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Update. check comments. As usual, it's not fully accessible. Why, I don't know.
I just found something wonderful! It's an automatic way for me to find groups that interest me. Basically, when I add a hash tag to a post, sometimes, I get added to a community. For instance, the theatre tag added me to their community. There, I find all sorts of related posts. But I don't take their advice about not adding said groups to my timeline, because I want to see what others have to say! Regardless, along with the pages I found for topics, etc. this is a great way to add interests, and with luck, to make new friends!

in reply to Georgiana Brummell

Well, I thoughtit was good. Then, I went to and saw "button, button, button", with no labels! I have no clue what these are, nor can I search for communities, which I wanted to do. I don't understand why such a basic thing is inaccessible.

#accessibility #blindness #NVDA #websites #Windows

in reply to Georgiana Brummell

Newsmast seems *very* responsive on here. You should tag them in a post talking about the inaccessibility. That type of thing is *usually* received well on the Fediverse. @The Newsmast Foundation
in reply to end0fline

@end0fline @The Newsmast Foundation That is truly a wonderful surprise! Usually, when I mention accessibility, especially to large groups, I get a generic "thank you for writing to us", if anything. I find that I have better luck with small companies, organisations, etc. I am very glad to learn that this will be a positive experience. Truly, this is a good resource for finding and adding groups, which is why I was baffled at its inaccessibility. It was only a few buttons that weren't labelled. My guess is that these are the ones for searching. I am more than willing to work with anyone who wishes to make a site, page, or program accessible. I am not a programmer, but I am very seriously considering becoming an accessibility tester.
in reply to Georgiana Brummell

Hi Georgiana, thanks for checking out our Community Feeds.They were built to help users here find people with similar interests so hopefully you can make some new friends as you said!

However, we're sorry you've encountered accessibility issues with the Feeds. We know accessibility still has a long way to come, even in a progressive space like this, and we'd like to help.

If you let us know what has made the experience with Community Feeds inaccessible we'll see what we can do.

in reply to Newsmast Foundation

@The Newsmast Foundation I sincerely thank you for your prompt response. This is quite interesting. While using Supermium (a modern fork of Chrome that works on Windows XP to 11) with 11 and NVDA (latest version), when I go to your site, at the top, there are five buttons that just say "button". Then, there is the "Explore" button, and then an article ("Why trust is a strong incentive for environmentally conscious businesses"). Next to that is another "button". Then, "BookmarkCopy link", then another "button". Next to that are tags which I can read. The other posts all follow a similar outline. I tried the "Explore" button, but there was no list of categories and no edit box for me to type a search into. I then used the latest version of Firefox with Windows 11 and NVDA, and the site looked quite different. There is a "button" at the top, but I also see "Home", "Search", Communities", "Log in with Mastodon", Two links that say "id6449272049 details" and "", then the "Explore" button. Next to that, there are stories, with the same two unlabelled buttons as before, and the ""BookmarkCopy Link." When I clicked on the "Search" button, it asked me to sign in to Mastodon. I'm not sure why. When I clicked "Communities", I saw different categories/communities listed. I went to "All Communities" and then "see more". I saw actual categories this time. I chose one, and saw the various communities connected to it. But I also saw more unlabelled buttons, and a "Right" button, which I don't understand. I clicked on one, but it looked a bit different from when I saw the other communities that I had been tagged in. I had to click "see more" to find a "Follow" button, but unlike previously, it just asked me to sign in to Mastodon, instead of letting me add the community to my Friendica instance.
in reply to Georgiana Brummell

Hi again Georgiana, thank you so much for explaining your experience in detail.

The Newsmast app is, unfortunately, behind where we would like it to be in terms of accessibility. We have plans to improve this (alongside fixing a few of the bugs which have been lingering) but we first need to find some funding!

For that reason, - our new (paid) service for orgs - is our current focus. (1/2)

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Newsmast Foundation

We hope to return to the Newsmast app soon. When we do, we will be sure to use this description you have provided.

For now, you should be able to use the Community Feeds by following the Feed accounts - we know you said you didn't mind the high activity but feel free to put them in a list! That way they should work with a client that suits your needs more closely.

If you're interested can follow our progress on our co-founders blog: (2/2)

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Newsmast Foundation

@The Newsmast Foundation Thank you, yet again, for your encouraging response. At least you are aware of it and are taking steps to remedy it, which is more than I can say for many. I sincerely wish you the best with regard to funding. Your service is an excellent one.