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Many should be separate for more sustainability that's needed

There is a tipping point we would be very close to. Cities are not sustainable and they will not just start being sustainable enough. Taking more than what this world continually provides can't go on. But staying with civilization is just trying to do that. Many should really depart from it and be growing all the things for themselves with those along with them.…

Impact on natural environments should not be so much

All that is with civilization just as animal agriculture has such a great environmental impact. We should see how we would be involved with what has almost no environmental impact, with simple living along with others away from civilization, with what we produce there ourselves, that we can do that.…

Is not aĺl our modern world we live in all artificial? It is, deep within we know that. But we ourselves are not. We are natural.
in reply to Free and Natural

We can admit that, and that we do not belong to an artificial world. But we are lost, alienated, and disconnected from what is natural for us. I spread my message online that alternative ways to this way we have are important to us to find, and that we should come to.

Barbarism, meaning oxymoronic unto itself


Is its meaning ‘absence of civilization’, or ‘extreme cruelty and brutality’? It’s the only word I can think of that is oxymoronic unto itself. Unlikely pre-civ humanways were as cruel and brutal en masse as rotating cohorts of civilized humans have been and continue to be. Barbarism’s commonly connoted meaning manifests not so much in wild humans, as in civilization’s enforced compliance with authoritarianism, power hierarchy, domination and exploitation. It’s not like groups of humans at war or whatever return indigenous. They get uber violent, rape pillage & plunder as civilized beings. After they get it out of their system, most return to civilization’s preferred norms, proud tax paying citizens. Civilization has barbarism built in.

On the edge of oblivion and all the world is Babylon, and all the love and everyone a ship of fools sailing on.

Resources are not enough to continue with how we have things

The use of resources from all of us in civilization is taking more than what this world continually provides. It is not rocket science to understand this can't go on. But staying with civilization is just trying to do that. Many should really depart from it and be growing all the things for themselves with those along with them.…

We need to be here in a different way

Efforts to save civilization may be noble, while still with it continuing there is more destruction and ruining this world. It might not continue so long, but many people, if they leave cities and anything of civilization to live on land in small groups growing all they can there to subsist that way separately, would continue on, while civilization will not go on past the catastrophic disasters. It could not last forever in this limited world as it gets ruined with the demands that always will come with civilization. The technology that ruins this world cannot be what can save it.…

Living differently is needed

The government is not very responsive to the scientific community. There would be collapse from what can be seen now. We are in a world that is not unlimited, and we should not just be using everything. Using it like there is no tomorrow is what is happening still while voices of the concerned are yet disregarded. Resources dwindle and environments are being diminished, and there is a great rate of extinction of species, going on right now. Oceans are being depleted of fish and other creatures there.