Hvordan kan et vandværk være privatejet? Et energiselskab? Kommunikation? "One of the fundamental 'reforms' pursued by neoliberalism was to privatize these public services (or at least as many as capitalism's servants in government could get away with) transferring collective resources into exclusive ownership. We can still use them, but now, on top of the payment that the state or the customer makes for the actual service provided (water, or sanitation, or thansport, or hospitals, or housing), we have to pay - either individually or as taxpayers - an extra fee to those whose exclusive property the service has become This fee is what we mean by rent. (...) Almost inevitably, privatisation leads to a decline in both access to, and the quality of, public services. There is no mystery about why this should be: the owner's incentive is to extract as much money from the service as possible." (G. Monbiot and P. Hutchison: The Invisible Doctrine)
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