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Soap Operas and Me

When I was a kid we first got digital cable or satellite around 2000ish, and one of my favorite things to watch in those first years was all the reruns of old soap operas on SoapNet. I didn't understand what was going on like half the time, but I really enjoyed the drama nonetheless. So I guess I shouldn't be shocked that suddenly in my 30s as I am the weakest I've ever been to pure nostalgia in my life that I've suddenly developed an interest in soap operas again.

I've been watching Dark Shadows and looking for high enough quality versions of the Passions series that don't hurt my eyes as I loved the work by its creator as a kid and watching Dallas and deciding that next week there are a 1-3 daily soaps that I plan to start watching starting on Monday through a couple streaming services I have access to. When I do, I'm going to start doing a post about them once a week, minireviews I guess or documenting my path trying to catch up completely blind to what's happening initially anyway.

in reply to Benny Boo

I think I may have gotten roped into a few storylines on soaps because my older sister would be watching them when I got home from school. The one I revisit often on YouTube is the hilariously camp storyline of Marlena being possessed by Satan in a mid to late 1990s Days of Our Lives storyline. You might enjoy that one!
in reply to Benny Boo

Oh yes I remember that one! That was during James E. Reilly's first stint as the head writer of Days of Our Lives, who'd go on to create Passions. He was the guy who first really brought in supernatural elements and other spooky stuff into the "normal" daytime soaps.