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synchronisation between instances

!Friendica Support I just noticed that my Friendica account is listed as a mutual on my mastodon instance. My Friendica instance however lists my mastodon account as just following, and not as a follower. Do I have to do something extra? I already tried selecting my mastodon account on Friendica and clicking on update but that did not help.

gargle reshared this.

in reply to gargle

Do you possibly have got an open follow request from that account?
in reply to Michael 🇺🇦

@heluecht I have to answer from my mastodon instance as appears to be messed up. I can see your reply to my posting in the group on mastodon, but I cannot see your reply on gave a timeout 5 minutes ago. It's back up, but very slow and times out with a 504 every now and then. I have one pending request open on Friendica, but for a different person. I'll hold on and will check in a couple of hours again.
in reply to gargle

@Michael Vogel I now can see your reply on Friendica. It only appeared 57 minutes ago while you posted it 11 hours ago. The instanse was acting up.

About the mutuals, can it be that Friendica only shows a person as a mutual if that person is on friendica as well? I have one mutual here on Friendica, and that happens to be another Friendica user. I also follow my mastodon account on (and on I follow my Friendica account. Mastodon sees my Friendica account as a mutual).

My mastodon account on Friendica, listed as just a follower:

My Friendica account on mastodon, listed as a mutual:

Friendica Support reshared this.

in reply to gargle

The communication between Friendica servers are done in the same way as between Mastodon an Friendica. So possibly there had been some hiccup in the system. Once the server stabilizes, you could try to unfollow and refollow again.
in reply to gargle

It took a couple of tries and there were a couple of 'user not found' messages when following and unfollowing my mastodon account. A final "re-fetch contact data" turned my mastodon account in a mutual. All is well now.

Now back to…, the presentation that lead me into this adventure 😁

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