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in reply to A.Lindahl


I think that maybe you wanted to add it as an image instead of as a link?

image of upside-down cat

[img=]image of upside-down cat[/img]
(so: [img=link]alt-text[/img])

in reply to phle

Hm ... weird. My comment looked fine in the Preview. Then I pressed Submit, and everything went superslow, and I just get the alt-text ...

I wonder if the servers are busy, or if I did something wrong. 🤔

in reply to phle

Yeah, thanks, I'm just trial and erroring my way here, and it seems like some weird things aren’t even ny errors.
in reply to A.Lindahl

Näkyykö mun vanhemmat postaukset sulle vai vaan toi yks kissakuva, jonka postasin sun liittymisen jälkeen?