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I thought this world was made for every man

I'm a massive Stevie Wonder enthusiast. When he was at the top of his game, he was one of the most gifted musicians and songwriters ever to exist.

This LP comes smack bang in the middle of what is widely considered to be his creative peak.

Every time I listen to it, it leaves me flabbergasted at how one person can produce such beautiful, thoughtful work, where the same music can be enjoyed on a superficial, singalong level or can leave me breathless with its beauty and complexity.

There's a decent podcast covering this part of Wonder's career, The Wonder of Stevie, which is well worth checking out.…

There's also this live performance on YouTube, where they are just fucking smashing it:…

in reply to John Spithead

Three days later and I've still got Boogie On Reggae Woman as an earworm.