I'm starting to get the hang of things here. Mobile site is quite user friendly so that's good. Still not sure how to remove the dislike option from my posts (I don't care if someone doesn't like what I say -lol!) or how to create different types of friends lists. Eventually I'll work that out. Now if I can convince my FB friends that it's worth the learning curve to try it out over here. 🙌
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in reply to Helen Jojo Blackforest • •Helen Jojo Blackforest likes this.
Helen Jojo Blackforest
in reply to Sunshine • •Sunshine likes this.
in reply to Helen Jojo Blackforest • • •@Helen Jojo Blackforest Hello! Yes, I can. However, there is a setting that makes people unable to do so, if you wish so:
It's under Settings>Account>Security and Privacy Settings
Helen Jojo Blackforest
in reply to Cătă • •Cătă likes this.
Helen Jojo Blackforest
in reply to Cătă • •Cătă likes this.
in reply to Helen Jojo Blackforest • •like this
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