"SureFire" isn't exactly a confidence inspiring brand name for lithium batteries.
3 😹 1 12
@phreakmonkey - and it's 100% tested! I mean, it failed the test, that's where the name comes from, but as long as we can put "100%" on the packaging...
@jwcph @phreakmonkey The tests confirmed: it's not just sparking – it's *high quality* sparking!

Hello World

Thought I'd give this a go and see how well this works as an alternative to FB.

This could work if they try and make groups a prominent part of the system. I think that was the one thing that most people don't want to lose is their groups that they have been using for years and years.

Yes, they have their problems of being echo chambers, but hey also help for local communities getting together and doing really amazing things. Cycling is one of those that I've seen.

I expected to be a relatively early user of this site and to cajole friends to join. So far I'm not aware of any who have. But I agree that it would help a lot if something like groups existed here or were more obvious if they do. I've moderated a couple of groups on FB before I left and would gladly do so here. It would really help build community.
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