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The adoption of a cat with Safe Haven Egypt (SHE)

Sir Drake


First post & introduction

Hi World,

I may be wrong but I believe I am the first 'Cats for adoption' group here 😀

I am @Walter Vermeir and I do promotion for a cat rescue in Egypt online. The rescue Save Haven Egypt (SHE) in Cairo.

I have a website where I advertise the cats up for adoption kattenadopterenuitegypte.verme…. And also on a very long lists of platforms.

Main platform is Facebook. I do not very much like FB. But it is where most of the people are. There is no denying that.

I also post in very small 'Cats for adoption' FB-groups. You never know, you need only one person looking for a cat willing to go a cat from abroad.

So ... I will see of I can also post my cats here.

Do I honestly expect to get cats here adopted? - No. But please, prove me wrong!

I may be biased but she SHE cats are the best!
