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Something occurred to me

So... we have learned that the plane that crashed into the helicopter, that only had 30 seconds to respond, happened when an air traffic controller was working in two positions at once.

Which, in turn, was because Trump disobeyed a direct Congressional order requiring him to hire the maximum number of air traffic controllers.

Trump responded by saying the person responsible was a DEI hire. The person responsible, of course is Trump.

This is a remarkable level of self awareness on his part, one I did not think he was capable of.

in reply to Jessica Pennell

While the Trump angle is interesting from a political and 'who to blame' point of view I am most amazed that something like this could happen from a technical point of view.

We have two Identified Flying Objects in one of the most sensitive airspace in the world.

Two flying computers who's exact location in 3D-space and heading must have been know. And somehow they manage to collide. In 2025.

That should not have been possible.

in reply to Jessica Pennell

I agree with @Walter Vermeir The most intriguing aspect of this is that with all the technology on the conveyances, and on the ground, HOW did it happen. I'm not interested in the WHO until we know the HOW! To handle a tragedy in any other order is just political charlatanism!
in reply to James Michael Elmore

James, while I would ordinarily agree, the fact there was one air traffic controller working two jobs is a structural problem that directly contributed to the human pilot only having 30 seconds to reply. The air traffic controller did, in fact, know a collision was eminent as evidenced by their voice recording. So the puzzle Walter helpfully illustrated for us is one we already have the answer to. If the pilot had responded as the air traffic controller directed in time, this incident would not have occurred and the helicopter would have seen, vocally acknowledged, and passed behind the plane. The controller, instead, did not give the pilot enough time to comply because that controller was trying to be in two places at once.
in reply to Jessica Pennell

I do realize this is a politically charged situation. Nonetheless, the reason this happened from a quality assurance perspective is because of understaffing and that problem cannot be resolved at all without, at the point we are now, addressing the humans and chains of command that directly caused this. It is not political charlatinism though I see how you could come to that conclusion. It is instead, completely unavoidable if we want to address the underlying problem.

I suspect you did not know the situation fully before replying to me?

in reply to Jessica Pennell

in reply to Jessica Pennell

I am going to assume that's the case. The telegraph has a medium conservative (ranked 44% right) bias, so this should be a fair article.…