhatsApp, *but the conversation has to stay more shallow*.
I also run an #XMPP server (Prosody), but I've had very limited success in getting people to join. Frankly, XMPP is *only* for intrepid geeks at this time, who are willing to put up with several papercuts in usability. Apps like WhatsApp and Signal have "raised the bar" *a lot*, and apps like #Conversations and #Gajim have their work cut out for them to try to catch up to peo
... show moreI've been slowly converting family and friends over to #Signal for years now. Here's how usually I do that these days. When a conversation gets into some rather intimate topic - say talk on emotions, or psychology, or other highly private details - then I set a boundary, saying "I'd be willing to discuss this topic further, but only in a more private app like Signal." So I leave them an "out": I'm willing to stay on, say, WhatsApp, *but the conversation has to stay more shallow*.
I also run an #XMPP server (Prosody), but I've had very limited success in getting people to join. Frankly, XMPP is *only* for intrepid geeks at this time, who are willing to put up with several papercuts in usability. Apps like WhatsApp and Signal have "raised the bar" *a lot*, and apps like #Conversations and #Gajim have their work cut out for them to try to catch up to people's sky-high expectations - they've been spoiled.
*A ton more testing and bug-fixing is still needed to iron out quirks that the different XMPP clients have, in talking to each other.*
This goes especially for #iOS or #iPadOS offerings for XMPP.
aRubes 🎗 reshared this.
Raul Espim
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Esteban Martinez
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Massimiliano Musina
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •I have a quick question... I applied to pixelfed.art a couple of days ago, but no answer yet. Shall I wait more or resend the application? Please let me know if there is anything wrong. My username in the application was "skamu". Thanks!!
peachfiend - they/them 🏳️⚧️
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Kees van Malssen reshared this.
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •nokzemedia
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •gogojack
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Jakob Fel
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •jakofields
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Axis
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •FreedomSteph
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Jörgi
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Samantha Xavia likes this.
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Juancho
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Jupiter Rowland
in reply to Juancho • • •@Juancho @Daniel Supernault Not the only one.
Mike Macgirvin, the creator of Friendica and Hubzilla, has made a whole tree of at least (...counts...) nine forks after Hubzilla, eight of which were nomadic. Two of them still exist.
One is intentionally nameless, intentionally brandless, intentionally not a project and intentionally released into the public domain. Since the community needed to address to it by something, they took the name of the code repository (which needed a name), put parentheses around it and called it (streams).
It's a fork (2021)
... show moreof a fork (Roadhouse; 2021)
of three forks (Osada, Mistpark 2020 a.k.a. Misty, Redmatrix 2020; 2020)
of a fork (Zap; 2018)
of maybe another fork (Osada; non-nomadic; 2018; if Zap was forked
@Juancho @Daniel Supernault Not the only one.
Mike Macgirvin, the creator of Friendica and Hubzilla, has made a whole tree of at least (...counts...) nine forks after Hubzilla, eight of which were nomadic. Two of them still exist.
One is intentionally nameless, intentionally brandless, intentionally not a project and intentionally released into the public domain. Since the community needed to address to it by something, they took the name of the code repository (which needed a name), put parentheses around it and called it (streams).
It's a fork (2021)
of a fork (Roadhouse; 2021)
of three forks (Osada, Mistpark 2020 a.k.a. Misty, Redmatrix 2020; 2020)
of a fork (Zap; 2018)
of maybe another fork (Osada; non-nomadic; 2018; if Zap was forked from Osada rather than directly from Hubzilla;)
of Hubzilla.
(streams) is reduced in features and connectivity in comparison with Hubzilla, but so were the first Osada and Zap. However, in terms of permission control and nomadicity, it's at least up-to-par with Hubzilla. In fact, it isn't quite as difficult to use as Hubzilla because permission handling has been adapted what the Fediverse of the 2020s actually requires as opposed to what a hypothetical Fediverse of the mid-2010s centred around the Red Matrix would require.
I've made a series of tables that compare Mastodon, Friendica, Hubzilla and (streams). You can find them here.
The other still existing fork is Forte from August, 2024. Forte is a direct fork of (streams). It's highly experimental because all support for the Nomad protocol was removed, and it has to rely on ActivityPub for nomadic identity. Thus, it is not officially released yet, it does not have public instances, and it is not recommended as a stable, reliable daily driver yet.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Mastodon #Friendica #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) #Forte
Codeberg.orgDaniel Supernault
in reply to Jupiter Rowland • • •@jupiter_rowland ngl, Mike Macgirvin is one of those generational forces that really changes things.
I know he doesn't like me, but I stan his eloquent ingenuity, devs like him are rare, and I hope we can work together one day!
caos likes this.
Jupiter Rowland reshared this.
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Martin Clavey
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •3dmvr
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •3dmvr
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Samantha Xavia likes this.
Samantha Xavia
in reply to 3dmvr • • •I agree that Lemmy is a great alternative, personally I use my Sharkey instance to interact with Lemmy users and things still but if I could keep with my instance and make it look like Lemmy when I want to use those parts of the Fediverse, I'd love that.
Either way amazing to see more people use the Fediverse
4d tommie
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •meta-morphosis.nl/
Why are people leaving Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp and Twitter?
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Hugo Korterik
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •BongoBaggins
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Paul Giulan
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Matt G
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Jupiter Rowland
in reply to Matt G • • •@Matt Gade
Friendica just got a major update one month ago. On January 1st.
CC: @Daniel Supernault
#FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Friendica
Friendica 2024.12 released – friendica
friendi.caRev. Charles Browning
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •slowmart
in reply to Daniel Supernault • •Just to hopefully assist from newbie perspective, I've been trying Friendica for a few days, I've never used FB so can't compare but I've found Fedilab works well though a little battery hungry and am just trying Raccoon which seems as easy to get around, I found the web interface confusing though.
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •Daniel Supernault
in reply to Arthur • • •Arthur
in reply to Daniel Supernault • • •