Tig is 8 years old (born in 2017) and acts like she is the Queen. She has the best resting-bitch-face I've ever seen (not pictured here). When it's time to eat, she becomes very vocal. #catsoffriendica #kittensoffriendica #catvideos #cats #kittens #furbabies #caturday
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A calico cat with a mix of black, orange, and white fur is sitting on a purple surface. The cat has large, attentive eyes and is looking slightly to the side. In the background, there is a white toilet, suggesting the cat is in a bathroom. The lighting is soft, highlighting the cat's fur and features.
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A calico cat with a mix of orange, black, and white fur is comfortably sitting in a bathroom sink. The cat is resting on a light-coloured towel that lines the sink. The faucet is visible above the cat's head, and the countertop surrounding the sink has a speckled pattern. The cat has a calm expression with its ears slightly perked up.
#catsoffriendica #kittensoffriendica #catvideos #cats #kittens #furbabies #caturday
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Two kittens snuggling together. One kitten is resting its head on the other, both with their eyes partially closed, giving a relaxed and cozy appearance. The image is in black and white, highlighting the soft fur and gentle expressions of the kittens.
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#catsoffriendica #kittensoffriendica #catvideos #cats #kittens #furbabies #caturday #startrek
Alt Text:
A series of images from a scene featuring characters from "Star Trek: The Next Generation." The character Data, an android, is interacting with Counselor Troi.
- Data, with a joyful expression, says "Spot!"
- A close-up of a cat, presumably Spot, with Data saying, "I am very happy to see you, Spot!"
- Counselor Troi, smiling, says, "Another family reunited."
- Troi, with a concerned expression, asks, "Data? Are you alright?"
- Data, looking uncertain, responds, "I am uncertain, Counselor."
- Data continues, "I am happy to see Spot..."
- Data, with tears in his eyes, says, "...yet I am crying."
- Data, looking puzzled, adds, "Perhaps the chip is malfunctioning."
- Counselor Troi, with a gentle smile, concludes, "I think it's working perfectly."
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Raven is almost a year old (Her birthday is May 28, 2024). She and her sister (Onyx) were adopted from a local shelter. She's all black with a tiny spot of white on her tummy. #catsoffriendica #kittensoffriendica #catvideos #cats #kittens #furbabies
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A black cat is lying on a purple blanket. The cat's eyes are wide open, and it is looking towards the camera. The background is blurred, showing some indistinct shapes and colors, possibly furniture or other objects in a room. The focus is primarily on the cat and the texture of the blanket.
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A black cat is comfortably nestled in a pile of soft, purple blankets. The cat's eyes are wide open, and its ears are perked up, giving it an alert yet relaxed appearance. The lighting is soft, highlighting the cat's sleek fur and the texture of the blankets. The background is blurred, focusing attention on the cat.
#catsoffriendica #kittensoffriendica #catvideos #cats #kittens #furbabies
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A two-panel comic from "Simon's Cat" by Simon Tofield.
In the first panel, a man is lying in bed looking sick, with a thermometer in his mouth and a hot water bottle on his head. The bedside table is cluttered with medicine bottles, a glass of water, and a box of tissues. Used tissues are scattered on the bed and floor. A white cat is standing on the bed, looking at the man.
In the second panel, the man appears to be feeling better, smiling and sitting up in bed. The cat is now lying on his chest, and the man is petting it. The room remains messy with tissues scattered around.
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Happy Caturday! Right now, Meowedith is trying to wake up my wife by meowing at her repeatedly. Gotta love kitty wake-up calls. Oreo was my alarm clock today.
Ugh... anyway... I fell asleep while writing this. That's why it's posted now and not earlier.
#catsoffriendica #kittensoffriendica #catvideos #cats #kittens #furbabies
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A grumpy-looking cartoon cat with fluffy black and white fur sits next to a red coffee mug filled with a hot beverage. The background is a soft pink colour. The text above the cat reads: "There are three types of mornings." Below the cat, the text continues: "Early, too early, and what the hell am I doing up."
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This video shows an Orange kitten in the hands of it's human. The human keeps putting a thumb over top of the kitten's paws and the kitten repeatedly pulls its paws out and putting them onto it's human's thumb.
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Two kittens shown. One has its paws over the other kitten's temples and the meme says Vulcan Mind Meld.
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One panel, black and white cartoon by @JIMMYTRIED
There is a kitty staring up at an analog clock. The clock has the word "Eat" instead of numbers.
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Cartoon with 4 panels.
Panel #1 says "Soft cat bed" and shows a soft, fluffy bed.
Panel # 2 says "Comfy couch cushion," and shows an armchair with a pillow on it.
Panel #3 says, "Warm cat condo," and shows a small cat condo with a scratch post attached.
Panel #4 says, "Sock'" and shows a kitty sleeping on a sock, appearing to be very comfortable.
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#catsofpixelfed #catsofbluesky #catsofmastodon #catsoffriendica #catsoftribel #catsofpeertube #kittensofpixelfed #kittensofbluesky #kittensofmastodon #kittensoffriendica #kittensoftribel #kittensofpeertube #catvideos #cats #kittens #furbabies #caturday
This picture is of an orange and white kitty. The white parts of the kitty (moustache and eyebrows) look like Fu Manchu.
The style of facial hair associated with Fu Manchu in film adaptations has become known as the Fu Manchu moustache. The "Fu Manchu" moustache is defined in the Oxford English Dictionary as a "long, narrow moustache whose ends taper and droop down to the chin", although Rohmer's writings described the character as wearing no such adornment.
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Doesn't this kitty look like Toothless?
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This is not my video.
Adorable void kitty that looks like a black dragon, called Toothless, from the movie How to Train a Dragon. The kitty is meowing up at their human.
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How to Keep Your Cat Busy
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Video shows a box hitting the ground and its followed by a smaller box, egg carton, gift bag, toilet paper rolls. Then they add some treats and the cat jumps in the box.
This is not my video.
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An adorable baby void kitten playing in and around pillows.
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This picture shows a void kitty peering out from a door or wall.
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"What a privilege it is..."
#catsofpixelfed #catsofbluesky #catsofmastodon #catsoffriendica #catsoftribel #catsofpeertube #kittensofpixelfed #kittensofbluesky #kittensofmastodon #kittensoffriendica #kittensoftribel #kittensofpeertube #catvideos #cats #kittens #furbabies #caturday
The picture is of a beautiful kitty, sleeping on a plaid blanket.
"What a privilege it is to have your bed taken up by a small creature who thinks it's the safest place in the world to be."
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What Human Foods Cats can eat?
I'm not 100% sure of the accuracy of this list.
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Title says, "What Human Foods Cats can eat?"
- Broccoli
- Carrots
- Bananas
- Watermelon (seedless)
- Zucchini / Squash
- Blueberries
- Beef
- Poultry (Not Raw)
- Cheese (small portions)
- Asparagus
- Lamb
- Liver
- Boiled Eggs
- Cucumber (no seeds)
- Plain Yoghurt (small portions)
- Broth (unseasoned, no garlic, no salt, no onion)
- Sweet Potato (skinless)
- Peas
- Oats
- Polenta
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Best read with a French accent
#catsofpixelfed #catsofbluesky #catsofmastodon #catsoffriendica #catsoftribel #catsofpeertube #kittensofpixelfed #kittensofbluesky #kittensofmastodon #kittensoffriendica #kittensoftribel #kittensofpeertube #catvideos #cats #kittens #furbabies #caturday #caturdaysaturday
Two pictures of a black and white kitty with what looks like a stereotypical French waiter's moustache.
[best read with a French accent]
"I am so very sorry sir, without a reservation, there is simply nothing I can do for you."
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Kitty Ninja's 02
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Kitties with ninja moves
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Adopt a human
#catsofpixelfed #catsofbluesky #catsofmastodon #catsoffriendica #catsoftribel #kittensofpixelfed #kittensofbluesky #kittensofmastodon #kittensoffriendica #kittensoftribel #catvideos #cats #kittens #furbabies #caturday
An human and cat in an embrace.
This is my human. I rescued her and ever since then she has never been cold or lonely. There are many humans in need, be kind and adopt one.
Georgy The Cat ☑️ reshared this.
Kitty Video Bomb
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The video is clearly supposed to be of a child playing the piano, but a beautiful kitty decides to steal the show. The kitty closes in on the camera with its face blocking the view of the child and the piano.
Sinister Biscuits
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Title: Sinister Biscuits
Two kitties are shown and one of them is "making bread" aka kneading the bread aka happy paw. The one kitty who of making bread has a sinister look on its face as it kneads.
Adorable Baby Tuxedo
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Black and white kitten looking very adorable
Talkative Kitties Compilation I
#catsofpixelfed #catsofbluesky #catsofmastodon #catsoffriendica #catsoftribel #kittensofpixelfed #kittensofbluesky #kittensofmastodon #kittensoffriendica #kittensoftribel #catvideos #cats #kittens #furbabies #caturday
Talkative Kitties Compilation I
Ninja Cats 01
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Video shows a kitty giving itself a bath. Next it shows a human hand petting the kitty right where it had been cleaning itself. Finally, it pans to the kitties face as it looks very annoyed.
Text on the video says, "When I touch the spot where bro was cleaning for two hours." Followed by 4 laughing emojis.
This is one easy way to annoy your cat
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Video shows a kitty giving itself a bath. Next it shows a human hand petting the kitty right where it had been cleaning itself. Finally, it pans to the kitties face as it looks very annoyed.
Text on the video says, "When I touch the spot where bro was cleaning for two hours." Followed by 4 laughing emojis.
"That means it's working."
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Illustrated meme of two aliens and a cat. One alien is holding up the kitty and says, "It's vibrating." The other alien, sitting at a table, replies, "That means it's working."
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Josué X. (foo/vato)
in reply to Semenko • • •Semenko likes this.