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Hm. I've successfully managed to #block a bunch of in-reality-all-from-the-same-sender profiles from my viewing via browser,
but they're all there when I view via #raccoonforfriendica, and they don't disappear even if I (re-)block them there.

I sort of assumed that blocking was connected to the profile, not as an Addon,
so I guess it's something not yet sorted out in Raccoon for Friendica ?

#error #app #Android #Friendica
v. 0.4.1-beta07

in reply to phle

and they are properly blocked when viewing via the Fedilab app.
in reply to phle

Ok, I
- cleared the cache
- cleared the app storage
and then re-logged in again.

NOW they're finally out of sight.

(And it's not just that it was old cached posts - I saw a seconds old message, over new messages from other posters, so they were definitely not "blocked" before.)

I had the same problem before — not being able to comment —which also was solved by memory-emptying and re-login ...
(not app-beta, that was 0.4.0 from F-droid; this is 0.4.1-beta08, from Google Play).
