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Jupiter Rowland reshared this.

in reply to Georgiana Brummell

I was planning on running but I'm a bit worried about the development of the software. Latest announcement of a release was april 2024, and I do see they released a new version a while ago I don't see any announcement or changelog about it.

But maybe I'll setup one where you can test it.

in reply to Georgiana Brummell

the acoma software is just acoma, anything else on top is probably a fork. From what I know, the web interface for acoma is good, but I don't know how good or how accessible. My opinion would be to pick an instance at random, then try it out without logging in, to see if the ui works for you...if it's accessible enough and so on, then log in. Acoma does have mastodon compatibility, so you can use mastodon clients with it, but follows on acoma are plane follows, so if you follow someone, you see their posts too, it's not just a number going up or something like that, if that's what you ment.