@Greengordon My opinion: Not all Americans are or will be MAGA- your comment is very unfair and will only hurt USians living in Canada.. Imagine if the liberals lost this year's election and the world said "All Canadians are Maple MAGA Nazis"...how would you feel about being accused of something that horrible? The US is our enemy like Germany was to Europe but please don't' paint all Americans with the same brush. That said, we have to protect ourselves from the US so there's no helping blue states because they need to pressure Trump's admin to stop. Remember, we are sheltering Americans in Canada so words count, we don't want people turning against those who trust us with their very lives.
@Greengordon agreed. You can think we are all maga but we aren't. Does it make a difference to what the govt does? Right now, no. Hopefully that changes. Btw there is a term for judging a person based on their country of origin. If/when this fire is put out, maybe you should think about that.
@demofox I don't think all Americans are MAGA. The point I was trying to make (poorly) is that the further down the fascist road the US goes, and the more they attack Canada, the more Canadians will see all Americans as MAGA. This is what happened to Germans during Hitler's reign.
At some point the distinction between Good Germans and Nazis became irrelevant, no? If the US annexes Canada or continues to wage economic warfare...how long will Canadians feel forgiving toward Americans?
@Greengordon Yes, it did become irrelevant h9owever I prefer we don't go down that road just yet. Yes there is a threat but no one is actually physically invading our country. Yes, we are being threatened economically however we have options and our PM is working on that. REcently someone made a silly comment about spying on neighbours who moved here from the US. I don't want fear and anger to escalate into what could very easily become harassment or violence. Like I said we have people fleeing here for sanctuary. Let's be careful what we say, that's all I was trying to get across I had a school mate whose father was in a Candian Japanese WWII camp. I don't want that to happen again.
@thegarbagebird The road to fascism is lined with people telling the rest of us to calm down and stop over-reacting. That hasn’t worked out well in the US.
it is, but only presupposing that the options are either doomerism or looking the other way.
what about if you are taking steps to build resilient communites? or like, food-banking? getting involved on a local level, showing up to council meetings? school boards? even just checking in with more marginalised or vulnerable neighbours, seeing how they're doing?
i am not asking @Greengordon to calm down, i am hoping they have stepped up.
sure, it probably won't stop america from invading canada (not touching that) but it will be helping solve the problems that make the growing conditions ideal for fascism to take root.
"Finished a meeting with one American from head office and three Canadians. He made multiple comments about #trump annexing Canada, then ended the meeting saying welcome to America."
This sort of thing will make Canadians loathe pretty much all Americans pretty quick.
@thegarbagebird Have you not seen the anger exhibited by Canadians? Did you not notice that Canada’s mini-Trump went from a huge lead in the polls to being tied because Canadians hate and fear Trump and the US government?
@Greengordon i am trying not to be rude here but if you consider yourself a fair representative of canada’s response to the rise of the right then you lost this fight before you knew it was happening.
not canada broadly, just you. i am not writing off your whole country on the basis of your posts, that would be silly.
oh, nah that's just the way i talk, don't worry. i am pretty abrasive, it's something I'm working on. the australian cultural affection of casual profanity, part of the chip on the shoulder of the entire country.
i harbour no ill-will, i certainly don't think you were telling me to fuck off. i am however, still going to fuck off regardless. it's my primary mode of egress these days.
@trabex According to historical records this is not new, but in today's world I do find it appalling and alarming some of us haven't progressed beyond that point.
I say this as a citizen and resident of the U.S. The U.S. is an asshole. It is two-faced, self-serving, and utterly untrustworthy in every sense of that word. If you care about your country at all, you should tell your leaders to have as little to do with the U.S. as possible. Do not buy U.S. goods and services. Do not entry treaties, agreements, accords, etc. with the U.S.
It is and it isn't but I'm not anti-immigration. We're getting the Ukrainian people's absolute heroism at a minuscule price. They pay with their lives defending Europe and I will never forget that.
Also I work in healthcare and HOLY SHIT we are so fucked if idiots keeps voting against immigration...there is noone left doing the work.
@Soulshine We have a huge Ukrainian population in Canada plus a LOT of refugees, and I didn't take your comment as anti-immigration. When I said they were a burden I was thinking of the trainloads of refugees who had no where to go after Russia first attacked (again!) Ukrainian refugees give more to back Canada than they take. They are helping fill skilled jobs vacancies.
(Of course I am not biased, my grandparents were Ukrainian., haha)
Context: We just voted the next government here in Germany last Sunday and Putin's propaganda has given his nazi shills a huge push. They successfully made others join in on their monothematic immigration bs and ignore the climate, etc. Not saying immigration from other countries is bad but imho, Ukraine does not even count. Putin made it clear he wants the continent. They are defending us and we pretend we're giving them handouts. Still, it makes Trump's numbers even more fake.
@Soulshine Putin is a history buff and wants to restore Russia to its "former glory" . Yes, Ukraine is defending the entire western world and too many don't realize this, or want him to win, not sure which.
@Soulshine Convincing the US citizens that supporting Ukraine is somehow expensive was an insane victory for Kremlin propaganda warfare. When in reality it is dirt cheap for the US to make a huge difference for the Ukraine. They can literally just send old equipment that the US troops wouldn't use anyways
now, that is financial aid, and as far as I'm concerned Europe also has helped in other ways, such as accepting ukrainians into their territory, ceasing imports from Russia etc (which I'd guess are greater than the US extra financial efforts)
still, I think we should be using the correct numbers, also because otherwise politicians may overstate their own contributions (aka "mine is bigger")
Russian forces currently occupy around 20 percent of Ukraine, leaving the remaining 80 percent of the country under Ukraine's sovereign control. At the current rate of advance, it would take Russian forces over 83 years to capture the remaining 80
Well, of course you will dispute numbers. I question your numbers because from your "Who we are " page
" We are committed to improving the nation’s ability to execute military operations and respond to emerging threats in order to achieve U.S. strategic objectives"
And looking through your list of Board members simply confirms my suspicion --Retired US General and so on...
That tells me you are incorrect and untrustworthy. So try your propaganda on someone who reads only headlines.
@GottaLaff judge a research by the quality of its methodology, not by the ideology of its researchers.
The report in question provides the sources of all information therein right next to each statement, so you can check them for yourself if you feel suspicious enough.
Ukraineoversight.gov is a publicly accessible, searchable website containing the latest public reports from United States oversight agencies who are members of the Ukraine Oversight Interagency Working Group.
I remember you from about 2 maybe three years ago. We had a similar discussion., you don't remember me because I had a different handle but I remember you and your disinfo BS.
NO NO Sweetie, we are not going to play THAT GAME.
Trump has no clue. He is pushing his own agenda and that of a few billionaires. I am in Canada, and we have a massive boycott against US products and services. Tariffs will destroy the US economy, and our nation is opening new trade partners and deals. We can not put our trust into the US in such big export ways.
Yes, Americans put Japanese in camps, so did Canada. That fear is and the result of it is what I am trying to prevent by telling Canadians to calm down. Not all Americans are MAGA..
Was that the reason why you dropped the link into my replies?
I will do my best to prevent it. I am old. I had a childhood friend whose father was released from one of those camps, before my friend was born. It won't happen here if I have anything to say about it.
@SuneAuken I will see what I can do. bookmarked your request and will look for the person who gave it to me tonight. If for some reason I am distracted and forget please could you get back to me tomorrow with a reminder?
And I will do you one better: Though I find Jarlov reprehensible on numerous other issues I will praise him for this publicly and in Danish if I can only get a secure source. Because if he said this, or anything even close to it, he absoutely deserves praise.
Oh and one more fun detail. I have long considered him a pretty bad sexist (there are some awful quotes) but looking for the other quote I found Andrew F... Tate calling him effimate in much less polished words.
Anyone that can make Andrew Tate speak ill of them deserves my praise.
Ok I did something I never do...opened a link to Xitter.. YECK Here is the original tweet link and I don't have an account so I couldn't copy the image.
I respect anyone who asks for a source. I do my very best to make sure I provide accurate information from credible sources and I always welcome anyone fact checking. I am not perfect. And I try to fact check everything, because well, you know...social media, right?
So do I with the caveat "asks for a source in good faith". And yeah, SoMe. I even found myself sharing it because I liked the statement and only then beginning to doubt it. I deleted my boost, but I will renew it now.
I have a simple reply that really annoys the soc. media sealions...a link to the 9 categories of reply guys, sealion being one.. So when I encounter one I drop the link as a reply wait until I am sure they read it and block.
I like the ocean kind of sea lion too. I used to live on the west coast and would sit on the rocks and watch them playing in the water, or come up on a wharf to lay in the sun. Interesting creatures.
Sure I will share it however I am going to send it via a DM because usually when I send it in a reply people who know me see it as a signal to block the account and I don't want to do that to happen.
BtW...your profile made me laugh "recovering mansplainer" 😂 So watch for the DM
it looks like the USA (and with that I mean the current government or regime) angered the Vikings. And they are furious. Usually the Danes are polite people (from a German perspective).
I agree with Denmark. I just sent that quote from Denmark to the Office of the President and lost my temper in my little note. Unfortunately, I also wrote that Trump was nothing but a convicted rapist and a shambling, knuckle dragging monster. If you would like to "opine", to Trump, send an online note to the Office of the President here: whitehouse.gov/contact/ .
Funny how the US never asks Israel to pay back the money America gives it, but it seems that the US's relationship with everyone else is 100% transactional. They don't have friends or allies - just customers or marks.
It’s not about doing the right thing, not at all. it’s about extorting people in extreme need for his power and advantage. It’s also about allowing an evil country to murder and generally abuse its neighbor, because as the head Russian mole in the US, this is where he lives, in love with extortion and his heart belongs to Putin.
It’s exasperating trying to use logic to convince illogical people of their folly. Please don’t think that most of us are idiots. 350m citizens, 70m who voted for the asshole. Although liberalism seem to grab hold in the 60s, the other side has been pushing back since the beginning, and frankly liberals have not been able to make it work in the face of unbridled capitalists. We’re in deep shit and I pray we don’t take the world down with us.
I am done explaining to some Americans we do not need to be educated about US politics and how projecting their national wilful ignorance onto Canadians and other countries is insulting and arrogant. A lifetime of tolerating that attitude.
The US is infected with a serious illness. It involves STUPID about 70m of them at last count, who perceive that democracy has taken something from them and somehow think that putting a corrupt habitual liar in charge, who dreams of being a dictator will lead to a better outcome for them. There is racism and white privilege involved in the calculation, and at this point, the only possible cure will be pain and suffering inflicted on us because of their poor choices. 😔
@PeasLuvnJustice TO BE CLEAR: People outside the US border are beginning to block Americans who continue to project their ignorance about geopolitics on other counties.
This database lists and quantifies military, financial and humanitarian aid transferred by governments to Ukraine since the end of diplomatic relations between Russia and Ukraine on January 24, 2022. It will be updated regularly.
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •Bold but trrue.
Is it real?
in reply to rludovicus • • •Hamish Buchanan
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •This is the kind of plain speaking that the times require.
in reply to Hamish Buchanan • • •@hamishb "the times"
Feel #Canada will be electing a wartime PM next election.
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •SnowshadowII
in reply to Greengordon • • •My opinion:
Not all Americans are or will be MAGA- your comment is very unfair and will only hurt USians living in Canada..
Imagine if the liberals lost this year's election and the world said "All Canadians are Maple MAGA Nazis"...how would you feel about being accused of something that horrible?
The US is our enemy like Germany was to Europe but please don't' paint all Americans with the same brush. That said, we have to protect ourselves from the US so there's no helping blue states because they need to pressure Trump's admin to stop.
Remember, we are sheltering Americans in Canada so words count, we don't want people turning against those who trust us with their very lives.
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •Btw there is a term for judging a person based on their country of origin. If/when this fire is put out, maybe you should think about that.
in reply to demofox • • •@demofox @Greengordon
Your reply is directed to which of us, please?
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •SnowshadowII
in reply to demofox • • •@demofox @Greengordon
I thought so, it's always good to check.
And hopefully, greengordon is reflecting on what, <checks thread>, three of us have said.
Thanks for speaking up, and I am sorry you were put in a place you felt it was necessary.
sleepy62🍁🛠️ 🖥️ 🔬 🌞
in reply to demofox • • •@demofox @Greengordon
The story currently on the front page of CBC is relevant to this thread.
#Cndpoli #USpol #Canada #USA
reshared this
Rasta reshared this.
in reply to sleepy62🍁🛠️ 🖥️ 🔬 🌞 • • •@sleepy62
Oh yes!! I saw this yesterday. Awesome story and it proves my point. Thank you for adding it to the thread.
@demofox @Greengordon
in reply to demofox • • •I don't think all Americans are MAGA. The point I was trying to make (poorly) is that the further down the fascist road the US goes, and the more they attack Canada, the more Canadians will see all Americans as MAGA. This is what happened to Germans during Hitler's reign.
in reply to Greengordon • • •Greengordon
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •At some point the distinction between Good Germans and Nazis became irrelevant, no? If the US annexes Canada or continues to wage economic warfare...how long will Canadians feel forgiving toward Americans?
"The US is our enemy like Germany was to Europe"
in reply to Greengordon • • •Yes, it did become irrelevant h9owever I prefer we don't go down that road just yet.
Yes there is a threat but no one is actually physically invading our country.
Yes, we are being threatened economically however we have options and our PM is working on that.
REcently someone made a silly comment about spying on neighbours who moved here from the US.
I don't want fear and anger to escalate into what could very easily become harassment or violence.
Like I said we have people fleeing here for sanctuary. Let's be careful what we say, that's all I was trying to get across
I had a school mate whose father was in a Candian Japanese WWII camp. I don't want that to happen again.
Alessandro Corazza 🇨🇦
in reply to Greengordon • • •SnowshadowII
in reply to Alessandro Corazza 🇨🇦 • • •binchicken
in reply to Greengordon • • •@Greengordon o you’re just being a bit of a doomer. well that's not interesting.
good luck with it though.
in reply to binchicken • • •The road to fascism is lined with people telling the rest of us to calm down and stop over-reacting. That hasn’t worked out well in the US.
in reply to Greengordon • • •That's a good point.
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •it is, but only presupposing that the options are either doomerism or looking the other way.
what about if you are taking steps to build resilient communites? or like, food-banking? getting involved on a local level, showing up to council meetings? school boards? even just checking in with more marginalised or vulnerable neighbours, seeing how they're doing?
i am not asking @Greengordon to calm down, i am hoping they have stepped up.
sure, it probably won't stop america from invading canada (not touching that) but it will be helping solve the problems that make the growing conditions ideal for fascism to take root.
in reply to binchicken • • •@thegarbagebird
Recent post from @maleve
"Finished a meeting with one American from head office and three Canadians. He made multiple comments about #trump annexing Canada, then ended the meeting saying welcome to America."
This sort of thing will make Canadians loathe pretty much all Americans pretty quick.
in reply to Greengordon • • •@Greengordon cool story. how does your fixating on that help? did that fight fascism?
@SnowshadowII @maleve
in reply to binchicken • • •@thegarbagebird @maleve
Fixating, eh? Bye
Jason Bowen 🇺🇦
in reply to Greengordon • • •Quite a few of us get it. It's depressing as fuck, but I certainly understand why. We fucking elected the guy twice.
in reply to Greengordon • • •@Greengordon outsider here.
that's straight up not true. i have no idea why you would say that.
who does it benefit to say that?
in reply to binchicken • • •Have you not seen the anger exhibited by Canadians? Did you not notice that Canada’s mini-Trump went from a huge lead in the polls to being tied because Canadians hate and fear Trump and the US government?
in reply to Greengordon • • •binchicken
in reply to Greengordon • • •@Greengordon i am trying not to be rude here but if you consider yourself a fair representative of canada’s response to the rise of the right then you lost this fight before you knew it was happening.
not canada broadly, just you.
i am not writing off your whole country on the basis of your posts, that would be silly.
in reply to binchicken • • •binchicken
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •sorry for the scorched earth
in reply to binchicken • • •no one said to f-off. @Greengordon
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •oh, nah that's just the way i talk, don't worry.
i am pretty abrasive, it's something I'm working on. the australian cultural affection of casual profanity, part of the chip on the shoulder of the entire country.
i harbour no ill-will, i certainly don't think you were telling me to fuck off. i am however, still going to fuck off regardless. it's my primary mode of egress these days.
in reply to binchicken • • •@thegarbagebird
Where did I say anything like this?
"if you consider yourself a fair representative of canada’s response"
I specifically mentioned polls and other Canadians.
Marga Xeyat Ⓐ
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •Arthur P. Johnson
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •SnowshadowII
in reply to Arthur P. Johnson • • •Joe GANIO-MEGO
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •SnowshadowII
in reply to Joe GANIO-MEGO • • •@joeganiomego
"Trump diplomacy" is an oxymoron.
Mark reshared this.
Winter Trabex
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •SnowshadowII
in reply to Winter Trabex • • •According to historical records this is not new, but in today's world I do find it appalling and alarming some of us haven't progressed beyond that point.
Gilbert Pilz
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •Mark reshared this.
in reply to Gilbert Pilz • • •@gpilz
We are doing exactly that.
Jay 🇺🇦
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •SnowshadowII
in reply to Jay 🇺🇦 • • •Jay 🇺🇦
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •It is and it isn't but I'm not anti-immigration. We're getting the Ukrainian people's absolute heroism at a minuscule price. They pay with their lives defending Europe and I will never forget that.
Also I work in healthcare and HOLY SHIT we are so fucked if idiots keeps voting against immigration...there is noone left doing the work.
reshared this
M and Capybara reshared this.
in reply to Jay 🇺🇦 • • •@Soulshine
We have a huge Ukrainian population in Canada plus a LOT of refugees, and I didn't take your comment as anti-immigration.
When I said they were a burden I was thinking of the trainloads of refugees who had no where to go after Russia first attacked (again!)
Ukrainian refugees give more to back Canada than they take.
They are helping fill skilled jobs vacancies.
(Of course I am not biased, my grandparents were Ukrainian., haha)
M reshared this.
Jay 🇺🇦
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •SnowshadowII reshared this.
in reply to Jay 🇺🇦 • • •Yes, Ukraine is defending the entire western world and too many don't realize this, or want him to win, not sure which.
in reply to Jay 🇺🇦 • • •SnowshadowII reshared this.
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •eh, my sources say it is actually a tie:
now, that is financial aid, and as far as I'm concerned Europe also has helped in other ways, such as accepting ukrainians into their territory, ceasing imports from Russia etc (which I'd guess are greater than the US extra financial efforts)
still, I think we should be using the correct numbers, also because otherwise politicians may overstate their own contributions (aka "mine is bigger")
Institute for the Study of War
Institute for the Study of WarSnowshadowII
in reply to hsolerkalinovski • • •Well, of course you will dispute numbers.
I question your numbers because from your "Who we are " page
" We are committed to improving the nation’s ability to execute military operations and respond to emerging threats in order to achieve U.S. strategic objectives"
And looking through your list of Board members simply confirms my suspicion --Retired US General and so on...
That tells me you are incorrect and untrustworthy.
So try your propaganda on someone who reads only headlines.
Edit: Interesting you say your from brazil.
look at this BS!⬆️
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •@GottaLaff judge a research by the quality of its methodology, not by the ideology of its researchers.
The report in question provides the sources of all information therein right next to each statement, so you can check them for yourself if you feel suspicious enough.
The 180 billion$ US aid statement is backed by
which is a government website used by researchers
Your turn, which sources can you provide which are better than mine and contradict me?
Ukraine OversightSnowshadowII
in reply to hsolerkalinovski • • •@hsolerkalinovski @GottaLaff
I remember you from about 2 maybe three years ago. We had a similar discussion., you don't remember me because I had a different handle but I remember you and your disinfo BS.
NO NO Sweetie, we are not going to play THAT GAME.
Bye bye.
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •#ReplyGuy among other things.
I'm in no mood. + 13 followers in 2 years.
#Toodles @hsolerkalinovski
SnowshadowII reshared this.
in reply to Laffy • • •@GottaLaff @hsolerkalinovski
Yeah I was about to say the same.
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •SnowshadowII
in reply to JoanaReisNunes • • •Alice. 🇨🇦
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •SnowshadowII
in reply to Alice. 🇨🇦 • • •SnowshadowII
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •Tirrimas
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •Seth Galitzer
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •SnowshadowII
in reply to Seth Galitzer • • •@sgsax
And it's hell for USians who are not.
Seth Galitzer
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •xs4me2
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •Ørum
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •WayneOToole
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •Mark reshared this.
in reply to WayneOToole • • •Why do you sound like you are repeating my words back to me?
in reply to WayneOToole • • •@BWayneOT
I am Canadian
Unknown parent • • •@Extra_Special_Carbon
Bingo!! Yes!! That is why Trump's claims are so ridiculous.
Thank you for making this point.
Unknown parent • • •Yes, Americans put Japanese in camps, so did Canada.
That fear is and the result of it is what I am trying to prevent by telling Canadians to calm down. Not all Americans are MAGA..
Was that the reason why you dropped the link into my replies?
Simon Zerafa
Unknown parent • • •@Extra_Special_Carbon
All of that money going to US manufacturing is keeping people employed and paying taxes.
They then spend their salaries with local businesses keeping the economy running.
Unknown parent • • •Edit: clarity
I will do my best to prevent it.
I am old. I had a childhood friend whose father was released from one of those camps, before my friend was born.
It won't happen here if I have anything to say about it.
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •Moeveninsel
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •Dopes The Frogman
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •SnowshadowII
in reply to Dopes The Frogman • • •Sune Auken
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •I have been unable to find this quote in Danish media.
Jarlov (whom I otherwise have grave reservations against) has been commedably clear against Trump on other points, so I'm not ruling it out at all.
But I would greatly appreciate a better source.
Sune Auken
in reply to Sune Auken • • •SnowshadowII
in reply to Sune Auken • • •Sune Auken
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •I absolutely will.
And I will do you one better: Though I find Jarlov reprehensible on numerous other issues I will praise him for this publicly and in Danish if I can only get a secure source. Because if he said this, or anything even close to it, he absoutely deserves praise.
Sune Auken
in reply to Sune Auken • • •Oh and one more fun detail. I have long considered him a pretty bad sexist (there are some awful quotes) but looking for the other quote I found Andrew F... Tate calling him effimate in much less polished words.
Anyone that can make Andrew Tate speak ill of them deserves my praise.
in reply to Sune Auken • • •@SuneAuken
Ok I did something I never do...opened a link to Xitter.. YECK Here is the original tweet link and I don't have an account so I couldn't copy the image.
Sune Auken
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •Thank you. Much obliged.
Pity, indeed that it is on the nazi-site because it makes praising him harder.
But a promise is a promise and I will praise him for this.
reshared this
Sune Auken, Dom Arbuthnott and Lazarou Monkey Terror 🚀💙🌈 reshared this.
Sune Auken
in reply to Sune Auken • • •SnowshadowII
in reply to Sune Auken • • •@SuneAuken
For some reason I have a mental block with that!!! SMH. I never get it right!! I understand the steps to take and screw it up every time.
Sune Auken
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •SnowshadowII
in reply to Sune Auken • • •SnowshadowII
in reply to Sune Auken • • •@SuneAuken
I respect anyone who asks for a source. I do my very best to make sure I provide accurate information from credible sources and I always welcome anyone fact checking. I am not perfect. And I try to fact check everything, because well, you know...social media, right?
Sune Auken
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •SnowshadowII
in reply to Sune Auken • • •"in good faith"
Yes!! Sealions often begin with source please then question the source and we all know where that leads to.🤦♀️ 😅
Sune Auken
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •Sealions are the worst.
(And me being such a lover of actual sealions. I adore sea lions, Sea lions should sue the bloody sea lions for smearing their good name.)
in reply to Sune Auken • • •@SuneAuken
I have a simple reply that really annoys the soc. media sealions...a link to the 9 categories of reply guys, sealion being one.. So when I encounter one I drop the link as a reply wait until I am sure they read it and block.
I like the ocean kind of sea lion too. I used to live on the west coast and would sit on the rocks and watch them playing in the water, or come up on a wharf to lay in the sun. Interesting creatures.
Sune Auken
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •Would you share that link too. I'd like to have it.
Yes, greedy b'tard, I know.
in reply to Sune Auken • • •@SuneAuken
Sure I will share it however I am going to send it via a DM because usually when I send it in a reply people who know me see it as a signal to block the account and I don't want to do that to happen.
BtW...your profile made me laugh "recovering mansplainer" 😂
So watch for the DM
Sune Auken reshared this.
Reiner Jung
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •KrazyKat
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •Scott Bracken
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •Contact Us – The White House
The White Housereshared this
SnowshadowII and Lazarou Monkey Terror 🚀💙🌈 reshared this.
in reply to Scott Bracken • • •@Glurbo1
I hope you are using a VPN, Tor, and a junk email address. You don't want the authorities knocking on your door.
Annette Peter 🧜🏻♂️🦂🦁🇪🇺
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •SnowshadowII
in reply to Annette Peter 🧜🏻♂️🦂🦁🇪🇺 • • •Phracker
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •Mark reshared this.
Unknown parent • • •a fish named dog 🎗️
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •Bssr4 (TЯ☭M₽ )
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •Mark reshared this.
in reply to Bssr4 (TЯ☭M₽ ) • • •John_Loader
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •Kingbeard
in reply to SnowshadowII • •Mark likes this.
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •It’s not about doing the right thing, not at all. it’s about extorting people in extreme need for his power and advantage. It’s also about allowing an evil country to murder and generally abuse its neighbor, because as the head Russian mole in the US, this is where he lives, in love with extortion and his heart belongs to Putin.
Comprehensive labels: quintessential corrupt, mob boss, psychopath, immoral and despicable, egomaniac Capitalist.
in reply to Huntn00 • • •Huntn00
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •SnowshadowII
in reply to Huntn00 • • •Huntn00
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •SnowshadowII
in reply to Huntn00 • • •and there we go. I sent you my post about this and you ignored my boundaries.
in reply to Huntn00 • •SnowshadowII
in reply to djans • • •SnowshadowII
in reply to Huntn00 • • •@Huntn00 I just posted this
2025-02-26 14:45:52
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •SnowshadowII
in reply to Huntn00 • • •Luuk_Aalders
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •SnowshadowII
in reply to Luuk_Aalders • • •KChernecky For Democracy
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •SnowshadowII
in reply to KChernecky For Democracy • • •@PeasLuvnJustice
TO BE CLEAR: People outside the US border are beginning to block Americans who continue to project their ignorance about geopolitics on other counties.
It comes off as arrogant and insulting.
Marcel Waldvogel
in reply to SnowshadowII • • •Here is the source of the infographic (plus other nice infographics): usnews.com/news/best-countries…
And here is the data source: ifw-kiel.de/publications/ukrai…
Ukraine Support Tracker Data | Kiel Institute
Kiel InstituteJoanna Bryson, blathering reshared this.